Communication With The Federation of Light

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Communication with the Federation Of Light
3.)  Bundles of Wisdom in Holding the Light
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  In Love, Go Forth
6.)  New Guides: Shine Your Light In The Dark

Isis' Message of the Day -
God said: "... all on Earth are in this together."
John Donne (1572-1631) said: "No man is an island, intire of it self; everyman is a piece of the Continent, a part of the maine, if a Clod be washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or thine were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Re-Assess Your Responsibility
Your responsibility as healers is a serious one and you fulfill this in ways that have often caused you great sorrow. The soul groups you choose are those that need your light and healing, but often do not respect or honor the responsibility you have undertaken for them. The roles you play in each lifetime demand sacrifice yet the rewards are often not given to you. The pain you carry for the world weighs heavily on your shoulders and yet the world does not appreciate you for it. Do you take on more responsibility to see the results you wish for or do you give up? There is a middle path you can follow which will honor your path and help you live beyond your responsibility.
Can you release your soul group to their own path, knowing you have fulfilled your obligations to them by extending healing and understanding? They have unlimited opportunities for healing and release available to them, from any teacher they choose to work with. You place yourselves in that position on their behalf and because of your history with them. But you can let another teacher fulfill that role in their life.
Indeed it is preferable to allow other teachers to take over your role of healer at this time. Just as children ignore the constant presence and input of their parents, your soul group ignores your presence that has become so fixed and available. They take your presence for granted and do not appreciate your level of energetic vibration. Your responsibility to them affects your ability to see beyond their need for healing where you cannot see your interaction as anything but their healer. In all of your soul group relationships, do you have any other level of interaction besides that of healer?
It is time to re-assess your responsibility to your soul group, to choose how much you will be part of their healing and when you will release them to other teachers. You can then have other relationships with them or with others. You can decide to release this vibration and invite a new level of healing which reflects your learning. As long as you are committed to others' healing you will stay in that vibration with them. Are you ready to allow your soul group to find its wings? They need to learn to fly without your guidance and you need to experience the freedom of letting them go.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   *  

