A Season 4 Everything

INQUIRER: It is such a cruelty that a third of the stars
in heaven cannot be saved after having fallen. Can’t the
God of all Power, Might and Mercy not do anything with
which to save them?
VISIONARY: My son, at times it is not that there are
no right answers, but that we ask not the right questions.
Would you rather not have asked whether such stars desire
to be lifted up and saved?
INQUIRER: But why shouldn’t they desire to? Don’t they
know the wrath of the One with whom they can never win?
VISIONARY: It is for the fact that they are fully aware
that they could no longer change their decision. Everything
they now know, they have known from the very beginning.
What they have decided, they have already decided for all
INQUIRER: And what of earthlings? Why must these fallen stars
desire them to be fully aware as themselves? Do they desire
for them to be saved thru enlightenment?
VISIONARY: Enlightenment and salvation are two different matters.
Let him beware who desires to be enlightened for full awareness
grapples him on a road of no return. Once there, time ceases
and decisions halt to a final destination. He can no longer
tread the path of perfection he has once desired to walk upon.
Once the veil had been lifted up, it is the heart that makes
the choice. And when the seed of PRIDE has already made its
way unto the seat of his soul, what could make him approach
the throne of the most Divine Mercy? What could make him
exchange the glory of his own beauty for the suffering of the cross?


