Choosing A Leader




The Crowd { move together, like a herd },
are 'not capable of looking hard enough
into someone to see
their true value; their real character,
they see an imaginary person representing
themselves in a work of fiction, a Con Man,
i.e., A swindler who exploits the confidence
of his victim, someone who does not have
the moral capacity to be of service to anyone
but themselves, -
the Crowd become a mirror of their deceit, -  
expand, stretch yourselves out beyond your
normal scope of what you consider to be ‘real’
so that you will no longer remain a victim, i.e.,
Duped, --- discern/discriminate, learn to; 
"Separate the wheat from the chaff" ... 


The crowds are unconscious of what they are doing,
and the politicians belong to the crowd. They are
their representatives. When blind people are leading
other blind people, it is almost impossible to wake
them up; because the question is not only that they
are asleep - they are blind too.
It seems that the higher powers of consciousness
are helpless against the lower and ugly powers of
politicians. A new kind of world is possible - but
only if we understand clearly how the old has
functioned up to now and we take the
responsibility and the courage to become a new
kind of human being.
You have to be aware who the real criminals are.
The problem is that those criminals are thought to
be great leaders ... We have to expose all these
people because they are the causes.

The Herd {above} are those of the grand division between the great human multitude, capable of sensual vision only, - and those who know how to comprehend the hidden meaning of life and the diverse mysteries of what is Light & what is Dark, i.e, those who are free of their ego-mind -To the multitude {the herd} to whom this level/dimension and sensitivity of existence is beyond their grasp.

Break the ties of group power holders
who have been dominant since the
inception of the earth.
Which of course, you are, for that is
how you are beginning to live. You
are breaking cords of control that
were so deeply ingrained in all earth
beings that you needed to dig deep
within you to discard those cords no
longer appropriate for this new age.
Be unwilling to accept less than joy
and love - and unwilling to be
deterred by those who do not yet
have your skills or vision.


'Tricksters in High Places'
Will Do And Say Anything,
Winning By Any Means,
Seeking Dominance and Control -
{Know Your Enemy}
Know Yourself
“Deception. Sometimes malice starts in the form of deception, and sets a trap so the innocent falls into it - That is the only way that beings who are potentially far inferior to you could rule over you. The extent of this deceit is hardly comprehensible for an unconscious human being. When deception is present, malice is already active. Trickery is ancient, but nowadays many types of con-men with refined kinds of fraud abound to harm innocent people. These evildoers play with people’s naivety, greed, and mental deficiency. In deception, malice is hidden until the damage is done, then, on many occasions it is too late. The best protection about trickery deception is good sense. If something is too good to be true, it generally is. 
Limit your sources to those you feel are the most trustworthy. Separate wheat from chaff by honing your discernment capability and asking within—your soul knows what is true and what is not.
For those who seek, shall find that inner peace to prepare them for days to come, when more shall be revealed to those who take the time to listen within.                  


"To be a successful politician you have to be 
absolutely unintelligent, fanatic, lying, 
promising continuously - knowing perfectly 
well that no promises are going to be 
fulfilled - cheating, using beautiful words 
and hiding ugly realities." OSHO
Trying to create a new Draconian culture
{service-to-self} that has seen it's day ...
Instead -
“I choose love over fear,
I choose love over fear,
I choose truth over illusion,
I choose truth over illusion.”
Unconditional love for ourselves
and for others is our new format.


Only love can be just because only love can understand. Without love there is no understanding and without understanding how can there be any justice? 
If you want to understand the truth you have to be very loving. If you really want to understand the whole of life in all its dimensions, you have to approach it with great love and care. You have to be very tender, soft. And then a new phenomenon arises in you: your life becomes full of justice. You cannot be unjust then; you cannot be unfair then - it is impossible. A loving person cannot be unfair. 
And love is always protected by God. Only those who are not in love are unprotected; those who are not in love are always in insecurity. The moment you enter love, you enter absolute security, safety, because love is another name of God and God is protection. The ordinary man lives in fear, anxiety, selfishness. He tries to protect himself, hence he becomes very tense, very cunning. Once God is known, tasted, death disappears. Death exists only for those who have not known love. Those who have known love are beyond death.
And, so, now you discover that you are not a drifter but rather a messenger from the One God who sent you here to hear His call and to repeat it softly so that all may hear: "Love is here now.” Avail yourself of love. Pass it around like an hors' d'oeuvre. Help yourself, and pass it around, for you are each an honored servant of God, and now you Serve. 



Self Enquire & Subtle Desires
The summum bonum of existence is the attainment of knowledge of the
self, the realisation of the one homogeneous self. The knowledge of the
Self can only dawn when there is extinction of all the vasanas. Vasanas are
subtle desires; they are gross in nature. Some philosophers define vasanas
as tendencies or inclinations. Others say they are blind clinging to sensual
objects, through intense longing or craving, without deliberation or


Keep your heart clean soft & generous
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
