Focus On The Future {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: Focus on the Future, and Allow Duality to Fade Away
3.)  Archangel Gabriel: Solstice Empowerment
4.)  A New Reality on Earth
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Discovery of the Soul

Isis' Message of the Day -
"We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or in the red fire of a long winter's evening. Some of us let our dreams die, but others nourish and protect them, nurse them through bad days till they bring them to sunshine and light." ~Woodrow Wilson ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear ones. We are here to uplift others. The world is going thru rapid changes. You feel the energy strongly when you focus on us and we embrace you. The energy is palatable. An energy exchange happens. Imagine we are standing in front of you. As you visualize us, then “imagine us sending light and love. In the “imagining,” it really happens. You can also begin to change your world thru energy exchanges with others. When you look others in the eyes, know you and they are one and the same. Be at peace. Be at one. Blessings.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *       

SaLuSa: Focus on the Future, and Allow Duality to Fade Away
June 22, 2011
Many of you have just participated in meditation and other forms of acknowledgement concerning the Summer Solstice. It has been heart-warming for us to see your response, and it is a measure of how seriously you take your responsibilities as Lightworkers. These occasions are more meaningful when you join in, and the result is that the level of Light on Earth is lifted up yet again. You are forcing the dark Ones to withdraw and cease their pointless efforts to stop progress. They remain a nuisance and we are stepping up our plan to remove them. We treat them with love and understanding as we do not judge or condemn, as that would not be helpful if they are to be converted to the Light once again. Love alone is the great power that cannot be repelled and will soften the hardest hearts. Our wish is to see every human soul rise up, even if they are unable to achieve it this time around. No soul is discarded or damned forever, and will at some stage return to the Source as a Godspark.
With 2012 approaching there is still much to look forward to, and what is left of this year will become quite a busy time to say the least. We keep edging nearer to a decisive step forward, but as normal we must take into consideration the affect of any action we take where you are concerned. Peace is so necessary to our work, as we cannot otherwise proceed very far with our plan. It will need our input to achieve it and monitor any peace agreements reached. The days of going back on them will not be allowed, and every country will have to abide by the rules. Disarmament will be permanent and weapons will be made useless and recycled. We know that the dark Ones have facilities underground but that will make no difference, as we can see into their bases and will also neutralize any weaponry in them. Space is of course our domain and many times we have had to stop it becoming weaponised, although attempts have been made in spite of our edict that it would not be tolerated. As you might say, we have our fingers on the pulse, and cannot be fooled whatever attempts are made to do so.
From one week to the next we might be able to spring into action, so keep positive and know that we come to release you all from your prison planet. Although not everyone recognizes it as such having come to accept your lives as normal, you will quickly see how limited you have been in free expression and liberty. However you are waking up, and no longer easily fooled and see through the devious workings of the Illuminati. War is one of their greatest weapons and even now they fuel the ones occurring in the Middle East. They must stop very soon, but some karma is being played out and must run its course. It is sad and we hear the cries of those in pain, but we are unable to interfere in what is your affair and the result of your actions. We do not wish to sound harsh but we are bound by Galactic Law, which we fully understand and abide by.
We note that as you rise up in consciousness there has been a sudden jump in the number of people discovering they have psychic abilities. It is early days for most of them but realize that in such an event, you are meant to develop it as a natural ability which will become more commonplace as time passes. Eventually you will all develop several types of talents that will for example include telepathy. We are talking of your elevation to a Galactic Human, that will bear little resemblance to how you perceive yourself now. Do not worry however, you will be gradually let into these changes and they will not overpower you. Indeed you will be grateful for your expanded abilities, that will make you adept and capable of becoming the Master that you are.
Whilst all of the changes are going on the whole manner of your life will alter, and it will become far more interesting giving you the freedom to travel virtually anywhere you wish. You will never tire of your new found abilities, and they will make you a complete Galactic Human. You do not yet know what it is like to become free of all restraints, and that is your birthright to be returned to you once again. You will master space travel through your power of thought, and the concept of simply wishing yourself somewhere else will become quite commonplace. In fact you could be in two places at once, but that is jumping ahead when you must first experience less complicated ideas. Be sure Dear Ones, the promises made to you are not idle dreams, and it is ordained that you ascend to start a new chapter in your life. Duality has all but served its purpose where you are concerned. So please focus on the future, and allow Duality to fade away, as it is finished.
You are very resilient souls and it seems remarkable to us that you have such a strong sense of survival. Your experiences have been very challenging yet you somehow see your way through. It is that which makes you very respected and admired, as that quality will see you put those experiences to good use when you work with evolving Beings. It is usual for ascended souls like you will shortly be, to seek opportunities to serve others. There are always new civilizations coming along, and the creators never cease bringing more into being. No one quite knows how many there are, and Space with its endless dimensions is teeming with life that goes on into infinity. Indeed the Supreme Creator is forever dreaming new life forms into existence, and these will follow a similar path of evolution to your own.
As we have intimated previously, on the one hand you are such a minute part of creation yet because of Ascension are now a main point of focus and interest, and very important to the whole process. The Universe is aware of your soon to come upliftment as physical Beings. It has created such an interest that you have quite an audience looking on to witness the event. It brings souls from even other Universes who want to share the experience with you. So never feel that you are insignificant or forgotten, as you have never had such attention as you are getting now.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoying the thought of being part of your Ascension, and I am as interested as any visitor to your Solar System. They are allowed entry and near the Earth, but we place a limit upon how near they may come. The area around Earth is patrolled by our craft, and absolutely no interference with you is allowed. You are indeed safe with us as your mentors.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  *            

