Hilarion's Weekly Message

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Hilarion's Weekly Message: August 15-22, 2010
3.)  What does "well" look like?
4.)  Polaris: Layers of Spiritual Learning
5.)  The Stature of God within You
6.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day

Isis' Message of the Day -
Sovereignty is the cornerstone of knowing that there is no power outside of your Self that has dominion over you.  Therefore, each and every experience is an event based on the fact of power within, or a belief in the power without.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.

When we look at each and every one of you we see precious souls. We do not see mistakes, problems, issues, etc. Instead we see beautiful beings of light who are here to explore and experience a reality called earth in your eternal journey and exploration of love. We do not see anything wrong with you ever. You can scream, cry, throw tantrums, complain, and still we hold you close as one would hold a little child who just does not yet understand how much he or she is loved. You ARE loved dear friends. It is an illusion that you are not. It is an illusion that God does not care about your needs or want to answer your prayers.
If you want your prayers answered then check in with your own hearts and make sure they are sincere. Make sure your prayers are not a means to an end. So many of you, instead of praying for what you really want, pray for the ways you feel you must get there. Instead of praying for the love of your life, you target one individual and ask God to turn them into the love of your life. Instead of praying for your bills to be paid easily and joyfully, you pray for money to come in a certain way, when in reality God knows millions of ways. Instead of praying for a peaceful life you pray for all the things you think you need to get there. And while it is absolutely ok to pray for specific things in your life, make sure these things are what you really want, rather than a means to an end, for what you really want will come more easily. At times, prayers may go unanswered while the universe gives you time to get clear.
So many of you also water down your prayers with doubt, unworthiness, etc. "I would like to go on a vacation God... but I don't think I can afford the time off and I don't know who would watch my house, etc..." Prayers like these are not very powerful because in truth, every word you utter and every thought you think is a prayer! And so the prayer above is really a confused prayer because it does not clearly own the fact that you want to go on a vacation and have everything in your life necessary to allow for it work out in a beautiful way.
Pray with certainty dear ones, whatever it is you pray for. Pray for what you really want, can clearly own, and are willing to surrender to God. In this fashion your prayers will be answered in accordance with the vibrational laws of the universe, in cooperation with the angels, under the divine direction of the One who made you and loves you more than you can possibly imagine.
God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at:  www.visionsofheaven.com/ *
Books & CDs  You can visit my store for all products here: www.VisionsOfHeaven.com/storedocs/storeIndx.html  *  

Hilarion's Weekly Message: August 15-22, 2010
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Lightworkers, 
Many changes are now taking place within you and around you. The dimensions are beginning to come closer together and the veils that have kept you blinded are being lifted from you and you will notice that your perceptions are getting ever more accurate and your intuition is always leading you upon the Path you have set for yourselves before  you came to the Earth plane. Look around you and notice how everything is feeling the Oneness of all that is. Those of you who have been doing your inner work are beginning to feel a greater Lightness of Being and you are beginning to experience more and more moments of joy and bliss, for no apparent reason other than it feels so good. 
Our Scribe has now begun a steady thought stream of ‘thank you’ and is training herself to be in deep gratitude at all times. There have been and still are, many challenges in her daily life and in her beloved family members’ lives that have tested and are testing, each. As in the lives of each of you, our Scribe has had to walk the ways of this World and experience the many challenges that beset Humanity. Many seeming injustices have occurred without apparent purpose and yet, she has been able to keep her bottom line – and that is - that Love is the greatest force in the Universe. Each of you are also connecting deep within yourselves, at the core of your Being, and are emerging stronger and brighter than ever. We know it has not been easy, but it was necessary and there will come a time when all will be made totally clear to you. 
Have faith in your Higher Self and Great I AM Presence and trust that you are each being guided to be in the right place at the right time, doing exactly the right thing. All is as it should be and the deeper purpose of many of these testings and trials will become apparent in retrospect, for this is the process of learning as it takes place upon the Earth. These changing times require you to be adaptable and flexible and able to change plans at a moment’s notice and also being able to bend and move as the Willow tree is important whilst at the same time embodying the qualities of the upright and mighty Oak, whose roots go deep into Mother Earth. Cast your roots down into the center of Mother Earth and take some time each day to connect to Her in whatever way works best for you. Feeling the Oneness is now the next step on your Path to Ascension. 
Each of you will begin to express yourselves in a greater capacity than ever before and your words will carry the essence of the greater Being that you truly are. Do not sell yourselves short, Beloved Ones, for truly you are the Light upon this World and what you say, think and do has enormous impact upon the Mass Consciousness of this Planet. When you find yourselves expressing thoughts, words and feelings that are not of the Highest vibrations, realize that this is the cleansing process that is occurring and try to have a sense of humor about it, so that you have the ability to laugh at yourselves and to forgive yourselves for any seeming transgressions. Realize also, Dear Ones, that the more you decree the Light, the greater will be the resistance from those parts of yourselves that you have carried with you in this lifetime and other lifetimes as well, which are ready to be transmuted and brought into the Light. This is why it is important to PERSIST in your daily disciplines, for daily practice makes this process much easier. 
Do not look so much at what is being expressed upon the World stage but tend to your own ‘garden’ to ensure an abundant harvest of all the good that you desire and deserve, for this is what will manifest, as surely as night follows the day. Always honor your selves and your needs and listen to what your body and your Soul wishes to impart to you. This process is ongoing and does become easier and more filled with grace as you work through them. Love yourselves and be patient with one another. All is well and you are all doing an excellent job! We are so deeply grateful to be working with you during these exciting times that are even now having a far reaching effect upon everyone and everything upon your Beloved Planet Earth. 
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  http://www.therainbowscribe.com  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


