
{Channeled from Spirit}
QUESTION: Please explain the process of accumulating negative karma. Does an action considered negative by society create dark karma by itself, or is it our attitude that counts? If I were to cheat, lie, or even commit a crime in a detached state of mind (in perfect equanimity, so to speak) or with some noble end in mind, would I still create negative karma?
ANSWER: There's no such thing as negative karma. Again, Humans wish to polarize everything and place it into a box. This box is then carried from place to place as a singular and linear process. It isn't.
The definition of karma: Karma is the energy of incompletion. It begs to be solved, and drives a Human being to behave a certain way, live in a certain place, and meet other specific Humans for resolution. It was created and worked in an older Earth energy as a way to move the energy of the planet vibrationally one way or the other as humanity worked the karma with total free choice.
If you clear your karma, you are releasing an old energy and moving on to one where you are free to help the planet with your light. This is your free choice, and it is driven by your intent. Those with the "attitude" of pure spiritual intent will indeed move into that new attribute of being a Human with no past-life karma. Part of this process is the understanding that becoming interdimensional means blending the past, present and future (potential) into a new reality called "the now." This "now" leaves no room for "past karmic instruction sets" within the DNA.
If you were to clear your karma, then go on to do what you deem as inappropriate things, then you place upon yourself (free choice) attributes that you'll be forced to deal with immediately, in this life. Creating new karma, the kind that's passed from lifetime to lifetime, is no longer done. Again, these kind of questions are the result of those who wish to analyze God. To try to analyze God within a single-digit reality is folly. Can you analyze love? Can you set rules for angelic thought?
It's time to grasp all of this as "the way things work." Many use the machines of Earth to get from one place to the other without a full and complete understanding and disclosure of every working part in the mechanism. It they had to have that, no one would ever get anywhere! They would forever be bogged down in study, and many would never understand. Yet there are always those who feel that everything must make 4D sense to move on. If they can't understand it, they're afraid of it. This fear will keep them in one place all their lives.
It's time for you to fully grasp the principle that the mechanics of God are beautiful, mystical, and constantly with you. You're never alone, and you never have to wonder if this or that is "known" of "God. All is known, and the system is loving and wise. Now... use this system to move to another place.
QUESTION Hi, Spirit: I have a question regarding the karmic clearance. As you put it, in this New Age, karmic-attribute clearance is possible just through our pure intent. However, a different Website under the name of Lord Maitreya gives a different view of it. Quoting the master's recent message, it goes: "There is no easy way to free yourself from the wheel of karma. It takes hard work, discipline, determination, and a battle between the Self and the Higher Self. However, for those of you who can achieve the end result, [which] is no more return to the earth plane, the struggle is absolutely worth it." Please tell me in these times what should we believe? I was so much at peace, but after reading this, it appears that I'm confused again!
ANSWER The Maitreya information you're quoting is accurate, but Maitreya didn't say you had to suffer all your life or get beaten up by your past karma to get through it. Hard work was indicated, and we agree. There's no conflict here. The Kryon message never said that you could say some magic words and have your karma voided. The message was that you now have the gifts to void it without actually going through it, just as the masters did, whereas in the old energy, the only way to void it was to live through it. Now you're able to void it with pure intent, which starts a journey. Then comes learning and patience. Eventually you'll be free, and yes... it is absolutely worth it.
Our message is about a personal process that's new for humanity. You can begin this journey of self-evaluation and the voiding of karma with pure intent and achieve it. We've always told you about the battle between the lower and higher self. If you really want to review our message of karma-voiding and ascension, find and read the book of parables called The Journey Home, where we outlined the story of a man who did it, and what he went through. Hard work, a battle between the lower and higher self, and a loving outcome... that was worth it.
QUESTION: Dear Spirit, I guess you're tired of questions about the neutral implant, however I realize that I'm still confused about it. If I ask for the neutral implant what happens to the karma that has to be resolved? A lesson has to be learned and in a way it seems like "unfair play" to just skip the karma and go on to whatever place and time there is.
This may sound stupid, but somehow I fear that when I abandon my karma and ask for the neutral implant, my karma will be worse than it is now. I have a feeling that my karma is the single most important force that keeps my life interesting. On one hand, I want nothing more than to have my karma resolved and ask for the neutral implant, while on the other hand I feel that I have to do it on my own.
ANSWER: What hides completely from you is this: When you graduate from school as a Human Being, how much do you miss the toys, the primers, the nap time at noon, the milk and cookies, and the protection from responsibility - all which you had in kindergarten? If you had a choice to grow up, would you?
You see, you aren't skipping anything. Right now you're simply wallowing in the same old system that is perpetuated each time you come and go from earth. It may feel like there's a system that has to be resolved, but this is what you have in that old system - a duality that makes you feel like that's all there is. The masters of the planet had nothing to resolve! They came in without the old system. This is part of the activation and mastery scenario. But you're still stuck with an intellectual problem of being in kindergarten, and using kindergarten rules and feelings to ask questions about how to keep you there - out of awareness, which is your greatest gift.
QUESTION: Dear Spirit: I requested and believe that the neutral implant was accomplished a few years back. Now I'm being repeatedly told by a past-life regressionist that I have a positive past karmic credit due to me. I assumed past karma to be negative and didn't think of a past late reward. How does this claim of positive karmic credit/reward factor into the issue of one having cleared all past karma with the implant?
ANSWER: Dear One, your past-life regression worker is seeing it right, but let's just change the label. It's not positive karma, for the whole system of karma (an old paradigm in this new energy) is gone. You've cleared that system, and instead, what is due you is actually the result of the implant-permission you gave. I know this will seem like a circle, but try to understand.
You are in the "now," so all your potentials are "seen" as having taken place. So at some level your helper is seeing what you have done, and what is "due you" because of it. What is being observed is your potential to blossom into a peaceful Human without the burdens you've been carrying in an old energy. Congratulations for having verified what you just did for yourself!
QUESTION: Dear Spirit, you say the degree of enlightenment we’ve reached when we die is the degree of enlightenment we start with in the next incarnation. Now, with the neutral implant and the elimination of karmic residuals, does it mean I’ll be starting without karma when I eventually reincarnate?
ANSWER: Indeed it does! But let’s get more specific. The kinds of karmic attributes you voided with the implant (permission for implementation of enlightenment) is the kind of heavy karma that you carried around from past lives. It isn’t the kind of karma of your immediate lifetime of energy. It’s the past energy, not the present. Therefore it’s a freeing of very old energies that represented you in very different times. As described many times, this needed to be a tool for you to move forward in a new energy with very different goals.
This is something you’ve created for yourselves, and not something granted by God (Spirit). God is here to help you to understand what you’ve created, and to use it to develop a peaceful and balanced planet.
{Much more to come on Karma, and how we might create and avoid new present day karma.}
"Please check back"

