Let Love Be Your Guide

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: Let Your Love and Light Be Your Guide
3.)  The Mirror of Enthusiasm
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Truly, God's Angel
6.)  The Noosphere and Playing on the Hologram

Isis' Message of the Day -
There are Cosmic Laws that function regardless of how you on Earth or the products of any other evolutionary impulses might feel about them. The Universe is an orderly place in its infinity and therefore not by nature anarchistic. I am sorry to disappoint those of you who are looking for an excuse to give vent to your destructive and negative tensions. Just as the effect of combining certain chemicals can be guranteed, so it is with Cosmic Laws which are constant throughout all creation.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Blessings to all. We surround you in love. We surround you in hope. We offer you comfort in your times of need. We send messages through your music and your dreams. We are here to remind you of the blessing you are and of your greatness. We believe in you. We bless you. We love you. You are a shining "jewel" that is lovely to behold. The "jewel" is where your connection to source resides. If you imagine brilliant light emanating from the "jewel" and the facets causing the light to shimmer and radiate, then you begin to get a glimpse of the beauty that you are. For you are truly a "jewel" of God/Source. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"
www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   * 

SaLuSa: Let Your Love and Light Be Your Guide
June 23, 2010
Once you get your teeth into something there is no letting go, and it cheers us immensely to see your determination to lift your levels of consciousness. They are progressing in leaps and bounds, and as they do so they are bringing other dear souls out of their old dream world, into the reality of who they really are. People all over the world are responding to the higher energies flowing into the Earth’s grid. Suddenly what you need to do to put your evolution onto a different path is becoming clear. Most importantly you realize that you have the power to change the direction that Humanity was heading into, and put it on course for Ascension. The old World Order no longer has the control over you that has led you blindly into their clutches. Their domination of you has been severely weakened by your awakening, and your desire to create a new reality that brings peace to the world.
What is also clear is that you are able to hold your focus on the wonderful future you visualize, and are no longer fooled by the tactics to distract you from it. It is your belief in the future that is giving you the strength to rise up against those who would put obstacles in your way. As you now know, everything is possible when you set your minds firmly on what you want for the good of all. It was always seen that you would eventually have sufficient understanding of what was required of you, to succeed in creating the peaceful existence denied you previously. Duality has shown you what happens when the Light has been suppressed, and how it deadens your senses to your ability to rise above any difficulties. It is now the time for you to claim your sovereignty, and collectively demand that your rights are honored.
Meantime the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is attracting worldwide attention, and even those countries that are not immediately affected are extremely concerned at its threat to the ecology. It has highlighted the dangers of continuing with your dependence on fossil fuels. A serious look at alternative sources of energy is needed, and as you know by now they already exist and are pollution free, but have been suppressed and ignored by Governments who are beholden to the big oil and energy corporations. The changes will be enforced and the multi-nationals will be re-structured, so that they no longer have such influence and power. Freedom of the people will be the object of First Contact, and the establishment of a system where the wealth of the world can be fairly distributed. The next step will be to banish poverty and we are well prepared to ensure it is quickly carried out.
We have often intimated that times would get worse before there were changes for the better. You are entering such a period, but you are more prepared to see it out now because of your understanding of the issues involved. More to the point, you know that at the same time our allies and we are on the verge of achieving our aims to put our plan into operation. It is still the timing that is of importance, and we are helping create the ideal conditions to enable the go ahead. We are not idle while we wait for the order to do so and still closely monitor all activities on Earth. They are under our control so that we can exercise limitation where massive damage is likely. We have been doing it for a long time, so as to ensure you safely reach the end time.
Now is the time when great decisions are being made, and that applies equally to individuals as well as groups, who can decide your future. The calls for changes reach the ears of those in power, and they dare not ignore you for too long. Those who are well known in their own right also help your cause, and we applaud them for seeing the people of the world as One. The feeling of being your Brothers keeper, comes with having compassion and love for all life. That is what has been lacking for a long time, but with the increasing levels of consciousness more of you are opening up your hearts in this way.
Whatever type of lives you have had, each one of them has been planned to further your evolution. Lessons to be learnt are measured to suit your ability to benefit from them, and no one is given challenges unless it is known that they can cope with them. Naturally in the run in to Ascension, you have tended to pack your lives with as many opportunities as possible. That is why some of you have had such action filled lives, and they often involve relationships with souls that have been a part of your previous lives. These can often lead to disappointments, as you are not given to know that all outcomes are pre-arranged. It is in adversity and even pain that the greatest lessons are learnt. You seek happiness on Earth, but not many can claim to have achieved it for any length of time. Happiness like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
However, once you have passed beyond duality and take your place in the higher dimensions, you will find all of the peace, joy and happiness you can wish for. Balance and harmony is everywhere around you, and life will be one continuous experience of fulfillment. It is where you should naturally reside and have journeyed through before. Duality is simply the testing ground for souls that want to advance their evolution quickly. Not only that, by passing through it you are helping all other souls that may follow after you. Service to others becomes quite natural when you have restored your levels of Christ Consciousness. Seek to elevate yourselves into a position where you can be the personification of Unconditional Love.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that we of the Galactic Federation are not religious in anyway as you understand the meaning. We find all knowledge within, and have manifested our god selves having become unified with God. You too are heading this way, and we know that already some of you have achieved great progress in this respect. Now you will understand why you cannot enter the higher dimensions, unless you have already lifted your vibrations to that level.
Prejudice is prevalent on Earth, but once you can accept that you are all One it begins to fall away. Look at people and see their soul before you, seeking, as you are the path to freedom and happiness. Let your Love and Light be your guide, and it will lead you to the heavenly peace you seek. Know also that our love accompanies you, and you can turn to us for help.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

