3-4-16: The Aspirant's Path to Serenity



Sivananda Daily Reading

5 March

Posted: 04 Mar 2016 02:13 AM PST

Yogasara-Upanishad Mantra - 1 
Now yoga is explained
Notes and Commentary
Yoga is the state wherein there is no sankalpa vikalpa (thought or doubt). Yoga is the control of mind and its modifications. Yoga is the equal state between jivatma (soul) and paramatma (God). The word 'Yogi' signifies an aspirant or a student in the path of yoga, as well as a full blown developed adept in yoga. He who is fully established in the highest nirvikalpa samadhi (super-consciousness) is a yogi. He who practises yoga is also a yogi. A 'raja yogi' is otherwise known as 'dhyana yogi'. Dhyana means meditation. It is the continuous flow of one idea of God. Raja yoga aims at controlling all thought-waves or mental modifications. It concerns with the mind, its purification and control. Hence it is called, 'raja yoga, king of yogas'. It is otherwise known as ashtanga yoga (yoga with eight limbs).
A sutra means a thread or aphorism or terse saying. Each sutra is pregnant with high, sublime ideas. Without the help of commentary, it is difficult to understand the meanings of the aphorisms. Just as flowers or pearls are studded in a string or a thread, even so, philosophical or spiritual ideas are studded in a sutra or thread.
Food (ahara), sleep (nidra), fear (bhaya), and coition (maithuna) are common to both animals and human beings. But man has got intelligence, power of discrimination (viveka) and power of enquiry (vichara shakti); with the help of these special powers, he can realise his Self and can know his true nature. Even devas (gods) are envious of human beings. Because deva yoni (divine species) is mere bhoga yoni (enjoyment), they can enjoy only with a daivic (divine) body. Man has got both karma yoni (activity) and bhoga yoni. He can do nishkamya karma yoga and attain jnana through chittashuddhi (purity of mind). He can take recourse to various yogic practices for spiritual unfoldment and can become a full blown yogi in this birth. Horses and dogs possess minds. But they have neither discrimination nor intelligence nor vichara shakti. Hence it is not possible for them to attain freedom.
You will find in Yajnavalkya Smriti that Hiranyagarbha was the original teacher of yoga. Patanjali Maharishi is only a compiler or explainer of the yogic principles and tenets taught and practised by Hiranyagarbha and others. 

NOTE: You can download all articles on the Yogasara Upanishad in printable format from here.


Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Strive for Connection — Not for Isolation.”

Message received by Anyas. {Channeled}

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about the misguided aggrandizement of the ego as it is unfortunately a frequently experienced occurrence on your planet. Due to the various states of separation — interspecies, inter-realms, inter-relational and within the layers that constitute an individual — too much focus is being accorded to the visible level of your reality and very little to none to the invisible realities. The air you breathe is invisible; the water you drink is colorless; yet, without them you could not exist. 

“The invisible realities are actually primordial and when no conscious contact is established with them, you miss out on experiencing the multi-dimensions of your own being and live on a purely animalistic and ‘down-to-earth’ level. From that perspective, the pull of the physical gravity becomes even stronger as it is not counterbalanced by the spiritual pull of the Paradise gravity and you do not come in touch with your powerful spiritual side. This leads many to search for the gratification of their physical senses rather than their spiritual ones. The ego is being given too much importance and this gives rise to a great state of imbalance. Ego-centeredness shrinks who you are; God-centeredness expands who you are meant to be.

“Whenever you receive a beautifully wrapped gift, you are eager to open it as you are well aware that the wrapping — no matter how attractive it is — is not the gift. The gift itself is invisible to the eyes and the receiver of the gift will eagerly remove the wrapping in order to reveal its content; the lovingly wrapped gift brings the assurance that the gift has been carefully sought out so as to satisfy the needs of the receiver. 

