Fear Not: Miracles Are Coming

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Fear Not.  Miracles are Coming.
3.)  The Masters of Light: Finding the Truth
4.)  A Mind Made Up
5.)  New Guides Message: You Are A Divine Being
6.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day

Isis' Message of the Day -
Love makes us free from expectations, which enables us to be open to the fact that every individual has his unique role to play and has his own unique capabilities. With this openness also comes the acceptance of people as they are, thus giving them the environment to connect to their own uniqueness.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Behold the beauty before you. See the magnificience of all life. Do you see the wonder of life unfolding. The amazement of a single cell becoming a flower, a puppy, a child. The Divine Spark of God/Creator ignites the cell causing it to flourish and multiply. Divinity flows through all that is.
Blessings to all. We of the angelic realms salute you. We see how magnificient you are. You have no idea what you are accomplishing. Do you wonder at all of the changes you have made in the past year? Many of you have drastically changed the way in which you are living your life. Blessed are you who rejoice in the love of the Divine. We see your light. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"
www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   * 

Fear Not.  Miracles are Coming.
by Jean Warner
The Ascended Masters are telling us to keep our peace and maintain a rosy demeanor no matter what appears to be threatening our world’s stability.  Things are about to happen, they say, and it is vitally important that we stay grounded, calm, and balanced.  This week we were given an orange alert regarding the situation in Yellowstone and in Montana.   It appeared that things were about to blow in that area, and we can help soften it.  There are many off-planet beings monitoring the situation, but they must be given permission to intercede, as they cannot interfere with the free will of mankind unless asked to do so. 
When events are threatening large populations, it might take multiple requests for intercession to offset the intentions of those whose negative thoughts, words, and actions are creating the chaos.  But keep in mind, they are in the minority.  Our positive thoughts can offset the negative.  Prayers from the masses can effect divine intervention if it is for the highest good of all. 
We can also call upon St. Germain to use the Violet Flame to transmute the negativity that is shooting forth from the Earth in many places.  For Mother Earth is releasing her pain and sorrows that have congregated through eons of time.  They need to be released, yet that pain can come forth in the form of explosive energy producing fire, wind, floods, and volcanic action.  Ask that it be transmuted into neutral energies, and fill the empty spaces with your love.  We, too, are releasing, and that energy as well is contributing to the murkiness of the atmosphere around us.  We also can call upon the Violet Flame to neutralize these spirals of energy so that they will not contaminate the environment. 
The fear mongers may be exercising their own free will, by manifesting disasters through intent.  Striking fear among the masses is their means of control.  For what one fears can attract the fearful situation in accordance with the law of magnetic attraction.  Mass fear, therefore, is dangerous and must be countered.  We must not give in to fear!  Our prayers may achieve permission for the servants of God on the other side of the veil to intercede.  And through positive thoughts and attitudes, we can help to calm the waters.  Fear engenders fear, but serenity breeds serenity. 
We are living in a time of great changes.  It is a time of tribulation that in the long run will engender positive effects.  The chaotic conditions we are confronting have been prophesied by the ancients and carried in memory by many indigenous peoples.  The hidden prophesies are being exposed, and much more will come to light.  Even modern-day prophets have told us of trials and tribulations to be endured in order to bring forth a beautiful new world of love and light.  But prophecy is based on probabilities shaped by past history and present consciousness of humanity.  It is subject to change.  An uplifting of human consciousness is the magic that will turn the corner.  For have not prophecies of a new world, a glorious world, also been predicted?  And The Father has ordained that this will be the case for those who have chosen to join the forces of Light.  For many it has been a subconscious choice, which does not make it any less viable. 
The best way to eradicate the forces of darkness is to bring them into the light.  This can be accomplished by love and compassion for all, and that should be our aim.  Let your light shine, no matter how chaotic the world may seem.   Be an example of peace and joy.  However, we must accept the probability that many will choose to remain in the lower realm.  They will have other opportunities in the future, for all will eventually be gathered in.
Mankind has reached a turning point!  You can see it happen day by day.  People have had their fill of wars, of tyranny, of manipulative control!  They are rising up and saying enough!   They are realizing that we all are connected.  We are all children of the same creator who sees us all as equal.  We are beginning to realize our power and are joining together in unity to change our world, not by violence but by peaceful cooperation.
The goal for all of us is to keep our minds on the new world to come and allow the chaotic conditions to fade into the background.  We have been controlled for eons by the dark world of the Illuminate, as they call themselves, who have permeated all governments throughout the Earth.  This is soon to change, as they will all be exposed and, unless they change their perspectives, will fade away.  Their last great efforts to promote wars, suppress the populations, and promote their own welfare will be in vain.  For mankind is awakening to the truth.  Awareness is filtering through the darkness we have been entrapped in, and a beautiful world is on the horizon.
Now is the time to focus on that truth.  Be serene in the knowledge of it.  Look only for the joy in life.  When you are feeling down, go forth and visit nature.  Take time to study the sky, commune with the trees and talk to the plants.  Bless Mother Earth for her bounty.  And allow a positive energy to unfold and grace the path before you.  Just by trusting the Divine Plan for mankind and letting our light shine around us we can crush the dark agendas of those who are determined to maintain control.  It is most important that we retain an atmosphere of peace, love, and light. 
The turbulence is nearing an end.  It will happen sooner than you think, so long as we do not regress into a state of despair and dim the light of our consciousness.  The positive energy we emanate can do much to save the Earth and every living thing.  For the dark cannot withstand the light.  Through prayers, joyful expectancy, and powerful intent, we can bring forth the world of our dreams, for it is just around the corner.
Thoughts to Ponder * www.jeanwarner.com  * © Copyright 2009 Jean Warner  *  Jean's greatest joy is in writing, singing, intermingling with, and learning from, many inspiring lightworkers.  Contact Jean at  *  mary.jean.77@hotmail.com*  1177 Agnes Lane  *  Gilbert AZ  85296  *    

