Left Behind
by Owen Waters
Last week, we asked the question, “What if some people simply don’t want to
go through The Shift and leave their old lifestyle behind?” What if they prefer to stay immersed in “them against
us” dramas or even “me against the world” dramas?
Humanity was created so that we can find our way back home to the source from which we
originally came. God didn’t just create humanity and leave us to fend for ourselves. There is a cosmic plan for the
enlightenment of humanity and, true to our gift of self-determination, no one is forced to progress any faster than they choose.
The Shift isn’t just about the planet Earth. Our planet, our solar system, and our
section of the universe are about to make a quantum jump in frequency. There will come a mass ascension day when the Earth
will rise in vibration and take with her all who are ready to function in heart-centered consciousness.
That is the requirement – ready for heart-centered consciousness – and, surprising
to some, you don’t have to be religious or spiritual to make the grade! A caring person who supports others with little
thought for themselves is a heart-centered person. A person who promotes ecology out of care for the Earth is also expressing
unselfish, unconditional love when they don’t expect anything particular in return for their efforts and concerns.
On the scale of human consciousness, caring for others is so much bigger than working
for personal gain.
There is no Judgment Day where God will look at you and make a decision. You make the
decision and the process is automatic. If you’re ready when the big day comes, you will want to go with the inspiring,
uplifting energies and nothing will hold you back.
Those, on the other hand, who prefer to stay in their present level of consciousness and
decide against rising to the frequency of the ascended Earth will eventually need alternative accommodation. This section
of the universe will no longer be available for the reincarnation of their frequency band of consciousness, so another world
had to be found for their future use. This is not new information. In the early 1970’s, I became aware of information
that came from the spiritual hierarchy about a new planet which, for that very purpose, was being prepared for human habitation.
The upcoming Shift of the ages was foreseen thousands of years ago by Jesus when he pointed
out how it will be on that mass ascension day. When the time comes, he said, it will be as if two people are side-by-side
and “one shall be taken and the other left behind.”
He actually saw people moving up into a higher realm of existence while those not ready
would stay behind in their current realm of existence. The fishermen and farmers of his time weren’t ready to hear about
how this would be practically achieved but, today, we are more able to wrap our heads around such concepts as parallel worlds.
You will exist in an ascended version of your physical world while those left behind will
continue to exist in their version of the world. To them, their world will continue to be the same, but with a whole lot of
people missing. To you, your world will be like it was, yet vibrating at a higher physical frequency; and, likewise, there’ll
be a whole lot of people missing.
Consider this impending ascension to a lighter form as a major step in God’s cosmic
plan for the enlightenment of humanity. Think of it as a harvest of souls, where everything you do to help others make it
through The Shift will be forever enshrined in the records of life as golden acts of service to others.
This is the opportunity that spiritual souls have waited lifetimes to experience.
It doesn’t matter whether people shift into heart-centered consciousness while physically
incarnate or, should they have passed on from this life, experience its parallel version in the afterlife. The point is to
be ready and to help as many others as you can to make it through to the new heaven on earth.
Next week, we’ll see some glimpses into life on the ascended earth and on the new
planet, as revealed by a research project where hundreds of people viewed their own future lives!
Now Available: Love, Light, Laughter * by Owen Waters *