Archangel Gabriel: Solstice Empowerment
Received by Shanta Gabriel
June 21, 2011
Dear Ones,
The Divine Light for this Solstice empowerment acts as a catalyst to carry unified consciousness throughout the planet. Use the observance of this date, June 21, as an opportunity to truly experience the many possibilities opening up during this powerful year of change. The Divine Light available on this day empowers both hemispheres of the earth. It carries a transmission across time and space to awaken the cellular structure of the human body to a higher frequency of energy. The energy carried in the Light stimulates the impulse for mass awakening that was encoded in the DNA of every person born during the evolutionary times that have transpired since 1945. If you are reading this message, you have it.
Receiving the download of the Solstice energy allows a sense of oneness, as well as alignment with the Source of the highest Light there is. Awakened consciousness comes with this deep connection. If you can place yourself in the field of this energy during the activation of this 24 hour period, the resulting consciousness from the transmission of energy can empower your life with a new sense of wholeness and purpose.
These Light frequencies are a part of the massive wave of energy sweeping across the globe. There are no limitations to this energy source so your conscious, positive direction is invaluable. Gather together with others to share the Light and create a conscious connection to a wave of awakening to the One Source of Divinity, Love and Healing. Direct this Light into the world with your prayers and intentions. Receive the Light deeply into your being. Bask in the Light, allow it to recharge your deepest soul’s yearning, then use this gift to serve on the planet.
Drink in the Light, as you attune consciously with the intention to be empowered by this Solstice activation. Absorbing Light with every cell of your body, breathing in Light with every pore, directing your body to use the Light for your healing, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This activation can be carried into your life to create a blessing of great, unbounded good. Know that the Divine Light massing to download on to the planet on June 21 carries Love and Intelligence from the Divine Source for you to use.
This is a rare opportunity to receive an empowerment, that when dedicated to the conscious awakening of the human heart and mind, can spark the evolution of the planetary being as well. Use this solstice as a catalyst for every area of your life, and for the good of the planet. When you volunteered to be on earth during this precious moment in time, a driving force within your soul was set into motion. The call you hear from within to do something with your life, that restlessness you feel inside, can be answered very simply:
•    Show up at every opportunity to share Divine Light within one another.
•    Create your intention to live in harmony with the Divine Source of all Light.
•    Stay with a daily spiritual practice that receives and uses Divine Light.
•    Join with others in the conscious awakening prayers and direct the energy from the Light into planetary awareness.
These actions create a positive direction for high-energy frequencies that can become very uncomfortable when not used consciously as awakening elements. Here is one suggestion for a prayer you may offer on June 21:
Divine Presence, Masters and Great Beings of Divine Light, Angels and Archangels, Beloved I AM,
Thank you for this opportunity to receive Divine Light into my life and into the world. May I be a pure receiver of this energy, in a way my body is able to integrate and use at a deeper level than ever before. Please bring this Light energy into every cell and fiber of my being to be used for healing and for my evolution. I ask to be a clear and radiant channel for this Divine Light to move deeply into the Earth for the healing of this planet.
May the energy of this powerful Divine Light reach into the heart and mind of each person, and connect them to the awakening consciousness that is transpiring right now on earth. May this awakening of the Light of Peace and Love contribute to raising the consciousness of all beings and assist the evolution of the planet. May all live in Harmony with Divine Love from the Highest Source of Light that exists. Be it so. Thank you.
You will be joining with the forces of Heaven in this process. June 21, 2011 is an opportunity of Divine Awakening in which your soul is being called to participate. The Activation of Divine Light this Solstice Day can create a wave of healing never before experienced.
You are an instrument for Divine Light. This is your chance to shine. Receive Light. Send Light. Be Light.
Shanta Gabriel