The Masters of Light: Finding the Truth
As Received by Ruth Ryden
These are the times spoken of in your Bible referring to false prophets and leaders; today there are many of them trying to make a name for themselves, lining their pockets with money and their egos with power. The rapid evolution of your cellular structures demands of the mind that a deeper conscious understanding of your world, the universe, and your own spiritual reality is an important challenge not to be ignored. The inner, urgent need to find out all you can, learn all you can, is utmost in the lives of many of you. This fact is not going unnoticed by the multitude of spiritual beings that feast upon the consciousness of the living, be they servants and messengers of the Creator, or the earth-bound spirits of those who have chosen to try and live in some way through the living consciousness of human beings. There are, in fact, many alien species of matter who have been monitoring the human race for centuries, and those who have arrived in the last century, mentally contacting humans whose awareness allows that contact. For the most part, their thoughts are informational and helpful, imparting knowledge of the universe and its functions. This has also not gone unnoticed by spiritual beings who have jumped on the band wagon and announce to their contactees that they are wonderful beings from outer space who are part of universal organizations and now promote the listener to what amounts to high military status of some kind. They prey on egos and the need to take part in comic book adventures in space. It is exciting and a great game to those who find life boring or too difficult to manage. But, in the meantime, spiritual knowledge and wisdom that the inner being is trying to import to the physical consciousness is being shut out and ignored. Dear Hearts, if you must play these games, be realistic enough to recognize them for what they are!

How to tell the difference? Content. Earth-bound spirits or well-meaning spiritual beings participate by sending reams of words, going on and on, that generally say nothing of great importance, over and over again. After reading all of this, think on it and see if there is any real lesson being given, anything to be learned for your benefit. The beautiful, flowing language often lulls the reader into feeling calm and satisfied, but that is as far as it goes. We have cautioned our readers many times to use extreme discernment when either receiving mental communication or written material from any source. The tremendous amount of spiritual writing coming through the mails and the internet are enough to make anyone’s head spin from trying to make sense of it all! Try this: Instead of trying to read everything, make a point of scanning the material paragraph by paragraph. Are the same “love and light” words repeated constantly? Are there fancy or ridiculous names of so-called Angels or off-world beings being introduced? Is there anything in the content that you are not already aware of? If not, put it aside and look for something more informational. Spiritual Teachers from the Higher Realms don’t waste their time or yours by such obvious tactics.