The Mirror of Enthusiasm
A Message from the Pleiadian High Council in Celebration of the Earth’s June Solstice
Peering into the unknown with enthusiasm; this is what we would like you to experience at this critical juncture in the creations of worlds.
Long before the orbits of the Earth and the Pleiades intertwined in the conscious, cosmic knowing, there existed a plan within the folds of time to unite timelines and expand destinies through the reorientation of human form to the multiple from the one.
I speak now not of destinies or gods, but of dimensions.
The calling forth of the oracles has transmitted thematic content to multiple sources within your realm: the reconnection is within many of you taking place.   Long coded memories exist ready to surface in alignment with the planetary frequency and cosmic heart lines being reconstructed in the physical formation of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.
Within source energy diverse fragments of knowing immortalize being in your bones and breath.
Transcribing intimate details of the cosmos, living oracles in your midst tap into global mindsets, shared realities in which you, unknowingly participate in your altered states and while asleep.
Do not think for a moment what is transpiring will surprise you.
Take your breath away, yes.  But as an Aha!  A remembered moment –something which simply feels so right, as the dots get connected forming new structures in your brain—new neural nets being formed as mirrors of the unfolding reconstruction of your DNA.
As above so is below.
Your earth focal point becomes a multidimensional portal for significant versions of yourself to emerge and inform the merging dimensions and frequencies aligning, to blend and cohabitate in the emerging (frequency) plane of the new fifth dimensional earth.
Living from within your own knowing is the only acceptable mode which will allow your bodies to successfully complete these upgrades.
Conceptualizing or understanding the mental framework of what is transpiring is only useful if it frees you to allow your entire being to mutate and continually realign with this ascending energy arc.
To understand but not allow transformation...experienced in form, released from emotion, and the vulnerability of a faith filled open heart is required for wholeness and integrations.
Faithful ones; I speak now to you.
Light beams envelop your etheric body, invite them in to penetrate all that you are and reveal the impulses and direction which will get you in place to discover your timeless and radiant self.
Radiant—in that you affect and exist throughout the Omniverse in versions too many to remember at once but which can as yet be known in a felt sense.
Timeless as in beyond time which is simply a structure of perception rather than a defining or limiting construct.
Countless Lightworkers have literally toiled in difficult and lonely spheres to make this happen and pave the way.
All has not been in vain for the glory is upon us.
Knowing this may you rest easy.  Only to awaken with enthusiasm for the emerging unknown.
Meredith Murphy
*The Terra Nova Transmissions: a specific focus within Expect Wonderful providing messages, emergent themes, updates and communication from the Archangel Michael and the Terra Nova (new land) Council.  Telepathic transmission through Meredith Murphy. *  © 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.  email: meredith@expectwonderful.com   *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
One’s loved ones who have gone into the light, they speak to you of the love. They speak to you because they cannot go anywhere away from you. They do not go off somewhere separate from you, because all is One. And yes, you can feel their presence. Yes, you can feel them as you will remember them and a joke will come to mind, a story will come to mind, and immediately they are there with you; not having to activate the body, but being very much in spirit with you, laughing, remembering, and saying, “Yes, you know, that was a good life. It had its ups and downs as I looked at it from a certain point of view, but it was a good life.”
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *  