“Aren’t you curious to see what has been lovingly ‘wrapped’ within your being? Your personality is your first amazing gift — a unique edition. This gift comes with many accessories, including your talents. The Divine Fragment who comes to indwell you at your first moral decision is your second priceless gift — a fragment of Paradise lives within you! Can you fathom how blessed you are? The Father is an anonymous Giver and does not blow His own horn. He lovingly endows you with potentialities and leaves it up to you to develop them so as to bring forth your own beauty as a heartfelt acknowledgment that His gifts have not been taken for granted and have been put to good use.

“The Father does not gift you with the finished product. In His wisdom, He gifts you with kits that will require you to put your God-given intelligence, your God-given energy, your God-given intuition and your God-given imagination to good use. These are called educational gifts. The Father provides you with all the parts and all the tools needed to put the gift together. He also lives within you to read to you the owner’s manual whenever needed. There is a constant hotline that is accessible to you whenever you find yourself at a loss. All that you have to do is to turn within and clearly articulate your perplexity. By doing so, it will simultaneously bring you some level of clarity. The Father is truly your BFF and such an eternal friendship is the best sounding board you could ever have — unconditionally loving, inspiring, understanding, encouraging and non-judgmental. 

“Do not live your life in such a way that you will kick yourself later once you come to realize that you have not been meant to live in a state of separation, but that you have been inserted in a social setting where interaction takes place at all levels of your being. Strive for connection, not for isolation. This is from where all the answers will be forthcoming.”


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Awakening of Divine Relationships

and New Consciousness

by the Beings of Venus

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 4th March 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We, Beings from Venus, extend our love and united consciousness with the Creator with those willing to accept our energies. We are present not because we are more evolved nor even because our love is so pure. Our presence with you and supporting the Earth is due to our conscious awareness of the Creator’s love. We wish to remind the Earth and humanity of their conscious awareness of the Creator’s love thus magnifying and amplifying the presence of love within all, even beyond the Earth.

When an aspect of the Creator such as humanity, awakens and remembers a new quality of the Creator from within their beings, putting this energy into action, an awakening of the same energy occurs within all aspects of the Creator, across the entire Universe of the Creator. This is because all aspects of the Creator are connected. This signifies that the shifts and remembrance occurring within your being now is allowing the energies you are awakening from within your being to be activated within others on the Earth and the inner planes. If aspects of the Creator have already activated or remembered these qualities, then they will be amplified for further expression, experience and contemplation within their beings. Do not belittle or judge the shifts of awakening made within your being as you are a part of an evolving light and consciousness. The challenges within your reality, howeve r, large or minor they seem to you are encouraging you to play your role in the greater picture of the evolution of the Creator. When you allow yourself to more fully remember your natural love consciousness conveying it daily with greater expression, then your remembrance of the Creator will be activated through loving experiences rather than challenging situations.

The energy we are delivering to the Earth and humanity is akin to a large energy body of love consciousness. Within this energy are activations and remembrance of thinking, feeling and knowing from a space of love; the natural love which exists within all and is the love of the Creator. Thinking, feeling and knowing from a space of love can only be born from within you. However, we, the Beings of Venus, are bringing forth a consciousness of love in order to inspire the same to activate from within your being. Not only is our energy encouraging you to embody love it is also encouraging you to recognise others as love with new clarity and truth. You may notice that especially towards the end of 2016 that your ability to recognise the presence of love within all of your relationships will enhance and develop. This will also signify that you will be able to recognise the lack of love with in the numerous forms of relationships you create and have created. Your idea and understanding of divine love relationships will advance cultivating new ideas of how you interact with the Creator through those around you. Thus, you will discover you will be able to create divine relationships with all beings upon the Earth, when guided, resulting in a greater experience and acknowledgement of the unity of all, with each other and the Creator.

A divine relationship can be described in so many ways and forms. The consciousness we, the Beings from Venus, are reawakening and amplifying from within your being describes all relationships as divine. A divine relationship is not seeking love in yourself and another, it is knowing and believing that love is present within you and another whether they are a stranger or a loved one. To explain further a divine relationship is the Creator love consciousness expression and exchange that occurs between you on an inner plane and Earthly plane. The more you become aware of the Creator consciousness love within yourself and others the easier you will find it to identify this Creator love in any relationship creating an expression of truth and Creator unity.

