Inspired Action

When A Man Just Can't Stand It Anymore
Enough is Enough! Now Just Shut Up!

Isis' Message of the Day -
Let peace be with the global Earth family. In all ways treat others as kindly as you would treat yourself. Be peaceful toward each other always. These good feelings will then spill over towards friends, neighbors, and strangers. And there will be peace on Earth.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

How to Take Inspired Action & Imagineering
by Owen Waters
Sometimes a simple decision is all you need from the resources of your soul consciousness and the Inner Connect Technique delivers just such a quick answer. At other times, particularly when you imagineer a new reality, a course of action is required to manifest a goal and several steps will be needed.
Along the way to the fruition of your creative idea, how will you know what steps to take and when? Fortunately, you have an inner compass which always points in the right direction.
Every time you think of your desired new reality, ask yourself what course of action fills you with the most inner joy. What is the most joyful thing you could do now to bring you closer to that goal?
Inner joy comes from your soul and, when you detect more joy in the idea of taking Course of Action A rather than Course of Action B, then you have detected a stronger alignment with your soul awareness relating to Course of Action A.
The most joyful idea at any moment is the next step in your path towards your self-made destiny.
Inner joy is the compass towards your heart’s desire.
Here is a summary of how to imagineer a preferred reality and make it manifest.

Decide upon a desired goal and imagine what it will look like once it is made manifest. Detach from your present point in time and allow your mind to move forward to that point in time when it will become manifest. Imagine yourself experiencing the end result.

Feel the excitement of what it is like to be a part of that manifested goal. Imagine how it feels to experience that new reality. Feel the mood in order to fully immerse yourself in that new reality. Now return your attention to your present time.

Each day, take the action towards the manifestation of the desired goal. Decide upon which action to take each day by choosing the one most in tune with the inner joy of your soul.

Each night, as you fall asleep, reinforce your desired reality with additional creative power. Move forward along your timeline to where the new reality exists and become at one with the experience of its manifestation. Reach up to the highest frequency of universal love energy by expressing gratitude to the Creator for life itself. Fill your new reality with the magnetic energy of the love that you are experiencing. Then, move back along the timeline to your current time. Notice how the path back is often shorter because the extra power has just made this reality capable of materializing sooner.
Now Available: Love, Light, Laughter * by Owen Waters  *
The New Spirituality is available now in paperback and as a downloadable e-book   *  Paper Back at: book link:   *   Discover Your Purpose in Life, which is available for download now at: *  * 

About the author:
Owen Waters is an international spiritual teacher who has presented his insights into the New Reality to hundreds of thousands of seekers. In 1963, while growing up in a mystical part of Britain, he encountered his first spiritual awakening. The surprise of this mystical experience was such that his life became focused upon a continuous search for spiritual answers.
Almost forty years of study and research followed, along with the development of his inner vision. By the year 2002, like many of the spiritual teachers who are coming forward for The Shift, his realizations began to unfold rapidly. Today, as Editor and cofounder of Infinite Being LLC, he helps people find inspiration, love and creativity through heart-powered consciousness.  *      

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