Hilarion's Weekly Message

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Hilarion's Weekly Message: October 24-31, 2010
3.)  Bask in Your Own Spiritual Sunshine
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Autumn - A Time For Doing An Inventory
6.)  Real Life, Reel Life

Isis' Message of the Day -
Peace will only come when peace is in the mind of humanity. Feel the energies of peace and love that creates the feeling of joy. Hate, bigotry, vengence . . . all of these negative choices create the chaos in your world. Be the Love that brings Peace to the world.
Truly see and treat your neighbor as yourself . . . the way you want to be treated and by neighbor that also means neighboring states, countries, nations . . .  every place on mother earth. For the way you treat others comes full-circle back to you. That is the Law of Attraction.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
I was thinking about the angels this morning and woke to a flash of bright light. Wow. Angels are afoot.
Dear Ones. The beauty of your soul shines forth. We love you. We bless you. We know how difficult it is for some of you to be in the presence of love. It scares you. You feel unworthy. This is not TRUTH. You are a child of God and are thus worthy. You are a blessing from the creator. You have been given a marvelous opportunity to experience the wonders of that which is around you. Rejoice in life. Rejoice in love. Rejoice in wonder. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *  www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   * 

Hilarion's Weekly Message: October 24-31, 2010
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Ones,
For most of you, this month has literally flown by. The sense of acceleration continues to be a significant factor in your daily lives. It is a time of doing your very best and allowing yourselves freedom from the stress of “should’s and must do’s.” This requires the ability to go easy on yourselves in every way and to accept that you are in a Human body and not only that, a Human body that is in the process of great transformation and change and that you do have certain limitations because of this. Accept this for the time being and realize that all good things come to those who persevere and that your Soul’s goals ARE being accomplished whether you may think so or not. Your Soul operates in spherical time, not linear time and implacably continues the blossoming forth of your personal and Universal Divine Plan according to God timing rather than Human linear timing.
Be at peace, Beloved Ones, you are all securely on the Path that you have chosen for yourselves. Each of you is doing your part as best you can, given your consciousness and comprehension of what is transpiring in your personal World (micro) and your greater World (macro). The trick at this time is to learn to focus on the moment you are in, with as much of your attention as is possible for you. This will help you to eventually attain Mastery of your life, for the more mindfulness you apply to each moment of your existence, the greater ease is created in your outward manifestations of your inner processes. Truly, we are in awe of the capacity you are showing in creating Mastery within yourselves and the creativity you show in accomplishing this is marvelous to behold.
You are all well on your way to the completion of the issues you have long been grappling with. It is still not clear to most of you the higher purpose of these issues and as with all those living upon the Earth plane, these events and situations are not clearly visible until much later, when you review the events from a different perspective of hindsight. We must say, that from our perspective, you Ones are all much too hard on yourselves and we say to you, the only failure is in ceasing to try! No matter how your “dark night of the Soul” has been manifesting in your everyday life, know that you are never given more than you can handle at any given time. It is also true, that for whom much has been given, much is required and what that means is that as you move up the ladder of Ascension and Mastery of yourselves and you conquer the temptations and the trials that have beset you, you gain in greater power and awareness and this power and awareness must then be used for ever greater and more enlightened purposes and not strictly for personal gain. As that biblical saying goes, from Mark 8:36 “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole World and forfeit his Soul?”
Each of you knows this wisdom in your deepest Self and each of you have lived by this precept for many, many lifetimes.
Look for the positive changes within yourselves and that which is manifested in your outer self reality, these changes are discernible and you will find that greater synchronicities of a flow of blessings becomes a constant in your lives. You are becoming more attuned to Creator’s goodness and greatness and this can only manifest as an ever increasing flow of blessings in your personal lives.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  http://www.therainbowscribe.com  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Bask in Your Own Spiritual Sunshine
by Ann Albers