When you meet a person, whether it is a loved one, stranger, someone you dislike or are indifferent to, an energy exchange occurs as if on the inner planes. Your soul and the other person’s soul know exactly why you have met, the purpose of the relationship whether it is intimate, business or friendship. Your souls also begin an exchange of light, consciousness, understanding and even healing. This exchange does not have to be evident on the earthly planes however it influences the physical body energetically. Each person’s purpose upon the Earth is to recognise their complete Creator self within them. The energy exchange which occurs when two souls are present together, whether engaging or not, supports the continued development of remembrance of the Creator within. Even seemingly negative or hurtful experiences between people at an earthly level can trigger an exchange o f light, consciousness and remembrance at an energetic level between the souls. Every exchange supports the souls in remembering the Creator more completely within their physical beings thus becoming a consciousness of Creator love.

The Creator love consciousness, we, the Beings of Venus, are sharing with you now is to support a dawning of awareness where the soul exchange which occurs energetically and often without the people involved being aware will occur within the physical body and mind with conscious awareness. Imagine a reality where every person could experience the exchange of soul energy, understanding the energies and qualities awakening while also realising how to play a role in supporting the other person’s ascension in that moment (which could be a minute) thus allowing their own ascension to be accelerated. This would develop a new consciousness within humanity which would be defined as a love consciousness because of the openness, trust and truth which would be experienced constantly by all. It would be labelled a love consciousness because many would experience the Creator moving through a nd being expressed from within their beings, with a sense of being divinely guided. Every relationship whether momentary, short or long term, intimate or friendship would be honoured as a divine relationship which serves not only those involved in the exchange but every person on the Earth and the inner planes as all are connected as one.

To embody and recognise love within you signifies that numerous shifts will occur in all aspects of your being especially within your mind and emotions. Thus, the way humanity acts, reacts, thinks, feels and experiences is changing due to the energy we, the Beings from Venus, are anchoring throughout 2016 and the energy you are willing to receive. Through the simple daily focus of receiving the love we, Beings of Venus, share with you and the love your soul fuels with you will allow the evolution of yourself as a human being to take place. It is time for humanity to accept an evolved and more advanced state of mind, emotions, connection with the Creator and existence upon the Earth. This could be likened to a download or remembrance of enlightenment. It can only take place through acceptance of love. The Creator’s love recognised and embodied within your being is the catalyst to the divine and progressive evolution of humanity.

Not only are we inviting you to realise that your relationship with yourself is changing into a more loving and healing experience, your relationship with those around you is also varying dramatically. Both shifts allow you to connect with the Creator more fully, viewing beyond illusion with a greater understanding of the truth of the Creator. You may find yourself becoming more sensitive to your own needs and more acutely aware of the influence of other people’s energy upon your being. You may discover that some relationships of any form may feel as if they need to be discarded as the soul exchange of energy and consciousness has been completed. While other people enter into your life to encourage you to become conscious of the constant soul exchange which is taking place at any given time, enhancing your acceptance of your Creator love consciousness.

To develop your Creator love consciousness:

  • Be conscious of the love within your being,
  • Be conscious and aware that love exists within every person that you meet, no matter how they appear to you,
  • Be conscious that when speaking to or sitting with anyone, stranger or familiar, your souls are exchanging valuable energy and enlightenment,
  • Be conscious and aware that every relationship is divine, sacred and serves your spiritual evolution,
  • Be conscious of receiving love from Venus and your soul,
  • Be conscious that the energy the Beings of Venus are delivering now is to awaken love within you and create a new perspective of love which will allow you to perceive your relationships in a completely diverse way.
  • Be conscious and contemplate how your soul views all relationships, meetings or connections between yourself and other humans, thus developing your intuition and sensitivity to the Creator.

We, the Beings of Venus, are present to create beautiful shifts of love, sensitivity and awareness within your being allowing you and all of humanity to embody your inner energies and consciousness of enlightenment.