HEAVEN #3498
Truly, God's Angel
June 23, 2010
God said:
If you are an angel, it is good that you know you are an angel, for then you know your purpose. Then you know you are not on Earth for yourself alone. You are on Earth to do as angels do. What do angels do but serve?
Angels do not look for their own aggrandizement. They are not even looking to get into My good graces. They know they are already in My good graces. They know they are to serve Me through serving mankind. They do not imagine that they are here on Earth to serve themselves.
Could anyone enjoy more than angels enjoy? They are at play. Angels are very grounded, beloveds. They see their purpose clearly, and they play along the way.
If an angel didn't know he was an angel, he might waste a lot of time seeking his own pleasure and seeking to find what he was doing on Earth. When he knows he is an angel, he doesn't flounder. He gets right down to it.
And so must you have the sure knowledge that you are an angel on Earth. Human Beings are angels. They alighted from Heaven onto Earth to serve. Make no mistake about it. You are an angel. It is time that you know this so you can start claiming your role and fulfill it.
Do not believe for one minute that you have presently been acting out your role. Unless you are a practicing angel on Earth, you have not. You have been merely trying out parts, few of which may really suit you. Of course, you may have played your true role one time or another, or even often, but it has been hit or miss. Now it will not be random for you to serve your purpose on Earth which is to play your true role as only you can play it.
This is not a promotion. This has always been your assignment. Only you thought you were something else. You may even have thought that you were misbegotten and had no purpose to fulfill at all. You may have thought your being here on Earth was a waste of time or a life sentence. You may even have thought you were here to suffer. Now you know why you are here, and now you begin. You begin from wherever you are.
You do not have visible wings to fly on. You have wings of thought, and your heart has wings of love. You have all you need. You are here on Earth to bless, for you are a blessing I made.
It does not matter what part you previously have been playing. If you are a prisoner in jail, you are still an angel I have sent to Earth. Be an angel in jail. If you are a warden of a prison, also be an angel. Angels do not have to look the way you have thought they look. Angels may have a rough exterior. That does not change the inside. Who can better be an angel in prison than you who are in prison? So even your previous purposelessness served a purpose. You are in the right place now. Even if you are innocent, you are in the right place now to fulfill your role as angel.
Be sure you know you do not have to look like an angel. Others do not have to know you are one of My angels. It is you who has to know that you are one of Mine. I have pinned a name card on you that says: "Truly, God's Angel." No one else has to see your name card. You just are to know that this is the true name you carry.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  *    