Communication with the Federation Of Light
Received by Blossom Goodchild
August 2, 2010
We wish to be known as LIVING LIGHT. We have reached a level of consciousness that is of this. Therefore when we say we are the overseers of the overseers, this is due to our level of understanding regarding many matters. When we speak of councils, we speak of council’s from the Highest understanding. In your world you have co-operate meetings as such … and there may be discussions held on many levels before it may be necessary for a particular matter to go to the top. Much is dealt with by the hands of others so to speak. Yet nothing is passed without our seal of approval.
Are there overseers of you? Who is above you?
Those of an even brighter Living Light.
Do they not have to approve what you approve?
No. For our say on any matter is considered one that is final.
So … when you say your ships will appear in our skies, do you mean your ships? Or those in ranks below you … I do not really know how to put that.
You can FEEL a strength entering at this point. Connected to your universe is a vast enterprise … a fleet that has been designated to uphold honour to the cause of protecting and seeing through that which you know of as The Ascension. Yet when we speak of a fleet we do not speak of twenty or thirty. Look at vehicles on your roads … are there just a few? No indeed there are millions. It is the purpose of this fleet to guide you. This is how we shall assist you when the appropriate time arrives. We are here to guide you through.All things are possible. It is a matter of attention.
I have come to understand that who we are is LOVE. Isn’t that what we are supposed to remember and BE.
Yet are there not many levels of Love. The vibration upon that which you reside subdues your energy. You must accept that due to your Light and we are speaking to you in particular at this time Blossom ... that there is much at work to diminish that which you are. This is also True for many that have taken on the tasks of spreading the Light in the same manner as yourself. You are a target for those that are lost to cling on to. You are a force of Light that those in the dark wish to bring down to their level. This is the reason that so often you feel downcast and uncertain.
What we would desire is that which would be of most benefit to yourselves at this time. We understand that in these times there is much speculation as to what is or isn’t about to occur as your days roll into the coming of the Ascended world. You are becoming overwhelmed by the mass of information, not knowing that which to believe and that which to discard. It amazes /amuses us to FEEL the need upon your planet to study that which is obviously NOT of Light. We do not understand why your souls would undertake such study when it is clear from every angle that certain material does not resonate with the Highest good. And yet … some still choose to circulate these messages of doom. We cannot stop a soul from doing so , and yet we cannot help but be a bit bemused by such an action. Why? When all that is told of moving into a world of Light would one feel it necessary to spread fear?
Do you not see dearest souls that these messages of Love are here to assist as you integrate with Higher energies that are sprinkling into your world. The lower vibrational messages are being ‘setup’ to deter the Light from reaching you in its fullest capacity. Have you not grown enough within your Being to determine that which is of Truth and Light … that which makes your heart sing … compared to that which alarms your Being and allows moments of despair and fear to enter in? For we say to you … this discernment that we speak of, is as simple as that. What makes you feel good? What makes you want to uplift those around you and allow ones heart to giggle? If that which you read allows warmth to spread around your heart area then by all means carry on reading. We simply find it quite strange that when your alarm bells are ringing that there seems to be a morbid curiosity to continue forth. So that when the end of a particular message has arrived … ones mind and entire vibration is in turmoil.
We try with our hearts utmost desire to lead you away from that which does not serve you, and yet … many seem to veer back towards the lack of Love. As if there is a need to feel comfortable in that which makes one feel uncomfortable ... for that is what the soul has recognized as easy.
We register this on frequency bands and we see that time and time again ... a soul can fall down into the lower level of the their vibration. They undo so much work that has been done because of a weak moment where they surrender to the lower energy that surrounds them. Let us speak of this a little. When we say ‘lower energy that surrounds them,' we are not speaking of a nasty frightening spooky ghosty!
Oh such wit, you are catching on!!!
We ... like you, Blossom … like to make Light of things also. We speak in this way ... meaning this. Each one of you although residing on a planet of a certain vibration, has also your own individual frequency that you are resonating within. This could easily be proved scientifically with equipment already upon your earth. Therefore, that particular frequency as an individual energy to a given soul … has within it levels of vibration … within its vibration. So there could be shown perhaps on a graph … that which is resonating at a lower speed compared to another part that maybe resonating at a faster/Higher one.