What does "well" look like?
by Neal Donald Walsch
My dear friends...
I trust that you are having a wonderful week as we move deeper into the 8th month of the year. Two-thirds of 2010 is now nearly behind us (has that gone fast, or what???) and it may be a good time to reassess how this tenth year of the New Millennium has been going for you-and what you want to do between now and January 1 to complete the plans and keep the promises you made to yourself last New Year's Eve.

If we're not careful a year can pass (or two-thirds of one, anyway) without us doing a single thing that we said we were going to do, or achieving anything that we set out for ourselves eight months ago. Not that there's anything "bad" about that-I mean, it's not "wrong" or anything. It's just that the most precious thing we have in life is Time, and we are invited to use it well.

The question is, what does "well" look like? And that all depends on what it is one is trying to do. The chief difficulty for many people is that they are unclear as to what that is. And even for those who do, the problem is that 98% of their time is spend on things that have nothing to do with the reason that they came here. To the body, I mean. To live in the physical world.

We are not simply biological incidents, you and I. We are highly intelligent beings-far more intelligent and far more capable, in fact, than most of us give ourselves credit for. We existed in our True Form long before we came here, we exist in our True Form now, and we will exist in our True Form always. And in our True Form we know exactly who we are and why we came into this physical reality. And I can tell you, it has nothing-nothing at all-to do with what we spend 98% of our time, energy, and focus on. At least, not if we are to believe what Conversations with God tells us.

It has nothing at all to do with the spouse or partner, the kids, the job, the house, the car, the bills, the stuff. It's not about the Cause, the Candidate, the Political Party, the Petition Campaign, the Food Drive, the effort to change the world. How we move through all of those experiences is an out-picturing of what it IS about, but it's not about that at its basis.

If you want to know what your life was COME to be about, take a close look at what you spend the most amount of time on in any given day. That is what has become the priority of your life.

Once you have identified your self-created priority, ask yourself "Why?" Why is this particular activity or function taking up so much of my time? What do I get out of this? What is this saying about me? What does this tell ME about me?

Then see if this squares with your understanding of Who You Are and why you are here on the earth.
I trust that you are having a wonderful week as we move deeper into the 8th month of the year. Two-thirds of 2010 is now nearly behind us (has that gone fast, or what???) and it may be a good time to reassess how this tenth year of the New Millennium has been going for you-and what you want to do between now and January 1 to complete the plans and keep the promises you made to yourself last New Year's Eve.

If we're not careful a year can pass (or two-thirds of one, anyway) without us doing a single thing that we said we were going to do, or achieving anything that we set out for ourselves eight months ago. Not that there's anything "bad" about that-I mean, it's not "wrong" or anything. It's just that the most precious thing we have in life is Time, and we are invited to use it well.

The question is, what does "well" look like? And that all depends on what it is one is trying to do. The chief difficulty for many people is that they are unclear as to what that is. And even for those who do, the problem is that 98% of their time is spend on things that have nothing to do with the reason that they came here. To the body, I mean. To live in the physical world.

