Flower of Life Meditation

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: The End Times Are Rushing Towards You
3.)  Sananda: Flower Of Life Meditation
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Love Will Be in Bloom

Isis' Message of the Day -
In Order to Claim Abundance in All Things, First, You must Begin to Live in Harmony with the Universal Laws as Mandated by the Creator of All.
Having abundance or living in poverty is up to you. The more you will acknowledge your own power of Creation, the more powerful you become. Just as the more you deny that power the weaker you become.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Open your heart to receive. Imagine us standing beofre you. See the beauty of the love God/Source has for you. Breath in the love of God. See the world through the eyes of love. Experience love. Take this feeling with you as you go into the world. Blessings to all. It is good to converse with you on this glorious morning. Do you feel the magic in the air? Do you feel love around you? Do you see the beauty of those in your life? Know that you are blessed to be here with those you love. Know that you are blessed to see the sunset and sunrise. Know that you are blessed just for breathing. Take stock of the many blessing that are yours. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"
www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   * 

SaLuSa: The End Times Are Rushing Towards You
August 18, 2010
You have power beyond your imagination, and as you get nearer to the end of this cycle, it will become more evident. Up to now it has been largely expressed through your mass consciousness, and has created the conditions and experiences you are having now. There are some exceptions where a soul has been able to lift their vibrations, and the most common example is one with positive healing abilities. To a degree you can all do it and it is healing with the love vibration. A mother’s love for her child is a typical example. It is not too many years ago that claims to have healing powers would have most likely been ridiculed. It requires a firm belief in your ability to do such things, and you are now in a period when it is becoming easier to do so. People are also more accepting of natural healing methods, and some prefer them to a lifetime of drugs with their own side effects.
As you progress through the next few years, the vibrations will increase more rapidly. You will find that as you lift up your own, you will be less afflicted by illness or any health problems. Your body is becoming more crystalline, and it will be able to overcome any attack upon its bodies defensive system. You will no longer be subject to any form of disease, and eventually the process of aging will stop and be reversed. There is a point coming in the future when you will be in the most perfect body form. May we say that is why you have never seen an “old” Space Being, and when we speak of long past events it is because we often have first hand experience of them. We live many hundreds of years and do not age as you do.
As you keep on ascending, so you will reach even higher dimensions and eventually become a Being of pure Light. It means that you have no need for a physical body, but with your godlike powers can create whatever form you may need. There are times when such Beings drop down into the lower dimensions to serve the souls at that level, such as for example the one you are in. The higher dimensions are the creations of pure love, and cannot be affected by any energies of a lesser nature. They are levels that you would find too powerful to remain in, and because of the Law of Attraction you cannot in fact reach them. However, some souls are taken to them under the wings and protection of a Higher Being, and it is usually as part of their spiritual teachings.
For many of you what has been described will sound familiar, and some will have had such experiences in your present lifetime. There are very few of you that can bring back such memories to your waking state. Virtually all souls will leave their bodies at some time during their sleep period. You will most likely meet your loved ones in the Astral regions, including those that have passed over. Sometimes such meetings are partially remembered, but simply seem like dreams. It is a quite normal experience, but those who have no belief in life after death or the other realms remain poised above their body. When you realise how much more you do than you are aware of, perhaps you can see how limited you are in your understanding of life in the 3rd dimension.
If you approach life in the best way, even although it can be a great trial you can move through it without being affected by it. Nothing that can happen to you will be lasting, and at a point that comes nearer each day we shall be allowed to enter your lives. A great cleansing will commence very quickly, whilst steps are taken to reverse some of the pollution that affects very large parts of your Earth. At the same time negotiations will ensure that unjust laws and actions are no longer possible. It will result in your sovereignty being restored, and freedom assured for the future. You will quickly put all of your present concerns behind you, and there will be a totally different sense of well being not experienced for a very long time. Our plans will be shared with you, and many of you will obviously work with us.
We wish you to feel part of everything that is happening, and there will be a coming together of many countries that have previously been archenemies. Your history shows that the dark Ones have deliberately created tension between them, and have perpetuated the idea of continual wars. It has been to drain your resources and keep you in state of fear, whilst projecting the possibility of a world war. In fact but for our actions the predicted Third World War would have commenced some years ago. The Galactic Federation have been active in this way for a long time, to ensure that you safely reached the point of Ascension. You sometimes forget that we are behind you all of the time, and we continuously monitor what is happening on Earth.
Be assured that we are tightening the net around the dark Ones, and the longer it goes on the less opportunity they have of avoiding the inevitable. They know they are losing the fight, but cling to the hope they can hold out. However, their days are numbered and plans in disarray, and they cannot escape the days of reckoning. God may allow you total freedom, but that does not mean that you can treat others just as you wish. You are all on Earth to learn lessons, and without laws there would simply be anarchy. All experience is to lead you along the path of understanding, to the realisation that everything is founded upon the love energy. When you find the true God you will then realise that all life is irrevocably connected, and is infinite.
It is in order for you to concentrate on your own advancement, as the end times are rushing towards you. Your consciousness levels will by now have increased, and as a result you are better able to be discerning where your future is concerned. You do have all knowledge within, and can trust your own decisions. Sometimes your Guides will help you, by trying to influence you in your actions and that is quite allowable. They know your life plan better than you do, and will always act in your best interest. Get to know that they are there with you and talk to them, as they will hear you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoy sharing my thoughts and understanding with you. I also like the opportunity to tell you about our part in your future. We have been preparing you for this time for ages, and you are now well informed. We appreciate and thank you for your welcoming messages.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Hello Dear Ones, 
Here is some information to assist you in understanding the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life.  The center circle of the Flower of Life symbol represents the Creator.  From the innermost point of the circle, the Creator formed another circle of It's Self, then returned to the center of the first circle and created a third circle of It's Self, until there were six circles surrounding the first circle of the Creator.  This initial pattern represents the formation of life, created in six days, as the Creator rested on the seventh day.  This first pattern of seven circles can also be called the Genesis pattern.  This pattern may be created to infinity.  The Flower of Life symbol has been found in ancient Egyptian culture, and God within the circle has sometimes been depicted as the right eye of Horus.
May you flow in the River of Life in the Love of your Sacred Heart.