In constant support and loving service,

Beings of Venus


 Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5579 What Is Life on Earth Anyway? , March 4, 2016 

God said: 

My children may consider Life on Earth as a Rite of Passage, as a canoe ride down a river, as a trek through a jungle, fraught with unexpected danger. My children may consider Life on Earth as a ride on a carousel, as a dance floor, a Broadway musical, a feat of great dimensions. What can Life on Earth not be considered as?

What you consider life to be makes a difference to the life you experience. The preponderance of your thoughts about life are trend-setters. Your thoughts create a map for your life to follow.

It is safe to say that whatever you consider life to be, life will still have a few surprises for you. Life really doesn't let you sit still, or, life makes you sit still when you don't want to, or Life on Earth makes you move when you would like to sit still or even hide.

You would say that life is contrary. Life doesn't object. It is you who objects to life. Life doesn’t take offense. You do. Sometimes you take offense right and left. Sometimes life can't please you. You find it difficult to be pleased. You may not really know what you want from life. What can life do to suit you when you may see life as a precarious adventure or, even, unforgivable?

You could sail down the Nile serenely. Mosquitoes could appear or asps. Fear could collar you. Anything could happen. A nice surprise is okay in your book, but not just any old surprise, but only surprises that appeal to you. Oh, how you would like to pick and choose and have the privilege of sending certain surprises in life back. How you would like to determine your life.

Beloveds, there is a sense in which you do determine your life. There may well be patterns in your life that you set yourself up for lavishly. You say you would never choose these patterns, yet you may reactivate them again and again. You may be aghast at them, yet you revive them time and time again as though you were in a trance.

There may well be some aspects of your life that seem illegal to you, yet you ring a bell calling them to you. You set your own traps and fall into them. You complain about them over and over again and call yourself a victim and other people to blame, or you hold Me responsible. You are not able to let responsibility fall on you. You may require yourself to be a sensitive victim when you are the culprit! Life does not always seem fair, yet you are the one who deals the cards.

You can be accountable. Be accountable. Accountability is not blaming yourself. It just so happens that you are the one who keeps tripping over the same potholes and are astonished. You trip yourself up. Are your shoes to blame? Your tricky footwork? How could it be that you would attract the same or similar situations in life and be bewildered? You have yet more to find out about yourself and familiar situations you find yourself in.

We could say that you take certain pills that make you jumpy, yet you don't connect the pills with your jumpiness. Yes, My darlings, often you set yourself up and don't see it. Someone else can see what you are doing, yet you do not see yourself walking the same way again even as you are walking the same way and yet do not see.

You follow a trail of crumbs that you have followed before and don’t remember. There is something you are not seeing. Don't get all fraught with this. Just be open to the possibility that a change within you, a change within you as to how you interact with the world can change the world you interact with.

Just be open to this. Look. See. Follow the trail to a pattern you see, and, then, change it.


 Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 4 March 2016

Mike Quinsey

People who are able to help bring Ascension that much nearer are very active, but they are for the time being still up against the actions of the dark ones who adopt delaying tactics. However, their attempts to delay the inevitable are futile and will do little to stop disclosure coming out within a reasonable period. It has been decreed by higher forces that the necessary action should be taken to ensure completion as planned. Those doing the work of the Light are protected and are helped to carry out their tasks. The Blue Avians continue to oversee what is taking place but will not interfere with our freewill should we elect to follow a different path to the Light. There is however a plan in place that will lead us ever onwards to a successful Ascension. It cannot be allowed to fail and it is expected that the followers of the Light will succeed. There are a number of powerful influences at work, and it is expected that they will overcome any obstacles placed on the path of the Light. So be confident and do not allow doubts to creep into your thoughts.

The dark Ones are concerned that they can no longer dictate what takes place, and obstinately try to overcome the power of the Light Forces that are preventing their success. They threaten those who stand in their way to no avail. Their power has been severely diminished and they can no longer do as they choose. Although they still threaten to use nuclear devices, they know that in reality it will not be allowed. The Forces of Light are by and large protected but some souls have already agreed to sacrifice their life for the good of others. Be assured that any such actions will be adequately rewarded, but naturally in some situations karma is being played out and the outcome is pre-planned. As you have no doubt learnt nothing really happens by chance, as your life plan is arranged to suit your specific needs.