When your persona is feeling a little down-hearted … as yours was earlier this day Blossom …. That is because that is exactly what was taking place. Your heart was in the down/lower frequency of your individual vibration. When your heart/soul is ‘placed’ in the Higher frequency vibration of YOUR vibration ... then indeed you FEEL Light-hearted. Do you see? So we would like to suggest to you that although many of you have learned to change your mind's attitude when feeling low, that it is also worth taking the time to imagine your souls Light moving into the Higher/faster part of what you know as your aura.
What do you know it as? … Just out of interest.
YOU. That energetic vibrational colour is YOU. It is your soul. It is who you are, when you do not have a physical body . That energy that is your aura is YOU out of the flesh.
And yet it surrounds our flesh.
It also penetrates your flesh in order to animate you. If you had permission, for that is law … that YOU could enter into any living matter to see through their eyes … be that a plant, a tree, an insect , you name it … if it is living ... you can enter it. Yet we stress with all honour … this can only take place with the permission of the energy that ‘owns’ the body of that living matter at the time. There are great reprimands on a soul level for those who ‘take over’ another living body without given permission.
Does that happen often?
Not so much now for the evolvement of All has come to accept responsibility for actions taken. This point we may speak of in general as it is very much a part of the possibility of the Golden Age occurring due to this fact. So much has been recognized from eons of misunderstanding of the self, and it has now come to pass that trillions upon trillions of soul energies have moved into a space where upon they have experienced much that is unnecessary to act upon again. In the terms of that which is inappropriate for a soul that wishes to uplift further into the Light. There are many upon your planet who make a decision not to make the same mistake twice. We would express it not so much as a mistake but an experience that was recognized by the soul that is not required further.
Would you say that as a whole we are doing well down here? I ‘people watch’ a great deal and to me it’s as if I sort of step out of me, or simply observe from an outsiders position … and we seem to be such a crazy species. Nutty!! I ask myself as I watch people pass by whether or not they may even know of existence outside of our world. Do they care? They just seem to be so wrapped up in the pointless automation of everyday duties. I am not judging, it’s like a guessing game I play as to how they would react if I told them that I speak with you. Are there enough of us who KNOW what is happening? And do we really need to invite you.? Surely you know you are welcome by many of us now.
It is said upon your planet that the proper etiquette would be for those not of your species upon your planet to be ‘cordially invited’ by you and that we would prefer this to be the way. This is how it is known by many on your plane.
And yet if you rocked up uninvited I’m pretty sure that those of us who Love ya wouldn’t be sending in any complaints! Because surely YOU KNOW that you are welcome. If you don’t know this by now, then you never will!
We are very much aware of the energy that resonates with the desire for us to meet and greet. We, from where we are stationed KNOW of the invitations already offered. So it is not of that which we are awaiting. We are awaiting for the Lights to turn green!
Are you on amber?
We have been on amber for what would be considered decades of your years. Again the ‘no time’ cannot be explained well in this circumstance. In the same way, we are unable to give you the systematic change into the green. Yet as surely as your Lights turn this way on your planet ,we assure you that we shall come. We can FEEL more strongly than ever upon your earth the yearnings of your souls to unite in LOVE with us. WE return these FEELINGS of Love and this is why your yearnings become even stronger!
Many of you are BEING prepared and you can FEEL this and yet you KNOW not of it. Yet we say to you over and over that you will KNOW of this KNOWING when the time is ready for it to be revealed to you in its awesome glory. You FEEL that this wait is never ending and yet your patience abounds through LOVE and through that KNOWING of what is to come.
Be High spirited our kindred brothers and sisters. We are ALL of the ONE LIGHT. We cannot be separated from each other for AS THAT ONE LIGHT we make up the whole. When a Light is in the distance it does not appear as bright as when it is close to you. Each particle of Light that seems so far away is simply a distant member of the ONE family making their way home.
Thank you Bright Sparks!! I can FEEL it is time to close. See you around in Love and Light!
Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channelling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channels the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings.
These meetings have been recorded and ‘White Cloud’s words transcribed and subsequently published in three books. ‘Walking in the Light and the Love,’ ‘The Spirit of ‘White Cloud’ and the latest book ‘A New Dawn.’
Through all of these experiences, Blossom remains firmly grounded and with her easy laughter and warmth is a delight to be around.  *  