Picture of the Sacred Geometric Flower of Life
Sananda: Flower Of Life Meditation
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
August 2010

Beloved Ones,
One life, one heart, one ascension. This, in truth, is the reality of the experience you are having in the Now Moment, there is only one ascension.  You are all connected to each other, there is no separation. You are One. There is only One and it is the God Source.  It is the All; it is the Divine Mind, the Divine Heart, the Divine Oneness of eternal Creation.  It is the Divine Blueprint from the inception of the All That Is, the moment when the Creator chose to experience It's Self, and create each one of you.  You are each a perfect and Divine Blueprint, an exact replica of the God Source. You have all the qualities, aspects and virtues of the eternal Creator within you.  Separation is only an illusion. All that God is, you are, and it is so for each and every soul incarnate on this planet and for each and every soul throughout eternity. You are in the process of realizing this vast truth, this Oneness, and experiencing the unconditional love, the joy, that comes with this deep, deep, knowing. 
Sit down in meditation, Dear Ones. Deepen this knowing, this oneness with all life, with your brothers and sisters, with mother earth, and above all, with your Divine God Self within you.  Sit down in meditation and place your consciousness within the center of your Sacred Heart and allow the expansion, to open your heart as a flower.  You may visualize this expansiveness as the opening of the many petals of a lotus blossom, a rose, any flower which ignites your visualization, and provides this expansion for you.  As you expand upon the love of your Sacred Heart, breathe deeply and visualize the Flower of Life symbol. Sacred geometry ignites fire letters and key codes, symbols which assist you in making the transition to your crystalline light body of the fifth dimension. Sacred geometry will assist you in activating your Merkiva, your light body which will be your vehicle for travel in the fifth dimension.  As you breathe and meditate upon the opening and the expansion of the sacred flower in your heart, allow the transition to the symbol of the Flower of Life.  Allow the Flower of Life symbol to overlay your Sacred Heart, to overlay the flower you have opened.  Feel the expansion.  Allow the activation of the Flower of Life to integrate into the love of your Sacred Heart. 
Expand the Flower of Life to fill your auric field, and slowly expand the Flower of Life symbol to encompass what you perceive as your extended field.  Then breathe and expand the Flower of Life symbol to encompass mother earth.  See the Flower of Life as large as mother earth, filling mother earth, encompassing all that she is, enfolding all life within the sacred geometry of this Flower of Life.  Breathe deeply and feel the magnificence of this activation, of this one life, one heart.  Feel the activation of the key codes and sacred fire letters.  Feel the activation of the Oneness with your brothers and sisters.  And now, breathe and expand the Flower of Life to the Oneness of your solar system.  Breathe deeply and feel this expansion.  Now breathe deeply and expand the Flower of Life to enfold your galaxy, your universe, and the Cosmos.  You are this Flower of Life, as is every soul incarnated, every life form, your brothers and sisters, as is God.  This is the first cell formation, the beginning formation of the cells of God, as God choose to experience It's Self.  This Flower of Life is the One Source, the initial split off cells of God.  It represents the formation of all life.  Breathe deeply and experience this Oneness with God, this Oneness with the Cosmos.  Plant the Flower of Life deeply within your Sacred Heart Center. 
