Gateway Of Power

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Archangel Gabriel:1.11.11 – The Gateway of Power
3.)  The Power of "I Love You"
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Ascend
6.)  Time Is Fast Running Out

Isis' Message of the Day -
11 is a Master number . . . today is a very powerful day . . . today is your day!
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Remembering who you are. We are here to assist you with this. You are a part of God/All That Is/Creator. You have immense potential within each of you. You are so much more than you know. If you think you had no part of the planning of your life, think again. You are even now planning you each day. You often plan through the decision of not deciding versus making clear intentions and setting plans in motion. Sometimes your intentions take time to manifest due to the other decisions and non decisions you had made before. The old saying, “Stay the Course” is very true. When all of you is in agreement with a course of action, it happens much quicker. Often you have conflicts inside, and those tend to take charge. We want to remind you how magnificent you are. When you align with the part of you that is your God connection, all things are truly possible. Aligning yourself with God amplifies the strength of your intentions. In this way, you start becoming the creator you came here to be. Now go take on the day. Bless Your Hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *   

Archangel Gabriel:1.11.11 – The Gateway of Power
Received by Shanta Gabriel
Tuesday, 11 January, 2011
Gateways of Power are moments of clear invitation when Divine energies are aligned to support you. The Archangels hold the pillars of this gateway, so you can walk through into the new life you have carefully envisioned and intended for the Earth as well as yourself.
More and more in this Year of Alignment – 2011, the openings into new realms will occur, empowered by the frequency of Oneness. 1.11.11 is the first Gateway. The choice is there for you to be receptive, while you focus on this incredible opportunity to create a new world of Love. No matter what it looks like in your physical vision, this empowered frequency is more available than ever before.
When you have the preparation established within you, it is exhilarating to step through the portal provided by the Archangels during this time. The Gateways of Power are clear openings established on inter-dimensional levels, to create alignment within your energy systems. You are being offered an empowerment so you can feel the operation of higher frequencies in a condensed moment of time. Once you sense the alignment within yourself, you are forever changed.
You have all been asked to prepare yourselves for a new Earth that harmoniously supports the gifts of Nature, Peace within each heart, and those who honor the sanctity of the planetary shifts occurring. Within each being is the sacred spark of the Divine. It is this aspect of your spirit that is enhanced as you encounter the Gateways of Power. Focus on your most authentic, Divine Self will be paramount and allows a gateway to be clearly delineated and imprinted upon your path. Hold your most sacred idea of life within your mind and heart as you take the ritual steps forward through the gates. Energy portals will continue to be revealed as this year unfolds, but none serve the profound ability to connect you to your Source as this gateway of 1.11.11.
As you walk through the gateway, symbolically or literally, you will leave behind outmoded forms and patterns of existence that do not fit the energy stream of unity consciousness occurring on the planet at this sacred time. Create the model of your new life through your intentional setting forth of exalted ideas even if their form is still unclear. Lift your vibration through prayer, inviting the guiding wisdom of your soul and the Archangels to lead you. Embrace as a new level of your inner being, your Divine Self, the one that beholds new Harmony, Joy, Peace and Love for your own life and for the Earth.
Take sacred time during the 24 hours of 1.11.11, most especially at 11:11, to hold these intentions and visualize the Gateway of Power. The Archangels who guard the way are holding this expansive Portal of Light open for you. See them standing there, massive wings of Light expanded in dedication to your own evolution and that of the Earth, bringing to you a blessing from God. When you walk through this gateway, holding the vision of new life on Earth, you align with the forces of all Creation, and a high level of Unity fills your world. That which does not align with these new frequencies of energy drops away. The old frequencies and energy systems cannot exist in the same place, when your Soul becomes aligned with its purpose in an empowered integrated way.
The path on the other side of the 1.11.11 Gateway of Power may not unfold for you all at once, although you may be shown a glimpse of the new vision to give your heart a boost of hope. Do know that as you walk through the gate, you are aligning with the Beings of Light who guide you, and you are never alone. Your demonstration of this intention to live in Oneness with a new planetary grid, allows you to receive greater guidance and sets the patterns of Unity and Harmony within your being. This allows you to experience greater faith to take the next steps along your path into an unknown future, knowing that you have aligned with your Soul’s Purpose and are being guided every step of the way.
Join with others for a profound opening through the Gateway of Power initiated during this day of 1.11.11 – the Alignment that opens your way into Oneness. It offers Unity within you, and connects you with the Source of All That Is Divine. Give thanks for the Grace that descends during this precious period of time. Receive it deep within your being, and acknowledge the Archangels who hold the Earth in Sacred Unity.
You are blessed, and so it is!
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
(c)2010 Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of "The Gabriel Messages." This volume of compassionate wisdom for the 21st Century from Archangel Gabriel, is personal as well as practical, and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta's new book, Messages from Archangel Gabriel on Divine Light is now being offered as a free E-Book download on her website. *  Shanta posts regular messages on her blog, * Shanta also leads an experiential seven month Archangel Study Program. For more information about this powerful soul's journey, her private sessions or workshops, visit   *   