Bundles of Wisdom in Holding the Light
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
August 11. 2010
We are truly blessed, are we not, for all the many and wondrous ways that we are offered channellings, writings, workshops, healing's, meditations for self and world meditations, U tubes, twitters, teleconferences and phone in's and a myriad other form of spiritual attributes! Also the likely accessing  of worthy and useful information that is proffered by those whom share from the heaven worlds, and by they whom receive it, in physically, on beloved Mother Earth. We are blessed and double blessed with the quantity and quality of such a multitude of words of wisdom, and with the healing energies that are so much in abundance. Also many personal promptings that we might collectively or singularly acquire in or through a like gathering or of a group celebration in whatever form of divine intent it so takes.
We really and truly have much to be grateful for and much, needless to say, to look forward to in the very nearness of now time. We may also be blessed with perhaps perceiving certain events before they happen, or witnessing the result of a long progressive situation in exactly the way that our intuition has nudged us to accept and believe as the coming 'truth.' It is comforting to know when it  'kicks in' with welcomed precision how precious and irreplaceable this inner clock really is, especially in these ever changing climes that we are working through. Maintaining faith and the courage is an immediate necessity as we move cautiously forwards in the search for the 'Holy Grail,' which is our true goal, yet emerging with possibly other timely interpretations or meaning.
Holding now the light  more that ever before is the primary aim and continuing goal for the frequency of world changing incidents, that which we would view as sad, will continue in ever growing circles of energy spirals that are evident and very much 'in our face!' There is nowhere to hide and this string of events that is now occurring is the precursor of that which is to follow in their wake. WE NOW NEED to HOLD FAST THE LIGHT ON BELOVED PLANET EARTH! This is indeed our greatest service work (((NOW ))) in these expressions as the shifting sands are sliding and leaving no firm ground underfoot. There is a concerted effort needed by we the lightworkers, the starseed and the masters, who have awaited these days for many an age - for many aeons of now time!
This is it, for the rolling stone gathers no moss, it's 'skittling' through all those tenpins, so to speak, and aiming for the imminent forthcoming strike that is on the cards. We have indeed an amazing opportunity to stand in our collective light, our love, and our undeniable power. THE TIME IS NOW, for the now is well on time as we both mentally and through our heart power centres link our hearts and our hands.It is an immaculate world wide conception and holds all of those upon and within the earth, in such loving, compassionate embrace. As we go out on our daily rounds, or missions, let us simply KNOW THAT WE ARE GOD. Let us humbly accept that as we allow - and recognise - our God reality to hold firm within, then do we truly assist all on board our beautiful ascending planet, and are truly the loving consorts to beloved Lady Gaia, our most genial hostess!
When we perceive any of the media news, we see that they are now finding it very difficult to cover up or censor the sheer volume of continuing 'disasters' globally. It is now becoming impossible to conceal the imminent 'peaking' of these scenarios as we move ever closer to that infamous book-mark in now time, the linear year of 2012, and to all that ensues in the ever continuing and heightening energy increases. These are the 'end times' that we have for so long awaited, so we can then shake free the crippling and restrictive chrysalis of limiting duality mode living and move out of the third dimension physicality of somewhat restricting expression.The wheels are well and truly in e-motion and the coming days and times of greater realisation will soon be for the true living, and not just for dreaming, as the past will surely ebb and fade away.
The Holy Grail is that which we seek, and we have been this offered on many occasion, and we have need to realise and accept that the Holy Grail is deep within each aspiring soul whom walks these ascension pathways. It is not for the meek nor the mild but for those acceptive and courageous enough to play 'his or her ace,' so to speak. It is not to be found over yonder, for that is but a mirage, a decoy! It is being ever intuitive with the divine spark within, when you feel the imminent and long awaited marriage of one's male and female energies or roles. It is the immaculate concept of the real you, the real we, as  we embrace the ecstatic oneness that will ever always only be found within! It is the true and only mystical inner marriage that affords a total realisation of whom we really are. It is surely for you as it is for me; we are the fruits of life's dream, hand picked and chosen as they so beautifully ripen.
Holding firm the light, anchoring it deeply into Terra and allowing only that which is in highest good, in highest divinity to encompass this transitioning   planet as she readies herself for the forthcoming adjustments and shifts that will indeed marry with her into a minimally fifth dimensional physical being, thus affording those wondrous souls who will accompany her into a space of grandiose and harmonic alignment. These are the 'middle days' of the end times, so to speak, and as we progress through this greater transition will all things fall into place and into a rightness.Then the opening doors, for all, will be clearly marked with an inviting 'fatal-attraction' for each, with individual recognition as to 'the which way!'
The Grand Universal is perfect as it illustrates true power within it's flexibility and fulfillment, as the divine tapestry of life is ever emblazoned with gold and gilded words of ever harmonic convergence. Where alpha and omega dance a magical dance within all heaven worlds and the angelic choirs give voice to near perfect soul inspiring intonations as Metatronic geometry holds sway...
SO NOW IT IS - the beginning of the end times - and an opportunity to hold your fellow beings in the 'amour' of your hearts.To visualise this mighty crown of golden-white purest energy, spun between mighty hearts of Hu-mankind in an enormous glittering crystalline Merkiva of light/love that perfection is! Hold the vision, beloved friends, hold the whole wide world in your hands/hearts. You are those vibrant pillars of light that will enable the successful shifts of the age  to become a reality and a way of wonder-filled life. For so it is.....
Namaste...Selemat Ja
Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Travelling back from the future to be a part of these quite magical now times! Reactivating the Dimensional and Inter-Dimensional Crystal Portals or Time Caps, which being closed down in the Atlantis end times needed reactivating. This was all duly completed by May 3rd - 5th of year 2000 AD.. it being the ultimate Crystal Portal (time cap) and master cylinder of the whole geometric sequence as channeled down from Metatron or Zeus as others will know him.
(c) Please copy and share affording due credit to the source of All That Is.  *     

