8-14-15 : SaLuSa et al















 SaLuSa, August 14, 2015

As many of you are aware, this September is a pivotal point when the vibrations shall substantially increase. How it will affect you depends on your existing level, but the net result will be such that many will experience upliftment. The overall effect will mean a noticeable change that will bring a more peaceful outlook, and a general expression and desire for a cessation of warlike actions. Indeed, the desire for peace will grow substantially, and those in authority will be bound to implement the changes that will bring it about. There will be no going back to the old ways and as the influence of the Illuminati has been curtailed, the people will be released from their control. The desire for change has been growing for quite some time, and the point has been reached when it can no longer be denied. Many souls are ready to leap into action when it is safe to do so, and that time has almost arrived. They will be supported by groups who are of the Light who will ensure that their actions are allowed to go ahead without interference. As you can imagine, there are ones who are deeply engaged in keeping things as they are, and loathe to give up their rich lifestyle for a fairer distribution of wealth. However, no one can prevent the changes from manifesting, so face the changes with faith in the future, as given time all the promises made to you will manifest. Allow adequate time for the changes to be implemented that should come quite quickly once the “ball starts rolling”.

So much goes on behind the scenes, and you have been kept in the dark and denied your right to share and enjoy the advances that would have benefitted all people instead of the privileged few. However, that situation is beginning to change and when those who are holding you back are no longer able to dictate how you live, the changes will start to be introduced. Over a long period of time you have been given ideas of what that will mean to you from which you will know that a tremendous upliftment awaits you. For example, many new advances have been blocked and shelved by the Illuminati, but soon there will be nothing to stop them from being released. They are such that you will eventually become very independent and not held to ransom for the necessities of life. Even now there are inventions waiting to be introduced that will make your lives so much easier, but those in the greatest need must be uplifted first.

Those of you who are aware of the present situation on Earth are in a great position to help your fellow man to keep calm and so to say “ride the storm”. As there will be difficult times for some of you depending on where you live, and who currently governs your country. The right people are known to us and they will be installed as soon as possible, but that requires a diplomatic and lawful approach. As you are beginning to grasp, there is much to do to change the set up that has held you for so long in the grips of the dark Ones. However, we emphasise that their time has passed and in the course of the next few years they will become less and less able to exercise their influence. So you can plan for the future knowing that you are going to return to your rightful place as free souls.

Meantime we maintain our “policing” of your solar system to ensure that no unwelcome visitors are allowed to interfere with your final return to the Light. There are other civilisations that would like to contact you, but until the time is right they will have to keep their distance. Most contacts come in peace and are eager to share their knowledge with you, but some have ulterior motives. Be assured we are here to ensure you complete your journey as you desire, and eventually return to the freedom given you by becoming Galactic Beings once again. In reality you can never stand still as all around you evolution continues and as God “Breathes In” you enter higher and higher vibrations. The 3rd dimension as you know it has finished its course and that is why changes are taking place all around you.

For you who are ready to move into the higher dimensions it is more than ever necessary to keep focussed on your path ahead. Some of you could be distracted by what is going on around you, so try at all times to allow negative situations to pass you by. At this stage you must allow others to follow their own path, but by all means offer help to those who approach you first. When the time is right your knowledge will be called upon and it is wise to only release it where it can benefit others. Bear in mind that your Guides are impressing you with sensible ideas that will ensure you complete this lifetime as you have planned. In can involve finding a useful source of information, or meeting up with a contact who can advise you the best path to take. Any deviation will mean that some lessons may have to be relearnt, but in that event it should always be easier the second time around.

As time progresses you will learn a lot about your journey through the matter, and why it has involved the experiences you have had. As a result you have evolved much further and quicker than you would otherwise have done, and will pass your knowledge on to others. When the time is right for a step forward you are always helped to make it, although you may prefer another path which you will be helped to find. However, you will be encouraged to follow the most rewarding one so as to avoid wasting time. However, no matter what options you choose, all souls eventually find the Path of Light. Your gift of freewill is always honoured and as a result you are always learning in a way that is sure to aid your personal evolution.