The Noosphere and Playing on the Hologram
by Celia Fenn
June 18, 2010
That sounds very impresssive as a title, but it comes closest to what I am experiencing about life right now. First, let me say that the energy continues to swirl through the grids, creating inner spaces for shift and change. I think we are all feeling those inner pressures for change as we approach the Solstice moment on the 21st of June.
For those of you who have joined us for the Global Meditation for the Oceans, thank you so much, and if you haven't heard about it yet, please go to Oceans Meditation. Please also share in the beautiful video that I created in partnership with my friend Kai in Mexico, set to the sacred singing of Deva Premal and Miten.
I have been deeply touched by the amount of people who have responded to the Gulf crisis in the Northern hemisphere by joining in the various and many calls for Meditation action for the Cleansing of the Oceans. I know that all these focused energies from conscious and loving people will be heard and accepted by the Planet and the Elementals as our first steps in the process of Co-Creation. We can work together with the Water, the Water Elementals and the Cetaceans to create a future for our Planet where water is Sacred, as it should be. We are 80 percent water, and perhaps what is happening in the Oceans of the Planet is a reflection of what is happening in our own bodies. Perhaps it is time to take a step back and look within and see in what ways we can honor the water that is within us, as well as that which is experienced as the Oceans of the Planet. It all starts with us!
Down here in Cape Town, South Africa, where I am at the moment, attention is very much fixed on the Soccer World Cup and the atmosphere is festive. The weather is cold, it is winter and we are experiencing a cold one. So very different to what is happening in the North right now. But then that is the nature of Life on Planet Earth. We get to "play" on the Hologram that is the Noosphere. In translation, that means that we are here to create and co-create on the Planetary grids and hologram, depending on what we choose and where we are. But, although things may seem diverse and different, we are all part of this One powerful and wonderful system of Being and Creating called a Planet.
Diversity is wonderful. We can celebrate that we are all different and that we create and express ourselves in different ways. These choices start before incarnation, when we choose our birth parents and our place of birth. Then, when we become adults we can make new choices, about how we will live and where we will be and how we will express ourselves. Our souls get to explore and express themselves in diverse and wonderful ways. And, with the creation of the Noosphere and the advent of global travel, the choices of the soul are multiplied. Life is indeed a grand adventure!
But, what is so wonderful, is that despite the diversity, Humans are all the same "under the skin". We are all expressions of Divine Light, we are all souls experiencing life and death, love and joy, and sometimes grief and pain, depending on how our lives go. For life is rich and complex, and sometimes there are moments of deep and intense pain and grief that are a part of the journey of life. We cannot always expect to be in Happiness, but we can learn to cultivate a deep inner Joy and Power that will sustain us through periods of stress and change as we move from one circle of being to another.
I experience this diversity and Oneness as I play on the Global Hologram in my own life. What a Joy it is to travel from continent to continent and from country to country and to meet with Family of Light all over the world. The languages are sometimes different, the food is different, sometimes I sleep on the floor or on airliners or in stations, but the people are always the same. Warm and loving and willing to share and experience. The more conscious we become the more open we become to the experience of Life and the Richness of life and the sheer Beauty of Life.
And of course, how fragile it can be at times. This is where the focus on the Oceans comes in. The Ocean is where life began on our Planet. Water is the "medium" of life. If the water dies, then so do we! I was made aware this week of how fragile life can be and how quickly things happen. I was with my assistant Karen, and we were driving out to the country to investigate a Retreat Center. As we approached a mountain pass, we came to a sharp bend. Suddenly a car came from the opposite direction around the bend too fast, swung across the road in front of us, flipped over and flew through the air upside down before landing on its roof on the other side of the road. Both Karen and I were aware that if we had arrived at that bend just two seconds earlier that speeding car would have hit us and maybe rolled over onto us. I might not have been here to write this. Wow...sometimes playing on the Hologram can be a bit too intense!
I would like to introduce you to Karen, who is my new assistant, and who is helping me to get through all the things I need to do. I have found myself sinking under the weight of detail recently, and not keeping up, so Karen will be helping me with the admin on Starchild. Karen and I have known each other for about 12 years and have been part of each other's life journey in that time. I am happy to have her to share the Starchild journey with me.

If you would like to connect with Karen, her mail is
Karenstarchild@gmail.com  *
So, in these days leading up to the Solstice, I wish you all much Joy and Laughter on your Journey of life, I hope that you have many choices in the game of life, and that you honor your body and that of the Mother Planet. I wish you also Strength and Courage to face the times of Change and Transformation. And I wish you Power to be All that you can be, and Openess to receive all the gifts of Love and Abundance that are showered upon you daily by Spirit in so many ways. And I wish you Peace and Grace in the Still Center of your Being, for you Are Divine Light in Human form. May you always be conscious of that place within you where Heaven touches Earth and expresses itself through You!
©2010 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global * www.StarchildGlobal.com * This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. *  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/  * You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author. Please include this information in its entirety, including these footnotes. Thank You!  *  

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