The increasing awareness of natural methods of treating the body for illnesses and structural difficulties is changing the way humanity is starting to look at healing treatments. Greed-ridden medical societies and drug cartels are feeling very threatened as the percentage of patients using what is called “alternative medicine” today is rising all the time. This old knowledge coming to the foreground again has given many people the incentive to help others with their pain and problems by using the old ways and experimenting with many new treatments aided by technology, dedicating their lives to helping others. Body workers, as some are called, learn different massage techniques; ancient energy-moving techniques are now being taught world-wide. There are other people, however, who are dedicated to lining their pockets by advertising services, including psychic services, that are filled with fancy words, fancy machines, and treatments that do nothing. Again how on earth does one find natural treatments that will heal the pressing problems and diseases of today? The best advice we can give is to ignore the expensive TV ads, the colorful magazine ads and claims, and go back to the old way of person-to-person recommendations. There are enough illnesses and problems in the world that someone you know who has worked with doctors and healers can give you the run-down on their own experiences.

There are very talented psychics who are able to sense physical abnormalities in the body and either give that information and/or can actually promote physical healing. Again, go by the results and the information given. If all that is given by a psychic is only what you already know, you have wasted your money. A psychic or fortune-teller can only see the future as a possibility, the result of actions or thoughts of today. If those change to any extent, the future is changed. You should all know that by now. The future is largely your own creation.

The “holy” men or gurus from India, and increasingly many other places in the world, have been commanding the devotion and money of thousands of people for years. Please realize that the ability to have achieved a very high conscious awareness of reality does not have to be limited to those who serve God. Many of these so-called “holy” men or women have achieved feats that are called spiritual mastery. They can project their images to other places, perform feats of creating matter, etc. That does not mean they are actually servants of God. Many of them use their abilities to gain power and money, while at the same time using their followers for their own sexual or egotistic needs. You have heard of this – it is not a great secret, but the faithful will not listen. Do they teach their followers how to find their own inner Truth, the secrets of universal energy, how to communicate with the eternal wisdom? No. They teach them to do whatever they say, give whatever they want, and worship them as an earthly god. Please do not be drawn into this dangerous trap!

It has been said many times by many teachers, including ourselves, that Truth is what you feel is right. This is correct, if, and a BIG IF, your minds and thoughts have not been led to think in ways other than your own! The very thin barrier between “right” and “wrong” wavers and winds through countless areas of thought, cultural teachings, religious teachings, and the constant chatter you are exposed to all the time. Children of today are being pounded into thinking that the way to take care of a problem is to hit someone or even to kill! It is a constant seen all the time; the concept of revenge is a television staple! Where is the concept of forgiveness? It is there, but you have to hunt for it. In order to find the inner, real, Spiritual Truth, it is essential that all of these concepts be realized for what they are, and put aside. This is a part of meditation, of course, and very difficult to do today.

May we suggest a simple way to start? Forget trying to find “universal truth” as an entire part of your being. You will never succeed. Being a spiritual being in a human casing means that the universality of knowledge is limited to the needs of this lifetime. The urgency of learning is always focused on the purpose for which you came into this world. The Truth you are really seeking is that which will aid you on your path, and that Truth is vital to your physical and mental well-being. It is necessary to know that you are not alone; you are part of a cosmic creation far beyond your understanding. Your Higher Self (your spiritual being) constantly communicates with every particle of knowledge and wisdom in creation. When any sentient being reaches out for knowledge or for help, this entire cosmic creation reacts. This Truth becomes a reality for every human being when they come to the point of accepting that fact and listen with their minds and hearts. That is the most important Truth!