Alchemy of The Human Spirit - Karma

 When We ask you to "know your contract," we mean for you to
know about the "now." For clarity, we are always speaking about
the "now" when we communicate at any time.

 Imagine still that you are back in this planning session before
 coming to Earth. You have arranged for the various lessons you
 wish to learn, and now you are ready. So when the timing is
 absolutely proper, correct and appropriate, you make your jour-
ney to the planet. And the first place you visit is the cave of
creation. We have spoken of this before. This is a real place on this
Earth, where there is an energy gem which holds your higher self.
There is a name inscribed on the gem which is your astral name,
and the balance of your energy then moves into incarnate form at
biological birth. This cave of creation is also where all records are
kept of all of the entitles who have ever been here, and their les-
sons that have been learned. So this is where the accounting is also
accomplished. This-is the actual purpose for the cave of creation.

 In your biological form you are then given the Opportunity,
although hidden from you, of fulfilling your lessons. There are no
negative lessons, and there are no positive lessons. They are all
simply lessons, each of equal importance. And even though some
of them may seem negative or positive to you, they are not, for the
mind of God is far different from the mind of humans. And when
you were not here, you had the wisdom of the whole and fully
understood the implications of what you planned... especially
when you gave yourself a seemingly difficult challenge.

Oh, this is all about the Joy of walking through it! But you
must be left alone to do it, and this is the seeming "veil" regarding
everything you experience. There is no predestination. The
choice of each human is what he does With his own lesson, and it
is the choice that changes the balance. For without natural
enlightenment and without full knowledge of who you
really are, if you are still able to see and make choices that
motivate toward the real truth, the planet's vibration is
raised. And then when you are finished, dear ones, you pass back
to the cave of creation to pick up your essence and your name.
What you accomplished is recorded for you, and then you move
to the hall of celebration, a non-Earthly place where you greet all
those who helped plan your incarnation. This is also where you will
see others like myself, dear ones. Remember... I know your name.
Those in service like myself are always at the hall of honor; we
never leave it. I am there even now, as I am also with you.

And so at the end of all of this, one cycle has been fulfilled and
you are back in the planning session again if you choose to be.
Since it is a fact that there are more and more humans on the Earth
at the same time as your Earth time goes by, it also should be
obvious to you that not all of you have been here before. This
means there are always new humans coming in. But we will tell you
that there is a relationship between the ones in this room to the
amount of lifetimes that have been spent on the planet. For the
ones in this room all have multiple lifetimes. There is not one here
who is what we would call a "first timer." For the ones with multiple
lives, and multiple karmas that have been fulfilled, are the ones
who are currently on this planet who are the most interested right
now in receiving enlightenment. They are the ones who are
responding first to the new energy. And so it is up to you in this
room to bear this torch to the ones who are coming in fresh. But
they will recognize you and be attracted to you. This is all part of
your karma and your mission as "past life rich" entities. As we have
mentioned before, this is very much like an Earth play. And when
the play is over, no matter what has happened within the play,
even the one with the knife in his chest gets up. The heroines shake
hands with the villains. They hug one another, and then they all
go and have a party. So you see the overview may be a bit different
than you had imagined. But it is this way, nevertheless.

Those of you who have wondered about group karma are
 wondering about a very complex issue, for not everyone is in a
 group. There is appropriateness in group karma, for it greatly
 helps to facilitate individual karma. If you continue to reincarnate
 as a group, you have interactive lessons which can continue to be
 played out because you are with the same individuals over and
 over. Therefore, groups facilitate individual lessons better than
 individuals alone. Now I tell you that as you stand and walk from
this place this night, you will be walking past mothers and fathers
and sons and daughters who are your own... and you will not
recognize them! Faces you see that you do not know will be of your
own children. Such is the interaction of the group karma in this
area. Some of you have belonged to very ancient tribes in this area
for eons. And I give my partner the name "Nespars," the great
horse ranchers of the ancient time on the very dirt that you occupy
at this moment. For your lineage is great in this area.
As we study group karma, we have to tell you there is another
attribute that has to do with "energy accounting" that we have
never discussed before. It is for your interest only that you should
know this, but it may be a revelation to others reading it.

{To be continued, please check back.}