If you cannot directly help those who are strongly fighting for full Disclosure, you can assist by visualising it and giving it the power to be successful. It is certainly considered to be the most desirable outcome, and many souls are working for it. As the net closes on the dark Ones full Disclosure almost becomes a certainty, and many Beings of Light are helping to raise the vibrations. You look around you and the Earth seems to be in a turmoil, but know that Mother Earth with the assistance of your Space family are able to cleanse it quite quickly, and there will be no undue delay when the time comes for it to be done. You should bear in mind that you are being helped by Beings who are thousands of years ahead of you. For them problems that you consider to be difficult are simple and easily handled.

All around you souls are awakening to the realisation that Humans are One Race. Each of you is your brother’s keeper and have been separated for far too long. The Earth has given you many varied experiences as you have moved from one Race to another, but now the time has come to see all of them as One. In life after life you have been deliberately led to believe that you are all different, and this has led to many wars and troubles. Humans have to be reminded that there is only one Race on Earth, and it is now time to come together. Help each other as many are suffering through wars and deprivation, largely brought about by those who are of the Cabal. There is a time approaching when the Cabal will no longer be able to stay on Earth, as their vibrations will be too low to ascend. From that time onwards there will be great rejoicing as the Light will have been victorious.

All of you have come a long way to reach the point where you are now and you have every right to feel satisfied, and in the course of time you will learn more about your experiences. You have had many lives and numerous experiences from which you have quickly evolved. It is just part of your journey back to full consciousness which enables you to leave the lower vibrations behind. From that time onwards you will once again learn the truth of your travels through the different levels, although you will be more concerned with your new life in the higher vibrations. You will in fact have much more say as to where you will move and continue your evolution.

As you are in the last stage of your present life, accept that Mother Earth is also preparing for Ascension. She has held on as long as possible to give every soul the maximum opportunity to rise up. So focus on your immediate tasks and keep them in your sight and do not be distracted by the outer happenings around you. Many are overwhelmed by the events taking place and unaware of their true nature, but they will be getting help from their Guides so that they gain the maximum advantage from them. In all possibility you are part of a family that are likely to evolve together but that is not always the case, as some members may have a different life plan. In each life you will have chosen experiences that satisfied your particular needs to ensure that you have continued to evolve, and they would not necessarily have been the same as your partners. So you will follow your path whilst allowing others to also follow theirs.

On Earth so much is happening, most of which you are unaware but very soon details will start to emerge. Once this period really gets under way life will move on very quickly, and you will make up for the time lost by having been denied the advantages of new discoveries. Because you will have advanced civilisations helping you, they will enable you to make up for lost time. You will be moving away from fossil fuels and use instead free clean energy that will supply all of your needs. At a stroke it will make a tremendous difference to your lives, and make you self-sufficient. You will have more independence, and never again suffer for the want of heat or adequate clean water supplies. There is much more that will follow once people have had their essential needs covered.

One thing that often cannot be positively given is the exact timing of the events that are mentioned. However, every effort is made to bring them about, but sometimes unforeseen factors come up that result in delays. One thing you can certainly be sure of is that important events will take place even if slightly delayed, and revaluation of the currencies is virtually ready to go ahead. There are as always interested parties who stall for time but if they deliberately or unnecessarily cause delay, they will be removed and left behind. The powers that be are determined to go ahead at the first possible opportunity. You may not get regular updates on all such matters but some progress is always being made.

This message comes through my Higher Self. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Ashtar: “Electronics, Elections and Divine Governance”
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference – February 23, 2016

“Greetings, Beloved Family!  Well, we had a little ‘overdo’ on the music this time,*  but that is all right – I am here and I’ve been here and I shall continue.  We are having some interesting occurrences in our electronics, so we shall begin here on this note.  It is that electronic connections are, in some cases, as you would say, being ‘fried’ – disconnected, experiencing seemingly out-of-the-blue kinds of interferences for no good reason. And the underlying reasons are that with all that is going on in the atmosphere, these things are occurring! And so it is to be calm when your transmissions are disrupted, or when your player does not play, or most particularly with your computers and those kinds of electronic machines.