Breathe deeply and plant this code of the One Heart, firmly and lovingly, into your Sacred Divine Mind.  Feel the activation of the sacred fire letters and key codes within your sacred Divine Mind. Breathe deeply as you feel this activation with the oneness of all life and the knowing that you are the eternal God Source.  Breathe, expand and firmly plant the Flower of Life into your Sacred Divine Mind. And now, connect the flower of life within your Sacred Heart, to the Flower of Life within your Sacred Mind and allow them to meld and become one. There is no separation. The heart and the mind are One. All is One. Feel this blending, this flow, as the two Flower of Life geometric patterns become One. This is the first cell of the God Mind, it is God, it is you, it is all life, it is infinity, it is eternal. This symbol of the Flower of Life can be expanded into infinity, it has no begi nning, it has no end.  It is the circle of life; it is the All, which has no beginning, which has no end. This you have now activated within your being. Breathe deeply, and feel this knowing. Breathe deeply and Be this knowing. This Flower of Life is the God Source, it is unconditional love, it is peace, it is joy, it is abundance, it is harmony, it is every aspect and facet of God that you desire to be.  It is the personality of God. 
When you find yourselves in moments of lower vibrations, when you find yourselves in challenges and you have temporarily forsaken the Love of your Sacred Heart, bring yourself back into your Sacred Heart by visualizing the Flower of Life as an overlay beginning in your heart, expanding to include the Sacred Mind, and enlarging and expanding to the Cosmos. You will be able to do this in a moment in the Now, as you practice doing it. Each time you visualize the Flower of Life, in this way, you further activate your crystalline body codes and assist yourself in the ascension process. 
Dear Ones, we are here to assist you and to help you with tools and meditations to lift you up to the light of the higher realms.  There are many paths back to the One.  Choose your path and do not waiver. Each new level and integration of light you incorporate for your Self, will not only bring you closer to matching the fifth dimensional vibration, it will assist your brothers and sisters, the earth and all life forms to lift themselves up, on this sacred journey of life.
Call on me, Beloved Ones, to join you in this meditation.  I am here with you in the Love of your Sacred Heart.
I am Sananda
Michelle began her spiritual practice in 2002. She studied intensively, meditated, and extensively educated herself. She continues this practice each and every day. She fully immersed herself in the wisdom teachings of Archangel Michael, through Ronna Herman. She quickly became so dedicated to the joys of her spiritual journey, that she was ordained in March of 2003 as an honoring of who she is.
Michelle attained certification as a Medical Intuitive and Quantum Practitioner. She became a vibrational healer, practices healing touch, and also works within the human energetic matrix. She is a messenger for Archangel Michael and Jeshua, and also receives wisdom from the Ascended Masters & Teachers through the Akashic Records, and is a disciple of the Kriya Yoga spiritual lineage. www.transformingradiance.com  *  3472 S.W. Oar Court, Palm City, FL. 34990, USA *  Email:  michelle@transformingradiance.com   *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Whenever you give something away, more comes in its place. So if you have been desiring something, start giving it. If you have been desiring health, start giving health, visualizing health for another friend who perhaps is thinking that they need help or healing. Put yourself in a place of envisioning them healthy and whole, the Christ of them manifesting wholly through the body. And any part of you that has been calling out for healing is going to receive healing ten-fold, because as you give, so it is given unto you ten-fold, and it works immediately.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *  