Slowly but surely you are being given information about other life forms as you will soon meet other types of Beings, some of whom are quite different to your human form. They will nevertheless be similar in some respects, but most importantly are intelligent Beings that in many instances are much more evolved than you are. However, not all older species are necessarily more evolved than you, as some have devoted more of their time on personal evolution as opposed to spiritual evolution. As you progress into the higher dimensions you will eventually find that you have less need for a permanent body. Yet when you are going to need it, you bring it into being with your power of thought. As you evolve spiritually you will find quite a few differences to your earthly experiences as the lower vibrations tend to hold you back.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that so many souls on Earth are now awakening to the truth. Sometimes it is difficult to discard beliefs that prove to be incorrect, but if you are to evolve you cannot afford to be too rigid. Always be ready to accept the greater truth if you wish to grow with your experiences. No one can stand still for long, particularly in your present circumstances when changes are happening all around you. However, caution must be exercised as misinformation is still spread to confuse you, so trust your intuition as far as possible. I wish you every success in your ventures and my love goes with you as always.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light 


* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5377 The Brotherhood of Life, August 14, 2015 

God said: 

For those of you who translate Heavenletters, you have a good idea of how a Portuguese translator and a French translator, for instance, are part of a whole. Even if two of the members of the Translation team may never have direct contact with each other, nevertheless, they are working together.

When two or more people are simpatico, their brainwaves are united. They can only work as a team. Even if you are not aware of yourself as working as a team, you are absolutely working as a member of a team.

Even those of My children who believe they must work independently, they do not work alone.

If someone has been left on a deserted island and not seen another human being in many a year, he also is not really solo.

Not only is there no one separated from Me, there is also no one on Earth who does not work as part of a team with other human beings whether he is consciously aware of it or not.

This is the meaning of “No man is an island.”

Granted, there are people who must see themselves as independent. Well, dear ones, you can be as independent as you like, yet you can never ever be independent from connecting with people, for you are joined with one another.

Let Us say there is a team of two horses or twelve horses who are pulling a carriage or more. Each horse is pulling with all his might. For all intents and purposes, each horse is pulling alone. Each is carrying his load.

We can take this a step further. Even if one horse is pulling one carriage, he is joined by all horses who are pulling. Look, this life is a brotherhood.

The Three Musketeers are made of numbers greater than three.

When you go to live theater, and you see a play that you love and that all the audience loves, and, at the curtain call, the actors bow and the audience stands up and cheers, you are also part of a team. You feel it. The workers who created the lighting, and if it is musical theater, the choreographer of the dance and the composers of the music and the costume designers and the make-up artists and even if the playwright and the original members of cast are no long living, they are also members of the cast and unite even when this is not seen or thought of.

There is always more going on in the world that you are aware of.

Everything has a vibration, and you have a vibration, and vibrations meet. Where there is love, there is a twang of One Love.

When it comes to the Oneness I speak of, and even when you may wish to be separate from Me, you can declare yourself separate, yet you can’t be separate regardless of how you feel because I am not separate from you.

In Truth, no one is separate from another.

Some families are more like in the theater, and some families are at loggerheads with each other. And, yet, even among fighting families, there is a bond.

Even those who are not aware of the play and how it is loved also share in it. They don’t know its name. Nevertheless, some of the rays of joy fall on them.

Even with warriors on opposing sides, there is a bond of Oneness. They enter into the fray together, do they not?


Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “What Kind of Life will You Live?”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “How will you look back when you reach the end of your days? How will you consider the life you have lived? You can be sure that you will not remember the trips you made, the riches you obtained, or the fame you enjoyed. Many of those who have achieved these mostly material things look back and remember them for just a few moments, to finally discover that they really didn’t grow during their lives. As they were during the first years of their adult life, they continued to be until the end of their life.

“Then they realize that during all their existence they faced the same situations over and over again, always having the same fears, and never overcoming the limitations they imposed upon themselves from the start. In other words, they never grew, never matured in the spiritual sense. In the end, after considering that they may have accomplished all their material dreams, they face death with great uncertainty and fear, because in reality they don’t even know if there might be something beyond life. It is then they ask the questions that their wiser siblings spent their lives trying to answer: What is the purpose of all this? Where do I come from and where am I going?