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, in order to receive, you have to be willing to give; in other words, to let everything flow through you; to know that “I am unlimited; I have all resources that I ever can think of or desire or would ask for, and I share them with you.”
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HEAVEN #3548
In Love, Go Forth
August 12, 2010
God said:
To think, you were born from My heart, mind, and intention. I intended you. I wanted you, and so you appeared. You agreed to come to Earth as My love, My thought, and My intention. You are My intention. I willed you into physical existence, and you said ardently: “Yes, God, I will come to Earth at Your request. I will serve You on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
As an Earth-Being who came to do My bidding, you have slipped into a mode of thought that may have blocked out why I sent you. Heretofore, you may have danced away from your purpose and floundered. If you do not remember I sent you as a blessing to the world, you have floundered. But that’s okay. Now you can pick yourself up and continue your journey on Earth with Me in mind.
With Me in mind, the whole canvas of your life expands. How you grow! How you save steps and still go further and faster. Where are you going, My little lamb? You are going to where you started. You start off from Go. Every day you venture. Every day you start from Go, and every day you progress. Every day you come closer to knowing where you are and Who you are and what you are doing in the world.
In not being here for yourself, you do serve yourself, and yet is done when you are not thinking of yourself. Thinking of your gain simply is not a great enough purpose for you. Thinking of yourself predominantly defeats your purpose. The ultimate loving of yourself is entering the world as – shall I say – My exponent, My loyal Knight, caring for the world. To be yourself, you do have to think beyond yourself. If you are only for yourself, you stay on a deserted island off somewhere, nowhere, really.
A giant on Earth cannot make himself a midget. If you are a giant, you must stand tall. If you are a giant, you must lift others higher. You lift them over a crevasse to the other side. You may lift them before you step over the crevasse. You may lift them to where you have not yet stepped, and, yet, in so doing, you have gone beyond your mere act of service. You cannot lift another without your arms held high. You are the conquistador of yourself, and the helper of millions.
When you bring other hearts to Me without fanfare, you are the server. What did the Great Ones do but serve. What was in it for them but service to Me? The Great Ones knew where true happiness is found. It is found in coming from a higher perspective. How simple is that? Happiness comes from not looking for it. It comes from service to Me. And, yet, you are not to even think this way. You serve because that is your purpose. In this way, you are true to Me and therefore yourself.
You are My agent on Earth. You may be a secret agent, and no one knows the extent of your service. It is enough that you and I know. You are the one who gets up early in the winter morning and lights the fire so no one is cold. How simple are your acts of heroism.
The act is your reward. The privilege of serving is your reward. Surely you do not need to be hired and paid for what is yours to do. We did not make a business deal, beloveds. We shook hands in good faith, and, thus, Our contract was made. I said: “In love, I send you forth.”
And you said, “In love, I go forth.”
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

New Guides: Shine Your Light In The Dark
The bushes are calling you, the birds in the ancient trees are showing their colors to you. The old wisdom the trees carry, the sand carry, the clouds carry, and your hearts carry are waiting to see the daylight. For so long you have carried your truth in your heart, for so long you have kept yourself hidden from the daylight, protecting yourself from the outside world.

Now the time has changed, and the world is asking for your wisdom. She does not only ask, she needs your wisdom right now. You have carried the wisdom of ancient times on your heart, and now you wonder what that ancient wisdom is. We cannot tell you, what it is, what the wisdom is you are carrying. Your heart knows, it’s the song of your heart, it’s the wisdom that makes your heart smile, that brightens your day and that makes that you carry a vibe so simple, safe and profound that you are glowing in the dark.

In the dark is where you shine your light, in the dark is where they need your wisdom. The earth, the trees, the birds, humans, animals, flowers, every little and big living vibration here on earth is calling you, calling for your wisdom that lives in your heart. That’s all you need to know. Look for what makes you smile, share it with others.

That is what we call pure wisdom. Today we ask you to listen to the beat of your heart, to the drum of your ancient wisdom.

We applaud every step of the way, we love you more then we can express and wrap you in our wings every step of the way.
Elleke Verhoeckx * *   *   

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