The Truth of the changes the Earth is undergoing is very important to humankind now. Television, the internet, newspapers and magazines, and the writings of expert opinions of scientists and psychics are closely examined every day by readers all over the world. Theories are made, discussed, and dismissed, every few days or months. Those who are receiving pertinent data from the outer reaches of your atmosphere have a hard time convincing the closed minds of some investigators that what is happening is not in the range of normal cycles. The reality is that the Earth and Solar system are undergoing drastic modifications. Even the changes in the Sun’s magnetics have had to be acknowledged. Your planet is moving and shifting its huge continents, resulting in earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions. The atmosphere is reacting from strong energy bombs exploding from your Sun, causing climate changes and unusual storm conditions all over the world. You know that; you are witnessing it every day now. The exact place and time of each separate event is almost impossible to predict. The Truth of the matter is that you must be aware of what is happening around you, what can happen, or what could happen during the years to come. This is your responsibility, for you have the ability to concentrate your awareness on the unusual feelings caused by air currents and/or vibrational variations around you. Don’t run to every piece of sensationalized reading matter you see to find out what’s happening or what someone else thinks will happen! If you live on the side or near a volcano that is smoking and sending out clusters of earthquakes, get out of there! Don’t build on top of a known quake fault in California! Don’t buy property on the banks of a river known to be flood-prone! Truth here is truly what you make it. It’s called common sense!

Millions of dollars and the life spans of many people are spent in the investigations of past civilizations, from examining long-dead corpses to the writings and ruins of buried cities. Knowledge of the past has always been a help to understand the present; that’s why history has always held such a prominent place in your educational processes. From our point of view, however, it has taken on the atmosphere of a dramatic source of escapism; a way of ignoring the present and failing to plan for the future. Of course there were highly-civilized and developed ancient civilizations that even your highly-technical explorations will never be able to detect! If they could, society and science today could learn a lot from them. That has nothing to do with what you are learning today. It is a different time, and even a different species of humanity. How much better to spend the time and money finding how to bring all of the races of humankind together in mutual understanding! Today’s communication sources have been, and are being, a strong start toward this goal.

Truth is learning how to love each other with honesty and caring empathy. That is the entire meaning of the word. Find your way in the clearest Truth you can, with our blessings.
Ruth Ryden
From : Digest #31 from Ruth and the Masters of Light
Access Ruth Ryden's latest channelings on weather predictions and Earth changes. Read answers to her questions to The Masters of Light regarding current events and pertinent issues in the world today. Ruth also provides a series of special feature articles channeled on specific subjects of interest. Ruth is renowned for the quality and accuracy of her channeling. *  www.planetaryheart.com/  * She can be reached at: Ruth Ryden  *  2806 N. Apple Lane, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA  *  (928) 474-3515  *  rydenruth@yahoo.com  *  

HEAVEN #3539
A Mind Made Up
August 3, 2010
God said:
Because you are good and caring doesn't mean that you have to waste your breath. In the relative world, people may consider what you have to say according to its value or their value of you. Too often, it happens that your pearls of wisdom are seemingly tossed away. You may be absolutely right, and still your wisdom is tossed away as if it were nothing at all.
You may even state the obvious. It is as if you point out a misspelling. The person you point the misspelling out to says: "I like the way I spell this word. It feels right to me." You could bring in the dictionary, and the person wouldn't want to concede because he likes to do things the way he does them. What is this?
You want to help your child or a friend. They may even have asked for your advice. And you give it. You mean to make their life go more smoothly, or even save them grief. Let's face it, they want to do it their way, which is often the hard way. They want to do it their way, as if something about their way is sacred. They will hang on to their way for dear life. The fact is they don't want to hear what you have to say. They like their misspellings. You could be a thousand per cent right, and still, they like their misspellings.
And you who are nodding your head right now and perhaps clucking with your tongue, do you not also have a soft spot in your heart for your misspellings?
You say you are listening to your heart. I say you may be holding onto an idea in your head. You're protecting your infallibility. You will accept praise with alacrity, but not advice, even when you invited it. You have your mind made up. Your mind made up is a closed mind, dear ones. Sometimes it has happened that you don't even listen to your own sage advice.
It is like you want to go to San Francisco in a hurry, and a truck driver marks on a map for you the route he takes twice a month, and then you say to yourself: "But I like it this other way."
Of course, you are free to go to San Francisco by any route you like and be late, and yet why did you ask the truck driver for his advice?
You have free choice to listen or not listen. You have the choice to waste someone else's time and your own or not.
Perhaps you could kindly make clear in advance that you would like to know what is good about the decision you have already made.
On the other hand, if you do honestly want to learn something, and the free advice asked for and given isn't what you like, if you are sincere, you can ask questions like: "Why do you suggest this? How do you see the two different scenarios? What outcome do you see ...?"
When you ask for more information, whatever you decide, you have honored the person who honored you.
If you are the advice-giver, and your advice is true, and the other person doesn't listen, can't or won't, who has the difficulty, beloveds? It is not the other person's difficulty. It is yours.
Value yourself as much as you value the person who has asked for your input and whom you have wanted to help. You are worth the time you give away to someone else. Make good use of your time. If you are repeatedly asked for your assessment, and your response is repeatedly glossed over, then it's time you gave yourself some good advice.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  *    