“Consider now a mortal who has lived a sincere and contributing life. Maybe somebody who fought in vain against poverty and barely survived the struggles of material life. However, this person had the courage to learn to think independently and to search on her own the realities of religious experience – the personal relationship with the Celestial Father. This person may perhaps spend some minutes regretting all the trips she could not take, the things she could not buy, and the harshness of her life. Then will come the revelation of how much she has grown, how she has overcome her fears and how much she relied on the understanding that all is well, all is just as it should be. This person will see her life as a true school where she learned to be trust-worthy and she developed a personality consecrated to the will of the Father, regardless of the situation. This person will remember the deep and significant relationships she established with her peers in this world, thanks to the healing and inspiring influence of the unconditional love she learned to express through her being. This person will discover how her fears vanish and she will face death with joy and confidence, because she will know – perhaps merely unconsciously – that this will not be the end.

“What kind of life will you live? Will your life be just a blurry dream in eternity, or will it be the foundation of a career dedicated to make you more like God? Remember what you are living for. Don’t let yourself be distracted by the traps of mortal life and the fake beliefs of humanity. Free yourself from the chains of dogma and tradition, whether religious or cultural, and move your sight to the heavens, toward your true destiny, where the doubts of existence are replaced by the adventure of better understanding God while progressively becoming more like Him.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.


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Heal Your Physical Body,

Soul’s Journey and the Universe

by Goddess Oraylia

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 14th August 2015- Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I am a consciousness named Goddess Oraylia from the Goddess Council at the Cosmic Level of the Creator’s Universe. It is an honour to share my energy and love with you; I am predominantly present to guide you in receiving the frequencies, wisdom and transformation which are available to you at this time. Let yourself be receptive to my energies and wisdom as this will support our co-creation. Acceptance and co-creation are key focuses at this time of ascension. The Creator is inviting you to accept yourself more fully, to accept the energies of the Creator in the numerous forms and expressions they are delivered to you, as well as accepting the shifts which are required to take place to aid your transformation. Co-creation is a key focus due to the Creator inviting you to bring your attention to the awareness you are in a constant flow and experience o f the Creator, more importantly to realise you are never creating on your own. The Creator is encouraging you to be observant that you are constantly creating with other expressions of the Creator such as Ascended Masters and Archangels. Such beings can be specifically called forth to co-create with you in your reality, especially your spiritual evolution. Desires and dreams can also be co-created with aspects of the Creator to aid an expanded view and experience for yourself upon the Earth.

‘My boundaries of accepting the Creator are dissolved; I am willing and able to accept the Creator within and around me.’

‘Protected and supported by my community of Angels, I call for the most appropriate expression of the Creator to co-create with me now. My intention is to co-create….. (please explain your intention.) I now allow myself to become aware of the being of light and love who has presented themselves to co-create with me. I welcome you and unite our energies to magnify and manifest my intention divinely and appropriately within my reality. Thank you.’

Take time in meditation or observation to discover the being who has come forth to co- create with you as well as imagining your energy uniting to create a powerful source of light, which represents that which you wish to create. Daily adopt the understanding that you are constantly co-creating with this being your intention, until it manifests fully within your physical reality.

The current phase of our ascension on the Earth and the inner planes is focused upon the anchoring and acceptance of the Crystalline Consciousness and the Goddess frequency. Both energies are merging to create an intense shift within many upon the Earth so that transformation of diverse and personal aspects is evident within each person.  As we move into 2016 you will be able to recognise with greater confidence and awareness the major transformations which have and are taking place within your being and reality due to your dedication to the light and your spiritual evolution. These transformations are also manifesting due to the combined presence, co- creation and anchoring of the Crystalline Consciousness and the Goddess frequency. The Crystalline Consciousness offers a powerful purification, light enhancement, the release of habits which have extende d throughout numerous lifetimes and the ability to acknowledge oneness with clarity and precision. The Goddess frequency shares their nourishing, nurturing, creative and expansion qualities which when combined with the Crystalline Consciousness create a key of awakening and self-acceptance. The co-creation between the Crystalline Consciousness and the Goddess frequency is now due to intensify its strength, power and availability creating a powerful boost of energy to be anchored into the Earth and those ready to receive.