I connect you with your own innate healing powers. I AM a channel for the God Light, the Source of ALL THAT IS that has affected some cures, brought relief to some, just give some a jolt of energy that was needed and did nothing for others as they chose certain difficulties as part of their life's path. Like everything in life at a "soul level" healing is a matter of choice. Healing on all levels are taking place here.

HEAVEN #3554
Love Will Be in Bloom
August 18, 2010
God said:
My love is rightfully yours. It has always been yours. My love has your name written all over it. It is signed and sealed yours. My love is the pot of gold that you are to reach into.
You are already gilded with the gold of My love. Do not be so dazzled. This is the natural way of things. Who would have My love if not you? I know My children as One.
My love cannot be hoarded. It can only be shared. You have love to give. You have love to give because I have heaped love upon you. My love cannot spoil you. It can only heighten you. If you feel that you have been denied My love, then you have denied it. If you feel that you have been deprived of My love, it is you who has deprived yourself of it. Perhaps you have put My love aside, or not looked at it lest My love be too much for you and you would disintegrate. Disintegrate in My love? You will not disintegrate in My love. You will integrate. You will not be lost in My love. That’s where you will be found. You will be found in the depths of My heart for all the world to see.
Dig deep into My heart. Know My love, and then you will gloriously share it. You will know abundance, and Our combined abundance will spill over into all the hearts in the world. Lonely, or in a crowd, My love in you will flow out like love without borders, like rivers without dams, like a faucet that will not turn off. You will have drunk from the well. Once filled, you can only splash My love everywhere. My heart runneth over, and so does yours.
There is no end to My love. You do not lose My love by sharing it. You multiply it. My love is not to be kept in reserve. My love is going to explode on Earth, and you are going to light the match to it. Because of you, the world is going to be inundated in My love. Because of you, there will be a steady flow of love such that the extant world has not seen. That this steady stream of love has not been seen doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been flowing. It hasn’t been seen because you closed your eyes to it or because you blocked the flow of love from your heart as if with a clothespin. If you have not rolled around in My love, perhaps you glued the valves of My love in your heart shut for fear that you would be uprooted.
Yes, you would be uprooted. Do you possibly think that you can feel all the love in My heart and stay the same? You will burst out of your skin. You cannot possibly stay the same when it is My love full steam ahead.
When you let loose My love in your heart, you will release an entourage of love on Earth. A volcano of love, a typhoon, an earthquake of love that will moisten the Earth and no dry heart will ever be again. Dryness of heart will be unheard of. It will not be remembered. Only fullness of love will be remembered. Only fullness of love will be known. There will be a rise of love on Earth and no lessening of it. Love will be in bloom, and illusion of anything else will fall away.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
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