The Power of "I Love You"
by Joe Weaver
January 8, 2011
Just sharing something that has become a very powerful experience for me, and that is using the words "I LOVE YOU."
There are many levels of the POWER the words I LOVE YOU can carry. The power comes from the FEELING, not just by "thinking" the words. FEEL the words I LOVE YOU, embeds your DIVINE LOVE "without conditions" within the channel that you are extending to who or whatever you are focusing on.
Once you FEEL pure LOVE without conditions from your I AM, Source, God or another BEING of Light you know the FEELING for which I am speaking of. It is the FEELING and KNOWINGNESS that there is nothing more pure, so FREE, beyond duality where no darkness can ever exist within. It is this FEELING for which I am describing that YOU focus on when using the words I LOVE YOU. The main reason being, you/we are already this LIGHT beyond duality, it's just that our brains cannot conceive this. So the FEELING, is the connection through the heart not through the brain. The brain works to make the image for which we are focusing on, but it is the connection through the heart which brings the ENERGY that can "dissolve" ANYTHING within the lower heavens for which we exist.
In the past we might have looked in the other direction of "darkness" or have tried to shield ourselves from it. The deep and dark energies that lie within us or that you may see within other areas of reality. It is within darkness that lies a part of us all. So simply not facing this side of yourself or having fear of it will not just make it go away. It will just intensify and present itself to you in different ways. So the next time you get in a situation like this, you can FACE this energy, and try to embrace it. Say to it I LOVE YOU! I do not fear you for I AM the LIGHT that created YOU and I LOVE YOU! Again I say this has to be done through the HEART, not just through the words of the brain. I LOVE YOU! This will dissolve ANY control, ties or limitation. Pure beauty IT IS and within us ALL lies this beauty, this LIGHT that NO darkness can exist. These days I try and HUG IT, of course I can never catch IT. . . LOL. . . it dissipates. I have been doing this so much that now wherever I walk I am projecting this LIGHT consciously/unconsciously to everything I see. The people, parks, buildings, Earth, all SEEN and also UNSEEN, I HUG IT. Nothing but the LIGHT beyond duality of I LOVE YOU to EVERYTHING!
The same principle works with building your channels and clearing them so that you have a clear stream of Light coming through you. For example with your I AM Presence. M/F Source, or any of the Ascended Masters, Buddhas or other Beings of Light. WE in ourselves are really just a circuit for energy to flow through, within this can flow the knowledge and energy of many streams of Light. Within all Light is energy and within energy is information and consciousness. By dissolving the barriers that restrict these channels from flowing you have the potential to embody an endless supply of knowledge and Light energy within your physical presence.
So the next time you are confronted with a family member, co-worker or anyone on the street that is projecting fear, drama or anger against you or someone else say to them "I LOVE YOU."  It does not have to be said out loud, just through your heart. FEEL IT!
To build or clear your channels say to your I AM through your heart I LOVE YOU. To M/F Source I LOVE YOU or to any Being of Light that you wish to connect more closely with say I LOVE YOU through your heart. Most importantly say to your physical body I LOVE YOU! For it is the vehicle for which you are experiencing this reality through. By doing this you will dissolve all boundaries and limitations that limit your awareness and connection with all that IS.
The choice in NOW for all to choose. To live and exist from the heart or from the brain of limitation which only sees fear and judgment. Make your choice by your daily activities and how you treat people. Not just through a thought, but the feeling of I LOVE YOU to ALL. By doing this you will be moving your perception of what IS from a belief to a physical experience and knowing. From a brain filled with beliefs and illusions to a knowingness and feeling of I KNOW what IS. This knowingness for which I describe is beyond religion, beyond practice, it is the living reality for what IS. This WHAT IS, is only found through your heart, not through someone else's truth or something written in a book, but the truth within your heart. The choice is yours and the doors are open for all to SEE, who wish to SEE. With every choice we make we are creating tomorrows reality and the life beyond for which is currently know. The choice is ours.
I LOVE YOU. . . may the Light of your Divine Presence shine through every element of your Being. Thank YOU for BEING YOU!
Happy Days to ALL!
Joe Weaver of *  Check out our NEW radio shows and music on  *     