I wish to support you in being ready, available and receptive to this powerful energy boost of pure intention and vibrations. In order to achieve this I wish to bring your attention of your mind and third eye chakra to your physical body. You may have noticed sometimes subtle, sometimes dramatic changes and shifts in your physical body. Your physical body is being upgraded and more fully aligned to the truth of your essence and soul.  It is into your physical body that the power boost of energy from the Crystalline Consciousness and the Goddess frequency will anchor, mostly influence and be noticeably present. The physical body is now the focus of your ascension at this time; however this is only due to the clearing and healing which has and is taking place within your mental and emotional body.

Imagine your physical body is connected by thousands of tiny wires to an energy source of several growing stages until it reaches the source. The source is sending energy and light through many levels, which could be compared to the levels of your auric field, then into your physical body. All the other levels have been upgraded and now it is time for the physical body to be upgraded. This will take time maybe even several years; however it is beginning and continuing now. The surge of the source is flowing and anchoring into your physical body, almost like an electrical charge.

Like all of your energetic bodies your physical body is a reflection of the Universe of the Creator; the universe of the Creator is present within your physical body. Your soul’s personal journey throughout the Earth and the Universe of the Creator is also held within your physical body like a map which you can navigate. Areas of your physical body which experience stiffness or require healing reflect and reveal areas of your soul’s journey and the Universe of the Creator which also need healing. Thus through awareness of your physical body and encouraging your physical body to be receptive to the energy downloads currently flowing from the inner planes you can heal all aspects of ascension, while promoting freedom in the flow of energy within your own physical body.

I invite you to sit down peacefully gaining a meditative state with a specific focus upon relaxing the physical body. Encourage your senses to be active and alert, then say out loud:

‘I now allow myself to sense and recognise areas of my body where the natural flow of my soul’s and the Creator’s light is suppressed, stagnant or blocked.’

Allow yourself to be drawn to certain areas of your body. When you are made aware of a part of your physical body hold your attention in the area.

‘I now request and invite the energy of the source of the Creator, the sacred energy of transformation and truth already anchored within my auric field and chakras as well as the synthesised energy of  the Crystalline Consciousness and the Goddess frequency to flow into my entire physical body especially the area where my focus lies. I invite the pure energy anchoring now to restore the flow of energy in this part of my body thus healing my physical body, aiding transformation while simultaneously healing the journey of my soul and aspect of the Universe of the Creator this part of my body is connect to. Thank you.’

Imagine light flooding your physical body from all directions especially accumulating at the area of your focus. You may wish to recite within your mind during this process:

‘With the flow of light restored my physical body transforms positively impacting my soul and the universe. I am transformed.’

You can continue to observe your physical body returning to the original request , ‘I now allow myself to sense and recognise areas of my body where the natural flow of my soul’s and the Creator’s light is suppressed, stagnant or blocked.’  This will continue the process in different areas of the body until the healing is complete and the flow of the Creator has been fully restored within your physical body, thus allowing your body to fully receive the energies of the Crystalline Consciousness and the Goddess frequency, transforming to support your raise in energetic vibration and conscious awareness.  With is a beautifully healing process on all levels of your being will take place.

I am present to support your healing, nurture your inner creativity and encourage you to further unite with the Creator,

Goddess Oraylia


Are You Ready to Ascend?
I must say that Wednesday night's tele-seminar was a privilege to deliver. Where I thought Archangel Michael or I would have the most to say, it turned out God wanted to share his thoughts on the ascension.
When I sat down to ask what message I was to deliver, God, Jesus and Archangel Michael came through to share their thoughts. I believe the messages answered questions as well as alleviated some fears. 
I think everyone on the call was delighted when they heard that God said each one of them would be ascending this fall. Now that was good news!
I posted God's message in a blog post on my site because it was so important to help people understand this upcoming shift that many are discussing these days. 
You can read the message here: http://www.expresssuccess.net/god-on-the-ascension/
Over the years, I have been working diligently with Michael to help clear the cause of darkness so everyone could navigate and experience this time more easily. I am excited and grateful to be part of it and finally see it come to fruition. I don't exactly know what to expect when and that was one of the important messages shared. Expectations aren't useful. It is better to be in the moment. 
God's sharing how powerful we really are and how much we influence the outcome is certainly an important message for us all. 
I hope it helps you prepare and ascend. 