We are not simply biological incidents, you and I. We are highly intelligent beings-far more intelligent and far more capable, in fact, than most of us give ourselves credit for. We existed in our True Form long before we came here, we exist in our True Form now, and we will exist in our True Form always. And in our True Form we know exactly who we are and why we came into this physical reality. And I can tell you, it has nothing-nothing at all-to do with what we spend 98% of our time, energy, and focus on. At least, not if we are to believe what Conversations with God tells us.

It has nothing at all to do with the spouse or partner, the kids, the job, the house, the car, the bills, the stuff. It's not about the Cause, the Candidate, the Political Party, the Petition Campaign, the Food Drive, the effort to change the world. How we move through all of those experiences is an out-picturing of what it IS about, but it's not about that at its basis.

If you want to know what your life was COME to be about, take a close look at what you spend the most amount of time on in any given day. That is what has become the priority of your life.

Once you have identified your self-created priority, ask yourself "Why?" Why is this particular activity or function taking up so much of my time? What do I get out of this? What is this saying about me? What does this tell ME about me?

Then see if this squares with your understanding of Who You Are and why you are here on the earth.
Love and Hugs,
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * (http://www.cwg.org) * 
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *   

HEAVEN #3551
The Stature of God within You
August 15, 2010
God said:
Dear Ones, dear One of Me, I am not a great exponent of prayer. I know that may seem strange to you that I, God, to Whom you pray and to Whom some of you dear souls may pray fervently day and night, how odd that I, God, the Doer of all, am not a strong advocate of prayer. Do not have the idea that I am against prayer. There is something else that I favor over prayer. Before I go into the something else, I want to say three things. I number them, yet not one is first or last. They are all important:
1. I am not in favor of your words of prayer being set apart from everyday life.
2. Prayer is often asking for something, even begging for it.
3. I do not wish to see you or anyone convincing themselves that they are in need, that they are lacking, as if they, unto themselves, are powerless.
What do I prefer to prayer? I prefer blessings, for through blessings, you give, not take, although you do receive. As you bless, your good thoughts help yourself and others along the way of life.
I would like to see every minute of your life a blessing to yourself, to Me, to everyone near in your life and to everyone seemingly afar. I would like to see every minute of your life a blessing to the world and the Universe, to every creature who roams, to everyone who is hungry or not hungry, to everyone hale and hearty and to all those induced with illness or theft. I would love to see your walking through the street as a blessing. Whatever task you are performing, I would like to see you do it as a blessing and bless and bless as if blessing were all up to you and yours to give as if you are the only one who knows to bless.
Do you see Me praying?
I desire that you be a constant blessing to all, yet I know my desires are already fulfilled as I speak them. And so must you. I am a Powerful Being, and so are you. We do not ask for immediate gratification. The meaning of “My Will be done” is that My Will IS done. Contrary to what it seems like in the relative world, all is well. All is already well. Confirm well-being rather than need.
When the Great Ones walked the Earth, and still do walk the Earth, saw the ill or the lame, they did not create an interim. They got right down to it. They healed. They may have asked the ill or the lame, “Do you want to be healed?”
They did not get into prayer mode. They were always in blessing mode. They were in service to Me and to you and all that is.
I am telling you that you are an unexpressed Great One. You are one who has not yet discovered the power of blessing and the knowledge of himself.
Even if you do not believe you have greatness within you, you can still be a blessing. See yourself as a fledgling blessing then and bless, and bless, and bless. You will walk differently. You will walk as one who is a blessing walks. You will walk the way I, God, if I were in a physical body would walk, knowing the importance of everyone.
Bless yourself for being My child. Bless yourself that I chose you to be a blessing on Earth as it is in Heaven. Know that you cannot fail.
Bless yourself for your courage to stand straight in whatever situation you find yourself in and to bless all from the stature of God within you.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
The world is crying out now for ones who will allow the flow to flow through them; not to be the ones who have it all dammed up inside of them to stop the flow, because the ones who do dam that flow, they are damned; they are the ones who are stuck. But as you allow the flow to flow through you, as you realize, “I can give and give and give, and more will be given unto me as I give,” then the gratitude grows because you realize, “As I give, it is repaid in the flow ten times, multiplied tenfold as I give it out to others”; tenfold because you realize that you are living in an unlimited spirit of the I Am-ness, the one being that you are.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *  

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