For Archangel Gabriel
(c)2011 Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of "The Gabriel Messages." This volume of compassionate wisdom for the 21st Century from Archangel Gabriel, is personal as well as practical, and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta's new book, Messages from Archangel Gabriel on Divine Light is now being offered as a free E-Book download on her *  Shanta posts regular messages on her blog, * Shanta also leads an experiential seven month Archangel Study Program. For more information about this powerful soul's journey, her private sessions or workshops, visit   *       

A New Reality on Earth
by Sandy Stevenson
There is a new situation on Earth. A new directive has been declared by the Elohim. It allows for one level of reality to be dissolved to bring the state of play on Earth to a fairer level. For some time now the negative forces on Earth have been using some unfair tactics to proceed with their plan. This has now been stopped owing to continued requests of the Light Force on Earth for Divine order to occur.
The particular reality level being dissolved contains very dense energy and holds the broader sprectrum of many situations we are seeing on Earth at this time such as disaster weather scenarios, the misuse of technologies such as genetic engineering; chemicals and food; radiation and wave lengths; the HAARP project; medical technology; governmental powers, etc. Although these concepts also exist in other bands of reality, they are much milder within those bands.
We could look at parallel realities of Earth as a staircase going up into the heavens. One specific level of that staircase has been disintegrated. At the same time, the other timeline realities moved downwards to fill the void, just like a pack of cards. So, now one less parallel universe is in existence.
This means that dense negative projects will begin to disappear as they have no energy impetus behind them. However, a few projects have already been integrated into the 3D. We need to do something to get these ‘already underway projects’ removed out of the 3D realm. There is a decree ahead that can handle this, providing sufficient numbers of Lightworkers do it.
Initially, there was a level playing field on Earth. It consisted of two forces (Light and Dark) with similar technologies and each had opposing goals concerning the future of Earth and humanity. The Light forces were assisting Earth on her evolutionary path, particularly with her ascension to the 5th dimension along with her life forms. The dark forces have done all they could to prevent this occurring, mainly spreading fear in order to maintain control.
With continued misuse of off-planet advanced technology by negative forces and repeated violations of Universal Law, the playing field on Earth was no longer level or fair. The advanced negative technology being used, such as negative wave lengths destroying the structure and life upon Earth, have come from outside sources and are therefore not permitted by Universal Law. Humanity has consequently been put in a position ill equipped to understand or deal with these technologies.
With the increased use of one advanced technology which creates synthetic heavy weather patterns, denser energy has begun to permeate the Earth plane. People assumed these were natural disasters, but many of the recent scenarios have been caused by negative forces using technology to trigger them. Of course, there are natural disasters as well and these may continue as needed by the Earth Mother. As humanity, including Lightworkers, have observed the disasters and heard and read of negative predictions, more energy has been given to the reality of disasters occurring, moving it closer to the fore as a possible reality for Earth. Similar predictions have surfaced in past years, but have been firmly rejected by the majority of the Light Force, who maintained their certainty that we could cleans the Earth’s dense energy with Light.