New Guides Message: You Are A Divine Being
Received by Elleke Verhoeckx
Dear ones, it was not so long ago we have spoken about the cells in your body. How they are filled with love. Now you are expanding them to their limits.  We love to share with you, there are no limits to your expansion anymore. You are wide, great and your being fills the entire room, street, city, earth and beyond. It's your grandness that is speaking now, we will let your grandness speak more and more these days.

Now you have found your rose of perfection, conscious or unconscious, it's time to expand your grandness into the world. It's not something you have to force, it's something that is happening as we speak. It doesn't serve you anymore when you make yourself smaller then you are. Especially for you dear ones, you are so sensitive you immediately feel what your influence is at the energy around you. You know how your energy can me misunderstood, but the time is over that's your problem, dear ones. It never was, is and will be.You are serving every light in the world, you are serving all that is by expanding your grandness by allowing your energy field to flow freely in a free flow.

You are a divine being and you are being centered within your heart. There you will find the compass, there you will feel the center of who you are. You will feel your energy running all the way from above through your spine, through your entire system and the other way around. Mother earth is feeding you dear ones, she is feeding you cause she is your mother. It's not a dirty word to be fed dear ones, cause this is your natural state. You are here at mother earth with all it's abundance. She is here for you, cause you are the human who dared it to take off it's wings and forget who you are.

Magic is being created when you encounter another vibration dear one, when you encounter another and balance your energy dear ones. You are adding a new flavor to all that is by merging your energies without losing balance. You are creating a safe space, and a new taste to all that is. There is no greater pleasure for us then to see how you reclaim your power and divinity. It is in that space we can stand next to you, and create a new color with you. We are enjoying every moment our energy mingles with yours cause we all are adding to all that is. The Akasha Archives are expanding at this moment dear ones, each moment that goes by it's filled with magical experiences that have never been seen. You are so grand these days dear ones. You are so popular, it's too big to imagine.

Many games are played dear ones, many games have come to an end. But not this game, not the game of being a human at this earth dear ones. Many many beings have taken on a new task, the task of observing Mother Earth and others are reading every moment that has taken place, what is taken place, and what the potentials are in the Akasha Archives. It's very busy in the multiverse these days, now many games have been finished and served their purpose. The students have come in droves, the universe is one big study where everyone has it's own role.
The gratitude you will receive when you get home is so huge, you cannot imagine it now. The applause you will receiving will never leave your ears again, the honor you will receive will make you feel like a winner forever. You cannot fail dear ones, you cannot fail in this wonderful game you are playing as a human being on earth.
Elleke Verhoeckx * http://newchildren.net *  ellekerocks@gmail.com   *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when you say to another one, “I believe in you,” those are very strong words, and it is a statement of truth, because you do believe in the Christ of them, the Christ energy, the divine energy of them, and then you walk, they walk, as the master, with head held high, being aware of the feet, because the feet are on holy ground, but the head is held high as the master. You do not have to shirk. You do not have to hide any longer. I know who you are, and I love that which you are. Do not deny me any longer.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *  

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