Hi All,
Everybody seems to want money. But what we really want is what we think the money can give us - freedom, peace of mind, security, etc. This week, in spite of more money going out the door, I realized how rich I am with good fortune, security, and protection!
I love this week's angel message, especially considering that the angels had me sit and channel it after three days of wild weather and storms here in Arizona. I am feeling especially blessed in spite of challenges this week. If the last storm hadn't blown tiles off my roof, a hidden leak wouldn't have been fixed before this round of gully washers! Go God!
Again I was blessed when suddenly my car started running really rough on the freeway last Sunday. It seems there are two schools of thought concerning cars. Some people love the latest and greatest. Others treat their cars like family members and do everything possible to keep them alive till their last breath. I fall into the second category. I have a 12 year old Toyota Rav 4 that I adore. It has 180,000 miles on it, has never stranded me on isolated stretches of the freeway, and has a car angel attached to it called "Zippy" that lets me know when to do what.
I asked Zippy what to do and was told to get her into the shop ASAP! Being mechanically ignorant, I assumed I needed an oil change and a new filter and figured the bill would be reasonable. Not quite! It ends up hoses were leaking, the fuel filter needed replacing, the timing belt was about to go, the power steering fluid was rank, and the list goes on. When I heard the total, I almost passed out on my dear mechanic of 12 years. He was very kind about it and always does a great job, and God bless him found a way to pare off a few more dollars, but after the roof repairs it still felt like a bit much.
So I did what I always do when human "freak-out" hits me. I sat and breathed and asked the angels to get me back into truth quickly. I emailed a few friends asking for prayers. And then I sat and counted my blessings. I did not break down on the freeway. I wasn't stranded. The repairs were on an office day when I didn't have clients. I got a free rental. I trust my mechanic. Even though my car is old it runs like new after they're done with it. It is paid off... and after a few minutes of counting the blessings in this situation I felt LUCKY instead of insane. Truly it was LOVE to have all this happen at one time because with my busy schedule that is more convenient! Go God once again!
As I drove the rental back to the shop to pick up my car, one of those Arizona wild thunderstorms hit hard. There was no visibility on the freeway and great puddles of water were forming. The long line of rush hours traffic slowed and we all just took it easy, until... a few miles before I arrived at the shop, I burst out from under the cloud into brilliant and beautiful sunshine! Talk about a metaphor for the entire situation! I even got a rainbow - God's promise of better things to come :)
So when life throws you a curve, sit and look for the good and soon you'll be back in truth, feeling better than you would if you focus on the 'stormy side' as the angels call it, and basking in your own spiritual sunshine!
Love and hugs and happy week to you!
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at:  www.visionsofheaven.com/ *
Books & CDs  You can visit my store for all products here: www.VisionsOfHeaven.com/storedocs/storeIndx.html  *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, know that truly everything you deal with you have brought into your reality as a gift. Now, sometimes it will seem that just the opposite is true. It will seem that you have to struggle and that the gifts are ones that if you could take them back to the store and exchange them, you would do that. But in truth, every issue that you bring up for yourself has a gift in it, a gift that if you allow yourself to feel at ease, you will find that truly it is a blessing.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *

Autumn - A Time For Doing An Inventory
by Caroline Myss
October 20, 2010
I love autumn. There is something nostalgic-inducing about watching the leaves turn colors as they prepare to fall off the trees. The leaves are beginning to pile up against the fence but I love it. I love the sound they make when I walk on them, especially in the evening with that chill in the air that is now carrying a hint of wood burning in someone’s fireplace. I adore the fragrance of wood burning in a fireplace. It’s cozy and the fire generates a quality of light and shadow that simply cannot be duplicated by artificial lighting, no matter how clever the angle of the lamp.
Halloween decorations have popped up all over my block – already. When I was a child, we simply carved pumpkins, but we put our heart into it. The ritual began with traveling out to the country to select our Halloween pumpkin – and believe me, that was a ritual. My two brothers and I would spend who knows how long carefully examining pumpkin after pumpkin, looking for just the right one. I can’t quite recall what standards we set that our pumpkins had to fulfill to qualify for our eagle eyes, but I suspect our search for the perfect pumpkin ended about the time my parents had enough of us running through the stacks of pumpkins that I can still see so clearly through the lens of my memory. Once we got home, we would have to make the “big” decision: What type of face would our pumpkin have this year? Would it smile? Would it be a grim pumpkin? Would it be a goblin? Decisions, decisions…ah, the great, big, huge size of those childhood decisions. And then the carving ritual began. What splendid memories, all of them.
Autumn and its nostalgic atmosphere inevitably lead me to wonder about the past. I always end up at that dead end no-answer question, “Where did all those years go?” They just went – just like that. Only as I think about the years now, I am feeling more and more like “fine wine”; older, wiser, less involved with this and that. I feel a stirring deep within me that I thought was the result of far too much travel for one year. Yet, I’ve felt post-traumatic travel syndrome before and the hectic confusion that I feel the days during re-entry. The unpacking of the luggage happens while re-packing the refrigerator, a cold machine grown even colder by the absence of activity. And the house has that feel of needing to be “melted into” warmth again, after having been abandoned for so long. Mail is stacked feet high, phone calls are backed up, emails number into the hundreds – re-entry can be as exhausting as traveling in its own way.
The addition of autumn nostalgia has introduced an unexpected factor, however, in that I expected to be adjusted to my home by now. Admittedly, traveling for most of the past six months through 13 countries is a rigorous trek but even I have been baffled by why I simply have not been able to return to center, as the expression goes. And then I realized that one just doesn’t “return to center” just like that, especially after months of being away from oneself. As I reflected upon what and how I’m feeling, I realized that I am not in a crisis, I am not in a trauma – no, that is not at all what this sensation I am experiencing is about. I finally concluded that my exaggerated reactions to nostalgia combined with my anguish over not being able to find my re-entry point into my familiar life pointed only to one thing: It’s time for me to take inventory of what is bubbling up in and around me. I am obviously in the process of losing something, saying goodbye to something – but what? – Thus, it is equally true that I must be developing a new appetite for something – but what?
As I thought about these indicators this morning, it occurred to me that I might not be alone in my little sojourn. Perhaps many of you can relate to the experience I am describing, one that is “autumnal” in archetypal theme but deeply spiritual in its transformational nature. I thought, therefore, I would share a bit of the “Autumn Inventory” with you.
Autumn Inventory Guidelines:
First of all, I am not an expert on doing a personal inventory. I am just following my own instincts, my own inner needs. But through that, you’ll get the picture. What I am certain of, however, is that doing a personal inventory is not a simple, one-day ritual, like choosing a Halloween pumpkin. It’s a methodical process in which one clear observation, such as, “I don’t have time for that type of thing any more”, leads to yet another clear observation, such as, “But I am going to make time for this.” Inventories are about observing the choices you are making and evaluating them:
What choices create the structure of your life?
Do the consequences of your choices satisfy you?
Define satisfy. Now here’s an interesting challenge – describe exactly what you need to satisfy you. That challenge alone opens, oh, how many doors? How many parts of your life can you possibly satisfy with one or two choices?

You will ask yourself many questions during a personal inventory. Through the process, it doesn’t take much time to realize some questions pack more of a punch than others. Questions such as the three above, while they are highly significant, don’t become “show stoppers” until you recognize that collectively they represent a theme in your life: Your values are changing. And that message is a real showstopper, or to put this in the more popular lingo, a game changer.
Few people consciously wake up one day and say to themselves, “I think I’m going to change my values today. Yep. That’s what I’m going to do.” Yet, our values change – so how does that happen? If we are not changing our values, consciously, carefully, then what or who is doing that for – or within - us? A spiritually organic process matures and refines what we value in our life, somehow changing the lenses through which we view the world that is our life. We don’t order up a lens change; it just happens organically, as if a natural part of the mid-life crisis. Only a value shift happens more than once: in our late 20’s, in our early 40’s, in our late 50’s, and then perhaps in our mid-70’s or so. These are passageways in which life calls us to pause and evaluate:
Who you were.
Who you are now.
Who you need to become.
Who you are no longer called to be.

And in keeping with those game changing questions, what becomes essential to us with each different passage changes. A younger person has more time than an elder; an elder has more wisdom than a younger person. A middle-aged person still has time but its value is now becoming the most precious commodity of all – time, health, and family. So an inventory of values requires a deep period of reflection in which you recognize:
What are my values at this stage in my life?
What do I need now that I never needed before?
What do I no longer need?
What do I need to do now?
What do I no longer need to do?
Who do I need in my life?
Who needs me in his or her life?

I, for instance, have realized that taking care of my health and the use and distribution of my time have become my most precious commodities. Though the “truth” is, we can just as likely die today as 25-years from now, we still think more conventionally than mystically when it comes to life and death. As I look through nostalgic eyes, I realize I have less time ahead of me than behind me and thus, each year, each month has gone up in its value for me. I value my time because I value my life and I value how I use my time.
The next stage of your personal inventory is the most delicate by far because it requires the evaluation of relationships. Some, if not most, relationships continue to move forward with you in life – and get better as the years go by. With luck, your close friends get to know you better and you them. Imperfections cease to be obstacles and their ego’s fade, giving way as the years go by to the ever-deepening beauty of their souls. But in some cases, goodbye’s are essential.
Is this a relationship that empowers me?
Do I empower this person?
Do I value this individual in my life fully and completely?
Do I want to nurture this relationship and if so, what will that require?
Does this person value me?
Does this relationship require hard work or does it bring me great delight? (I’m from the ‘I’m too old to work that hard’ school of charm these days.)
Next, what are you doing for you and you alone?
What do I value about myself?
What am I doing to take care of myself?
I value my personal life.
I value my time now and as a result: fill in the blank
I value my health and as a result: fill in the blank
My personal life now requires this: fill in the blank
My spiritual life now requires this: fill in the blank