The remaining possible parallel realities for Earth are of a much lighter nature and involve continuing to cleanse the dense energies of Earth with the use of Light frequencies. She needs to cleanse any energy that is of a denser vibration that can be taken into the 5th dimension. The same applies to us and all of humanity.
The Earth is ascending now. Nothing that can stop her ascension. But the manner in which that occurs can change. If we wish this planet to stay intact and continue cleansing with Light we need to look to our own thoughts. Thoughts hold great power and Lightworkers thoughts have even more power as many hold a Right to speak for their own soul groups. Have a look at your own thoughts. See if you have agreed that the Earth is going to experience great flooding or earthquakes, etc. Do you know that if we all saw the Earth in a whole and perfect state gently moving in beautiful Light into her new position in the 5th dimension without any disasters occurring, that is exactly what would happen. The Law of Attraction says ‘what we send out, we get back.’ What exists is what we agree exists.
We are also ascending into the 5th dimension. We need to keep in mind, as Lightworkers, that our focus now is vital. We need to remain positive in all things, loving everything and everyone, not judging and clearing our own debris and belief patterns, in order to increase our own light vibration sufficiently to ascend.
The New directive is truly wonderful. It helps the Light Force a great deal and it sets the negative forces way back in their plans. But now we need to handle our own thoughts to ensure that the reality we prefer for Earth becomes the one we are living. This is imperative.
The real reason some Lightworkers have taken on the idea of Earth disasters:-
As you know, when we came here, the Starseeds were required to take on every pattern, every fear, every illness, etc. that existed on Earth, in order to create the blueprint to allow humanity to be able to release those same fears, illnesses, etc. Prior to Earth, no blueprint existed in the universe for a planet this dense.
When Atlantis sank, the Light Force imprinted a blueprint into the Earth plan that covered that disaster scenario. That allowed humanity to release fears arising from thoughts of earth sinking and people drowning. However, that blueprint didn’t cover the sort of scenario we are seeing now. Now, people are collectively afraid of all different things within the same thought pattern – i.e., earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, fires, radiation, drowning, maimed, floods, tornados, starving, nowhere to live, being swallowed up into the ground, hit by debris, etc. So, a new blueprint, or to be exact an extension of the first one (created after Atlantis); needed to be created to help humanity release these fears patterns. It requires a specific mathematical number of Lightworkers to take on the thought pattern, work through it and then release it.
Some Lightworkers have released their thought of disasters overtaking the Earth. More Lightworkers need to do so. Many are in the process of releasing it and some are stuck in that process. We all need to release it to allow the blueprint to come fully in.
Remember, people’s predictions of the future are merely opportunities to see what we are creating so we can change our mind and place our energy into something we do prefer. The reality for our own life, or the life of the planet, changes all the time depending on where the greatest thought energy is being placed. People who predict the future have to also let go of fixed ideas and constantly update. There are also deliberate negative predictions around.
What to do:
We need to do several decrees to cover what is needed. A decree is your Right as a Lightworker on Earth to request Divine Consciousness (All That Is) to act for you. Under Universal Law, in most instances concerning Earth matters, the Higher realms are not permitted to interfere. They require permission from the inhabitants on Earth so they can act. This is one of the main reasons we incarnated here and became inhabitants. Many Lightworkers also act on behalf of their soul family upon Earth, which gives great power to the wishes and thoughts of Lightworkers.
The decrees are needed to: 1. To bring the Earth into her Highest order. 2. To change negative projects instigated by negative forces. 3. To ensure we are free of anything negative personally
Please take this step seriously. If you are not in the right space, it may not reach where it needs to go. We need to become still and peaceful, aligned to highest Light, and step into our highest point of evolution. That means step fully into our mastery and merge with our I Am Presence of our Highest evolution.
First Step:
"I demand that I am now fully aligned with my I Am Presence of my Highest evolution.
Decree number 1: (to be said three times):
"By Divine Decree, in the Name of God and under the Law of Grace, I ask the Highest Realms of Light to act now on my behalf for Highest Divine Order to take place concerning the cleansing and full Ascension of Earth."
Having said the above decree through three times, then please say the following line once –
"So Be It. So Mote It Be. It is Done."
Decree number 2: (to be said three times):
"By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, Under the Law of Grace, I request the Highest Realms of Light to transmute and remove any negative infra structures, programmes, energy fields, wave length signals and other paraphernalia that has been placed within or around the Earth structure or her subtle bodies, on any level or dimension, with the intention of causing negative disruption, destruction or chaos in the structure of Earth or her peoples. The authorization for this request is based on the recent ruling by the Elohim that these acts are deemed to be taking unfair advantage of Humanity and life forms on Earth.
I ask the Highest Light Forces of God to bring all such activities into alignment with the new Elohim ruling, thus providing the full spectrum of the Elohim directive to allow Earth its Highest Divine outcome."
Having said the above decree through three times, then please say the following line once –
"So Be It. So Mote It Be. It is Done."