Excitement, Blessings and Ships Everywhere!
By Sananda and Ashtar
Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda.
Today is a time of celebration in the entire Multiverse.  We are so excited, pleased, delighted and amazed all at once, we are jumping for joy.  You must be feeling it there on the ground - the tremendous shift of energies today.  It is as if the tethers were untied and the air balloon carrying you is lifting off in all its glorious colors, with all of us surrounding all of you as you rise to meet us.
Words cannot do justice to the relief and joy we feel as we watch the trajectory of your actions creating a great wave of Light energy that has built a rainbow bridge between the 3rd dimension and the 5th where we stand cheering.  You have begun your dance across the bridge, and it is like watching the Pied Piper and the Heavenly All-Stars Band prancing, laughing and singing together out of sheer joy.  Your song - your sweet voices - are joined with ours for the first time, for the portal has opened wide to allow our energy to flow back and forth, both ways without interruption.
For us, this is the great triumph we have looked forward to with such anticipation.  It means that now all creation will be carried out with our combined energies.  You don't know yet exactly what this means because you have never experienced it in the realm where you are now, but I can assure you, you have opened the floodgates that will allow all the blessings you have dreamed of to come to you, all of you.  And when they do, they come for all the Multiverse to revel in.  When we tell you we are all One, this is what it means.  Your shift in consciousness is our shift in consciousness.  It flows throughout the fabric of the Universes - first all around your Earth, then like a flash of lightening, it radiates outward from the Earth grid which is now connected to all the Multiverse. 
This close connection is possible because the Earth is no longer under quarantine.  Humankind on Earth no longer a threat to the Universe.  Because of your own work to raise yourselves, combined with the successes of your Boots on the Ground, Earth has been welcomed into the Galactic Federation of Light as a full member.  This brought further dispensations from the Company of Heaven and the Federation combined.  Earth has been declared a Protectorate of the Federation under Commander Ashtar, and your safety as a viable planet is guaranteed.
Ashtar is here with me and wishes to say a word.  I will give him the floor.  Welcome, Ashtar.

Thank you, Sananda.  I was so excited I couldn't help but "elbow" my way into this discussion to put in a word of my own excitement and joy, to share my feelings with our Lightworker audience in this incredible moment.  All has come together to allow for the most serendipitous events to unfold.  Many of the readers have heard about the Blue Avians.  I can now make it official.  They are the brilliant crew that has been officially assigned to lead in the protection and oversight of Mother Earth and all her inhabitants for this next phase of your journey.  They have beautiful, sleek and elegant ships, and they are highly evolved Beings of Light who are fully prepared to offer the energetic help you may need for your coming Ascension. 
This help takes several forms.  The Blue Avians will help to balance and smooth the energies on Terra to make life more predictable for those on the surface as you finish this last phase of your 3rd dimensional experience.  They will also contribute their expertise and their technologies to continue stabilizing Earth on her axis as you travel through space on your wayto the Center of the Multiverse.  Nothing must interfere with our dear Terra and the courageous humans she carries.  You are completely protected from any interference from outside - no dark ones, no meteors, no "errant" space dust or cabal weapon on the ground will threaten your survival as a species or as a planet.  Your happiness and abundance is assured while you continue to co-create it with us.
You have made all this possible, Beloved Ones.  I salute you in this hour of your triumph.  I am your brother, Ashtar.  I give you back to Sananda now.