I am doing this inventory and changing my life because it’s time. These are not exercises I am just suggesting; I am doing them myself. If any of you decide to do an autumn/personal inventory with me, send an email off to me to let me know how you’re doing. My hunch is that the real reasons we so often experience the heaviness we feel or the lack of connection to our life have more to do we unconscious shifts taking place within us of this magnitude than the small, petty things we look for on the outside as a false target. These shifts of values, purpose, meaning, and our inner dynamics are the substance of our life and this is the part of us that requires constant attention.
As for that nostalgic feeling – it’s always an indication that something is coming to a close and something new is beginning. And that’s life - the archetypal wheel of transitions and transformation continually spins in our life. But doesn’t it help just a bit to know how to work with that wheel? I sure hope so…
More next month...
Caroline Myss has been in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness for 20 years. Since 1982, she has worked as a medical intuitive, providing individuals with an evaluation of the health of their energetic anatomy system. She specializes in assisting people in understanding the emotional, psychological, and physical reasons why their bodies have developed an illness. Her New York Times bestsellers include Anatomy of the Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can, Sacred Contacts, and Entering the Castle. Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, will be published by Hay House in October 2009. Listen to Caroline every week on www.HayHouseRadio.com  *    

HEAVEN #3621
Real Life, Reel Life
October 24, 2010
God said:
Do you not sense sometimes that life is all fiction? A cat on the windowsill. A rug under your feet. An open window. An empty box. A filled box. Look at all the props in life. Certainly you are in a play. What else could it be that you are in?
Real Life is something else. It is stillness, sort of like life not yet born. It is life on the verge. Real Life is not drama, not whatsoever.
Real Life is far from hardship. In Real Life, there is no tragedy. The play has not yet risen above the horizon.
Real Life is not made of action and drama. Real Life is long before duels and melodrama and live action and cameras. Real Life is long before.
Real Life does not change. Real Life is a foundation that never wears out. Real Life is certainly not flimflam. Real Life is not the flip of a switch. There is no switch to Real Life. Real life is on, and that’s it.
If Real Life were a stew, the flame would not yet have been turned on. Yet the flame is ready. Real life would be all the ingredients of the stew before it starts cooking. Real Life is fullness. In Real Life, there are no runs in stockings. There is no news relayed. There are no newspapers, and there is no one to read them. Real Life is incipient. Photos cannot be taken of it. Nothing has happened yet. It is about to happen. Real Life is the dawn just before the sun rises. It cannot be seen, yet all is in readiness. It is aliveness.
In Real Life, there are no somersaults, yet Real Life is the precursor of somersaults.
In Real Life, everything is incipient. It is the moment – rather non-moment – when the cab driver is in readiness. He is in position to drive, and yet the meter has not started running.
Hail to the real Real Life. It is ever in readiness. It is a rich pool. The swimmers have not yet started to swim. All is in the hush and readiness of a free fall.
Real Life never wavers.
That which you have called real life is fiction. Fiction is evident, yet real life is just below the surface. Real Real Life is not made up. It does not form itself as it goes along. It is all the power of motion before motion takes its first step. It is the baby before birth. All the components are there, yet the page is not yet written.
I won’t say that Real Life is the silence before the storm, for active life is not always a storm, although it is often turned into a storm. This is how active life becomes a soap opera of note.
You take your place on the stage of fictional life. The curtain goes up to great applause. A great to-do is made about the curtain’s going up. Only in imagination is anything happening. Nothing ever happens. It seems to be happening. It feels more real than the Real, yet it is only a movie reel. There is a beginning and an end to the story.
Real Life, on the other hand, exists always and yet has no beginning and no ending. A story is not yet told. It has not yet been made up. You have to be on stage for the story to start. Despite all your protests, you love the story. You love every twist and turn of it. You are the hero of the story. You are the tragedian, and you are the comedian. You love both, or you would not have them. You play the fool. You play the long-suffering hero. You assign yourself parts, and you act them well. You open the book, and then you close it, yet in real Real Life nothing happens, nothing happens but love, that is.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

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