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, allow yourself to know the energy that you are, the emotions, and to know that truly in every moment you can change that which you see, that which you behold, that which you experience, and that which you express, because you are the creators.
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HEAVEN #3700
January 11, 2011
God said:
Of course, you can pursue happiness, yet happiness doesn’t usually work that way. Happiness is more like a by-product. As you give, so you receive. As you give of yourself, and the more of yourself you give, the more that comes back to you. Yet to gain return is not meant to be your purpose. Your purpose is to serve, beloveds. That about sums it up.
To have for yourself alone lacks luster. You may think that you do not like to share, yet that is not true. What can keep you from sharing but the idea you may have, that as you share, you lose. No, of course, sharing is gain.
Happiness is gain. And happiness is your privilege.
There is not one good reason why you should lack happiness. Be careful that unhappiness isn’t just a predicated mood. Serve happiness well, and you shall have it. You were created for happiness. For what other purpose would I possibly have created you?
Remind yourself today that you are made for happiness.
Remind yourself that you are God’s creation.
Remind yourself that you are to soar far and away and above the ordinary. I created you extraordinary. Ascend to where you already are. You are cream, wonderful thick cream, soothing to the palate, rising to the top.
You are to be a taste of wonderment.
You are an epicure of love, a testament of love, a document of love, a blush of love, a flow of love, a fountain of love supreme.
You are not to stay convinced that you have an imperfect flow of love, love stopped up, love intermittent, love uncalled for or love fluctuating, or love unreciprocated, or love needing to be reciprocated, or love needy, or love unfulfilled, or love on strike or love doting. Plain simple unquestioning love is yours now. Love that is steady and happy to be. Love like a light rain, not a storm, love like full sun that yet does not burn.
Now you are love that is bright and steady and fulminating like a blossoming flower, love that stays and has a life of its own independent of drama, love on its own, love satisfied to be itself, as it is, love that reaches but does not grip, love giving and love undemanding, love that gives and gains from giving, love secure, love content in itself, love glad to be and love fully gratified, love promising, love fulfilling its promise, love content to be love issuing from your heart of gold, your heart pouring love, love free and not piled up, love sallying forth on a sunny day, love sufficient, balanced, love blossoming like the reddest rose, or the whitest or pinkest. Love in bloom. Your heart is a rose of love.
The way of love is love. There is no other way.
Love given not for plaudits. Love given because it must and it likes to. Love given as an offering of one seeming heart to another seeming heart, love handed over for God’s sake, for My sake because I want My love circulating all over the world, through hill and dale, through oasis and desert, climbing mountains and sailing seas, the kind of love that is beautiful to see, to give, to feel, to receive, to have, to enjoy, to relish, to like, to serve the Universe, not love on demand, but love undemanding, love undemanded, love free to be love as it is, for what it is worth, for what it is worth is a King’s ransom, love fulminating in more love and more love until the world is filled with love and nothing but love so help you God.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *   

Time Is Fast Running Out
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
February 2011
Haven't you noticed how quickly our twenty four hour days are seemingly getting so much shorter, yet how can that be? It is a spiritual, theological and universal truth that time has been collapsing in on itself since late1987 when tremendous energy inputs were given to the planet as a sure sign that the"end times" had begun and we were heading down a road that was pre-ordained and blessed so to do. Great energies were injected into the planet as the heavens in it's might and majesty, introduced this precursory input of Mahatma power which continued through to 2000. Then the mighty Crystal Portals were reopened around  the world, reanimated and reactivated, enabling the planet her Christed ‘light bodies,' and also opening wide the Cosmic door as these Christed energies flooded into the planet and all therein and upon, and continuing ever onwards as we dance in our divinities! 
Since 1987 /2000 has time speeded up and our present day is now at merely14 hrs., and still changing until it finally reaches a‘null time zone,' soon after 2012/2013, when there might well be a short period of ‘twilight time' for sleeping at night! This is not at fault, for it is a  natural  progression in an ascension process that we are all involved in without exception, and it is the unified consciousness  that will co-create these wonderful happenings. So yes, time surely is running out! The old time is fast being superceded by a higher cosmic rate of vibration and universally balanced timing that will best suit the ever rising energies through these coming days. Lady Gaia will raise Mother Earth to between higher 4th and then 5th density.
We all have a purpose and a MISSION and they are one and the same. We are all, in these now times being strongly invited to raise our vibrations, to go with lady Gaia, and to let go of a lot of our angers, control, judgement, greed or selfishness, self doubt and low esteem! To look at ourselves again to see where we may do a bit of home pruning, and self praise! We simply need to become A LOVING HUMAN SPIRITUAL BEING, taking every moment and opportunity to LOVE also ourselves as much as we can, for yes, time is fast running out and we are hearing plenty of warnings or prompting! We are inspiring ourselves as we listen to our own Higher Self, our I Am Presence!
We have a multitude of off planet friends, as well as ON planet; spirit guides or helpers, guardian angels and fellow light beings whom are ever close when we choose to call upon them for their loving support. Remember that we too are born of the stars and we too have a greater family in those twinkling heavens whom are working with us and urging us ever onwards as these remaining precious days eventfully flow by. Blessed we also are to be supported by our space families and those glowing ships will becoming more obvious now each passing day as their presence, like our ascended masters, great white brotherhoods and angelics , are as ever in one great consortium of wealth, health, light and love!
The time is fast approaching when we shall all begin to recognise those family and friends as each one of us will be drawn to that vibration we shall be most comfortable within. Like  attracts like, and we will see our off planet friends in the manner that we best recognise them, it is that easy, it is that simple, it is that soon to be, so lets open up to whom we are! Do NOT BE IN FEAR; as 2012 may well be like the year2K, a "non event" to the outward perceiving eye!
Gods Speed!  Be in Love, with God self!

Ever in the light of love,
Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and ever United Kingdom *  *    

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