Decree number 3: (to be said three times)
"By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, under the Law of Grace, I request the Highest Realms of Light to remove and transmute in the most comfortable way possible, any negative thoughts, infrastructures, programmes, energy fields, fixed ideas, entities or other paraphernalia within my physical or subtle bodies, on any level or dimension, that is not in Divine Order and in my true and Highest good.
I ask the Highest Light Forces of God to bring me into the reality that has the Highest outcome for Earth, if it be for my true and Highest good."
Having said the above decree through three times, then please say the following line once –
"So Be It. So Mote It Be. It is Done."
With the introduction of the new Directive, the state of play has changed. With the Grace of God, may we now bring this beloved planet and all life gently to a new place of harmony and love in the 5th dimension.
All is well and in Divine order.

© Sandy Stevenson

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, claim the Oneness. Claim, “I am the divine master who is creating every experience that I have, and I call it good. I may not see good in it right in this moment, but I know when I turn the page, it’s going to be good.” That is the divine gift that you give to yourself, and it is called hope.
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HEAVEN #3862
Discovery of the Soul
June 22, 2011
God said:
From the Ocean you came. You walked out of the Sea. A beautiful sight you were as you strode out of the water and took to land. You did not parachute in. What a brave thing to do to come to Earth. How foretold it was. You took strong steps from the Sea to Earth. Then you were on land. The sun dried you off and warmed you.
You made many discoveries. You discovered sand. You squeezed your toes in it. You wrote in the sand with sticks. You dipped yourself into the Ocean, and sand clung to your feet.
You are a pioneer of life. You trod on untread territory. You learned to dance. You hopped. You skipped. And so your legs lifted you, and your soul came along to guide you and discover you discovering life on Earth. Life on Earth was a lark.
And then you were pelted with hail stones, and you didn’t understand. Rain you understood, but not hail stones which seemed to drive you into the ground.
You made up sadness and strife as though life on Earth had to do with struggle and so forth. You struggled with yourself untold times. You made a business of strife. You built obstacles in the sand. They were imaginary. They took over your life as though they carried more power than you.
Struggle overwhelmed you. You became a fish out of water. You panted on Earth. You knew this wasn’t the way life on Earth was supposed to be, and yet you thought that this is how it is, and you knuckled down and built sorrow and believed in death. Your soul tagged along, and yet knew better.
You drifted in sand, and you drifted in snow and named progress as your by-word. You didn’t know what you were talking about. Your teeth chattered. You turned your back to the Sun. You toiled.
Your soul kept knocking on your forehead, and yet no one was Home.
You ventured to the edges of cliffs that you had made up, for life on Earth was not made of sharp edges except as you conceived them. There were no cliffs to fall off. You cognized tragedies and sore feet.
Your soul held on tight, wrapped its arms around you, sang to you and whispered My name. You walked anyway as if soul were not, as if personality were supreme. You danced with ego and tripped yourself. Ego became curls and tresses on your head, and you made up make-up and all sorts of things that you took unto yourself and convinced yourself were true. You substituted false for true and felt satisfied with your knowledge. In ignorance, you acknowledged yourself. You played with your toes. You cavorted. You made up with yourself time and time again after long arguments.
Long arguments turned into the arms of man-made laws, and you signed your name on the dotted line. Bounty hunters arose. They hunted those who ran away. Children played the game of tag. It was symbolic. Children still knew how to have fun. They grew up and forgot.
Romance was manipulated. It became a bargain. Love was sold in vials of perfume and circles of bracelets. Dreams became small and demanded a high price. Business became another name for life, and livings were foraged out of rock.
Now the dawn is replacing the curls of ego on your head. You part your hair. You snip off ego. It falls to shreds at your feet, and love grows in fertile soil. Your soul has come back into its own. You suspect its existence. You look to follow it. You look within, and there it is. And here you are.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
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