Thank you, Ashtar.  You have said it beautifully.  Earth's bright future is being realized right now!  I am overjoyed to have been on the team for these millennia.  Of course it has been difficult at times.  There were moments when we truly held our breaths and prayed with all our might (for us this means focusing our attention on sending you Light energies to lift you toward the bright outcome we know is possible).  Sometimes it looked as though the dark ones would swamp all hope under their relentless reign of terror, but always there were a few - sometimes very few - of our courageous Lightworkers who held the Light.
Do you know what that expression really means, Dear Ones?  "Holding the Light" is often spoken of but rarely defined.  I will explain.  When you on the ground continue to maintain your steadfast connection to any one of us or to Mother and Father God, in conscious Faith and acceptance of our Love and concern for you, you are holding the Light.  When you reach out to your fellows, whether human or otherwise, in a state of kindness and compassion, with respect and Love for the other, you are holding Light.  When you call out to us to selflessly offer your service, without concern for your own comfort or 3-dimensional versions of "security," you are holding the Light.
These acts of kindness and service are what has kept Planet Earth from descending even further into the energies of darkness.  The cabal has tried everything in their bag of tricks to subdue and subjugate all of you.  Their intention was to create a slave planet where they could extract the natural resources from Terra and feed on the energy of Light from humankind.  They succeeded in creating every form of covert slavery imaginable, including slavery to your job, your mortgaged house, your children's education, your college debts, your healthcare costs, your parents' old age, even your vet bills.  The next step was to be a carefully orchestrated and systematic downturn into overt physical slavery.
The plans were already in place and the working model can be seen in the teachings and practices being promoted by ISIS.  This mysterious and suddenly powerful and well-funded "terrorist" organization in the Middle East has as one of its basic tenets that enslaving women is a holy right for the fighting men who serve God as warriors for a twisted, dark and seductive form of Islam.  It is a clever, manipulative form of mind-control, taught by cabal masters of psychological brainwashing techniques.  The women are subjugated through rape, which leads to shame and isolation, and the men are co-opted with the promise of absolute power over others.  It is supported by nearly unlimited amounts of money and a smoothly running infrastructure through which the women are kidnapped, then openly bought and sold in slave markets.  This, along with "Koran" writings supposedly supporting these practices, has "legitimized" the utter cruelty and debasement of both men and women.
This, Dear Ones, was the dark plan for Planet Earth and everyone on it.  I tell you this now because the plan has not been allowed to succeed.  The organizations across the globe that have grown up to spread the kidnapping and sexual slavery of women and children is being unraveled as we speak.  This time, the leaders will not go free while the underlings go to jail.  The entire network is being dismantled.
It is ironic that many still complain that we have not done enough, because they see the visible part of the problem - the tip of the iceberg, you might say, just a hint of the darkness the cabal has flaunted to keep people in fear.  The truth is that we have seen the iceberg below the surface and have been working to change the whole system that built up over time to include a huge web of influential financial, political and religious people. 
While everyone on Planet Earth looked the other way in one form or another, or were tricked into focusing on entertainments and self-indulgences, your freedom was stolen from you.  This has been true across the world, in every country and every town.  The cabal's slickest trick was to infiltrate every institution, every system of control by buying people out with the money they controlled and printed in unending supply.
Yes, it has been far worse than you knew, and it is over.  In the coming days a great wave of Light will finish the job of dismantling these diabolical organizations and replacing them with Truth, justice and unending assistance from your Mentors and friends of the Galactic Federation of Light. 
Your skies are filled with ships.  Their passengers from the farthest reaches of the Universes of Light are ready and fully trained in the most helpful and effective ways to usher you into the New Golden Age.  You will never again feel alone and overwhelmed, surrounded by dark energies.  You will feel our presence close to you, and friends of all shapes and sizes will teach a new kind of graciousness, kindness and service.
If you wish to confirm that they are there in your skies, here is what you can do.  Take your camera or cell phone out with you in the bright sunshine, or find a friend who has one.  Point your camera to the sky, including the sun in the photo.  Then blow up the photo - preferably a high resolution shot - and scan it to see the small dots of light in the sky become clear pictures of ships.  There are many types visible now in the daylight hours, and there will be more every day.  Kathryn and Christine have dozens of pictures of ships coming in or out of dimensions.  You will see a small white dot surrounded by a red colored shape that looks like a receiver dish.  Those are ships that are coming into your dimension so you can take their picture!
It is the greatest of times, Beloved Ones.  Enjoy these fascinating moments.  Connect with your awakening brothers and sisters.  You will find laughter and friendship all around you; you only need to be open to it.  Watch for my whiff of light energy on your skin, or the chill down your spine that tells you we are there visiting you with our blessings and great Love.  Call to me and I will be there.  Nothing could keep me away.
I am your Sananda.  Namaste all.

Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, New York, August 13, 2015



 The 7 Latent Tendencies (Anusaya):

1: The Latent Tendency to Sense-Desire.
2: The Latent Tendency to Aversion and Anger.
3: The Latent Tendency to Skeptical Doubt.
4: The Latent Tendency to Speculative Views.
5: The Latent Tendency to the Conceit that: "I am".
6: The Latent Tendency to Craving for Becoming.
7: The Latent Tendency to Blind Ignorance.

These are inherently deeply imbedded and hidden in the core of the mind, where these 
subtle tendencies ever again exert their disadvantageous influence over our thoughts, 
speech, and all of our behaviour. Biased by such corrupt inclinations, any intention to act 
will only produce detrimental and painful future results... The only tool capable of overcoming 
and extracting them is indeed this quite Noble 8-fold Way: The Ariya Atthangika Magga:

1. Right View (sammā-ditthi)
2. Right Motivation (sammā-sankappa)
3. Right Speech (sammā-vācā)
4. Right Action (sammā-kammanta)
5. Right Livelihood (sammā-ājīva)
6. Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma)
7. Right Awareness (sammā-sati)
8. Right Concentration (sammā-samādhi)

The Latent Tendencies are the Hidden Driver of Mind!
The 'surface structure' of ignorance specific for each mind
determines that minds possible trajectories of behaviour.
Local minima are Samsara. The Global minimum is Nibbāna!

More on these 7 Latent Tendencies (Anusaya):

The Latent Tendencies are like mental Strange Attractors!
These confine mind into habitual cyclical repetitive behaviour.
This explains the common repeat of irresistible bad habits.. 

The 7 Latent Tendencies..


Sivananda Daily Reading

15 August

Posted: 13 Aug 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Yoga Asanas 
Health is wealth. Good health is a valuable asset for one and all. It can be achieved by the practice of yoga asanas, which control the emotions and produce mental peace. It also distributes prana evenly throughout the body and different systems. It helps in maintaining the healthy functioning of the internal organs. It gives internal massage to the various abdominal organs.
Physical exercises draw the prana out but asanas send the prana in. The practice of asanas cures many diseases and it awakens the kundalini shakti.  These are the chief advantages of the yogic system of exercises advantages which none of the other systems have.
Practise a few asanas daily - at least for fifteen minutes. Soon you will possess wonderful health. Be regular in your practice - this is of paramount importance.
Asanas should be done on an empty stomach in the morning or at least three hours after food. Morning is the best time to do the asanas. Do not wear your spectacles whilst doing them. Wear a langotee and a singlet if necessary.
Be moderate in your diet. Practise brahmacharya (celibacy). Begin with a minimum time and gradually increase it. Answer the calls of nature before you begin doing the asanas.
The endocrine glands play an important part in the economy of nature. The practice of sarvangasana keeps the thyroid healthy and this means a healthy functioning of all the organs and systems in the body.
The diaphragm, the muscular partition between the chest and the abdomen, is also developed by certain exercises such as - dhanurasana, mayurasana, and paschimottanasana. The movement of the diaphragm massages the abdominal viscera and organs. There will be daily evacuation of the bowels in the morning. Constipation, dyspepsia and a host of other ailments of the stomach and intestines will disappear.
Four asanas are prescribed for the purposes of japa (repetition of God's name) and meditation. They are padma, siddha, svastika and sukha. Be able to sit in any of these for three hours without shaking. Then only you will be able to control the breath and do meditation. If you can be steady in the posture for even an hour you will acquire a one-pointed mind and feel infinite peace.


August 14
...Jesus always insisted that true goodness must be unconscious, in bestowing charity not allowing the left hand to know what the right hand does.... (1582:7) 140:8.26
Truth, Beauty, Goodness
  Complementary Quote:
...The righteousness of any act must be measured by the motive; the highest forms of good are therefore unconscious.... (1862:6) 170:3.9


Aug 14, 2015
There is nothing that love cannot transform. Accommodate people and see they will be transformed.

~ Sri Sri


John - Cleveland Ohio