EIGHT KEYS of Salvation, the EIGHT UNIVERSAL LAWS that will change your life!
What are Universal Laws? These are the principles that are fixed and applies to you whether you are aware of them of not.  Wise men have deciphered them.  Prophets were revealed their secrets.  But not all were able to benefit from them because their simple laws have been cloaked in the depths of religious rituals and theological debates.  These Laws are simple.  I call them Keys, KEYS that include the famous Law of Attraction that have attracted and confused many at the same time.  Hereunder are the Universal Laws that will change your life.
1. The KEY of the ABSOLUTE
GOD is absolute good and absolute love. There is no exception. There are no excuses.
“but I say unto you, love your enemies, and pray for them that persecute you; that ye may be sons of your Father who is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust.”-Matthew 5:44-45
How can we be urged to be good both on the just and the unjust when God himself can’t do it? Many have already been disheartened, turning away from religion, and from the Ultimate Source, because they have been briefed how “conditional” God’s love really is. And why not? Reading from the Bible, especially from the Old Testament, we can see many references to a God who becomes jealous, to a God who withholds his blessings and takes vengeance upon the people, to a God who cannot intervene when his people needs him the most.
I believe that these are based mainly from wrong interpretations of what has really transpired. Men saw God not in God’s eyes, but through his own limited vision. God is saying something, but we are hearing another thing. We have a hard time dealing with the perfect, with the absolute. And that is why we see so many inconsistencies in God’s character in the Bible, one day being perfect, the other days being moody and easily angered and offended. These inconsistencies are not from the Ultimate Source, but from the various people who wrote the message they were given. They may have really seen something, a vision perhaps, but whoever said that every vision is a clear vision? Do we all have 20/20 vision?
This key of the absolute is evident even in the study of nature for it is said that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. This is ABSOLUTE. There are no exceptions.
Men have freewill, on earth and even in life after death. To talk of an eternal heaven or hell where one can no longer escape is to talk of the lost of freedom. And if this freedom can be lost and is not important, why give it in the first place?
Freedom is important and is the highest manifestation of man’s dignity. In my article MAN’s PURPOSE, I have discussed why among all of nature’s creatures, only man questions his purpose, the answer being, his purpose depends upon his freedom and his ability to decide how he wants to live his life.
Together with this freedom is the condition of being able to experience both good and bad, happiness and sorrow, victory and defeat. If there were only one course of action, whatever is freedom for?
Freedom imbues man with divine attributes, attributes that include responsibility, accountability, the power to create, and the power to destroy.
This freedom is also the reason why we do not see God intervening in times when evil men seem to succeed in what they do, especially when they do harm and cause sufferings to other people. If God were to intervene everytime such acts happen, where is freedom there? Men are free to do evil as they are free to do good.
Now some may ask, if men were created in the image of God, and if men are free, is God also free? Can God choose to be evil? I would say that God is free to do that, but what God did is something better. God chose to pass that freedom unto us so we may decide to choose ourselves whether to experience good or evil.
Objects of similar vibration attract each other
This is also related to the law of cause and effect and to the law of karma. Whatever you sow you also reap. You attract what you’ve already planted in your heart.
This key balances the key of freedom in such a way as to give corresponding value and effect to all the choices that we make. This key possesses the hand of justice when others abuse their freedom and fail to see the consequences of their choices and actions.
This is also the explanation why we sometimes encounter difficulty due to collective consciousness.
This cause and effect is also the reason for the blessings and curses in the old testament. It is not God who causes the people to suffer. It is the people who have brought such sufferings unto themselves by doing evil and reaping all its consequences. God was even good enough to give them the commandments as a guide on how to live life well and avoid the negative consequences of their sinful actions.
The challenge of life is that of transition and the transmutation of evil into good.
This key also answers the question on whether God intervenes in the affairs of men. The answer is YES, but only through men of enlightenment. JESUS for instance bridges heaven and earth. “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus says.
We do not all possess a level of consciousness that can allow us to bridge heaven and earth as Jesus did, but we can come to him to help us find our way. We are bridges of one another, uplifting one another up in our voyage of transcending our valleys to climb the highest peaks within our vision.
We pray for other people because this helps raise their vibration or align it to the Source through you. If God were good and if there is no law such as this, do you think we ever need to pray for anyone still? Won’t God give their blessings unto them without need for asking?
This is the way by which man’s freedom is not infringed but at the same time, man is not cut off from the unlimited power available in the Universe.
This key enables men to tap unto the Higher Source, even unto the Ultimate Source and transform vibrations that cannot easily be changed using one’s own limitations.
Per the key of the absolute we discussed that matter can neither be created nor destroyed but only trasformed. Now I add that matter can only be TRANSMUTED. All creation is a work of transmutation.
Man himself is a work of transmutation, God performing a marvellous transmutation unto the dust from which man came from.
5. The KEY of FAITH
Faith is required to connect to the Absolute Source or GOD. The New Testament is filled with precepts on how significant one’s faith is.
Without connnecting to the Source, no transmutation can ever take place. This is one reason why Jesus said that whoever believes in him shall be saved.
6. The KEY of LOVE
After connecting thru faith, it is LOVE that is required in order to empower miracles.
Without love, there is no sufficient purpose to manifest anything. Without love, the unmanifest cannot manifest, the darkness cannot be filled by light. Love is the force that propels, even unto seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Love is both the mover and the reason for every move taking place. Love alone persists unto completion.
Letting go fortifies faith and allows the flow of energy from the Source. It is not enough that one believes. One must surrender totally in order for Love to be allowed to do its work.
Now many may ask which comes first, is it Love or is it surrender? One must have known that once Love takes over you, one has no other choice but to surrender. Love is so powerful that once an opportunity opens for it to come in, it flows through you and moves you in ways you never even imagined.
On the other hand, it is faith that often gives us the needed nudge so that the door of surrender may be opened for love to come right in.
In some occassions, when both love and faith seem totally absent, surrender is reached through a path we desire not, but proves to be a blessing in the end. Such is the role of pain, of sorrow, of the exhaustion that helps us to give up trying to accomplish something out of our own limited strength. Many times indeed, it is when we have surrendered that we find the infinite strength that will propel us in achieving our highest purposes and desires.
Not everything is revealed at once but in their proper season. The veil is as important as the keys.  Men often go wrong when they become impatient and try to figure out everything at once.  Why would you need all that knowledge at once?  Are you prepared to receive it?  Are you strong enough to be able to use it?  The veil is lifted up at right time when we are ready enough to find the key behind it. There is a season for everything, and everything comes at the right season it was destined to arrive.
These are the EIGHT KEYS of Salvation, the EIGHT UNIVERSAL LAWS that will change your life!




Why did God forbid us to eat the fruit of knowledge? If it is indeed the knowledge of good and evil, why is the knowledge of good forbidden as well?
Knowledge is not bad per se. But knowledge that is apart from God, that is the source of all the evils and suffering we experience today.
We have been tempted from the very beginning. We have been offered enlightenment in exchange for love, and we took it. We didn’t know that enlightenment without love is darkness. We didn’t know that knowledge apart from God is foolishness. We didn’t know.
That is why our fall had been delayed. And that is why forgiveness had been available to men and not to angels. We have been given time. And we have been given the Ultimate Saving Sacrifice of Love. Shall we take it? Or shall we succumb to the eternal fall of living our own lives in a cold dark alley of knowledge apart from the burning love of God?