“Now, there are all kinds of other things that are occurring. For instance, you have what you call appliances in your homes and so on and so on, but computers – very interesting situation! Computers are trying to adapt to all of these energies coming in as well. And just because you have a new, or fairly new, computer does not mean that it is totally immune to this because, you see, updating as you call it, is occurring constantly with all of the energies coming in.


“Now, we are going to suggest to you something that will be much easier to understand once the change-overs are completed. But it is to know that you are on the verge of having much more sentient computers than they are now. Oh, we know, there are computers that can talk to you, and so on and so on.  But we’re talking about computers that can get to know you and get to be ‘in sync’ with you, and will answer your questions and show you things and do a lot of things that you might be seeing on, you know, the space cadet shows that present themselves as being what you call ‘science fiction.’  But the reality is quite different – they’re very real!!!


“And these computers and other electronic inventions have been in use for some time, just as spacecraft that have been engineered – well, they’ve had some help from off-planet – but they have been engineered and manufactured, and so on, in various facilities both on and off of Planet Earth.  And, you know, there’s a lot of information about that right now! You can look up anything that Corey Goode** has brought forth and get the picture pretty rapidly.


“So what we are here to tell you is, again, stay calm!!!  These things may happen, and our suggestion to you is to open up communications with whatever device it is.  Now, of course, you can call in some Higher Dimensional Help, but what we’re saying is, get used to communicating, particularly with your computers and other devices that you are connected with anyway so much of your days – and nights, too!!!


“This is the way the World is going and, ultimately everything will be so telepathic that you won’t be relying upon computers as much as you do right now – just like the dollar and other currencies.   In other words, your intelligence will come within you and you will not be looking so much to an outside source.  So when I say ‘intelligence,’  I’m saying information in knowing about whatever it is that you want to know about, because you are all expanding your brains even now and you’re all expanding into Higher Intelligence!!!


“As you uplift, your bodies become more crystalline – and that brings up another point. What do you think computers have in them if not crystal, silicon, you know, silica chips, Silicon Valley, etc., etc., etc.?  Now there’s already a bridge there, is there not, the more crystalline you become.  So you see, it is by way of furthering or enhancing your own uplifting to be in connection and communication with your computers and other devices.  In other words, if you just say, ‘Good morning, computer!  We’re going to have a wonderful day. I’m so grateful to you for all the help you provide to me!’  On some level your computer is going to get that.  Now that doesn’t guarantee that your computer is going to do everything flawlessly, rapidly, and so on and so on.  I’m hearing a bit of a prompting here – ‘Faster than a speeding bullet!’  I don’t know where that one came from – Sekhmet? – but I’ll put it in. We like humor, too, you know!


“It is simply – and I am saying this in all seriousness – that just as you’ve got robots coming more and more into your lives, so it is that your computers will provide you with more opportunities for interaction and intercommunication than you might be presently enjoying.  At the very least, I shall close this part of my message with a bit of advice.  If your computer suddenly freezes on you or refuses to cooperate, or goes blank, or whatever, at the very least, be in a High Vibration sufficient to send Gratitude and a message of ‘Let’s work together’ as opposed to – I shall not say anything, but just imagine a lot of strange little signs, ‘You #%^#! (blankety-blank)!’  It will serve you much better, Beloved Ones, just as this advice is absolutely general and applies to all aspects of your lifestyles.

“So, I simply want to assure you that all is well in your World!!! These incoming energies are disruptive at times and, I understand after all, that it is absolutely natural to want everything to be in perfect working order at all times.  Just as nature is undergoing some upheavals – and you all know about that – so it is that other components of your lives may be doing the same things.  And it is not limited to what is inside of your houses.  You have computers in your vehicles, in all of your transportational vehicles, unless you are riding a bicycle or a horse, or something like that.  You have computers everywhere in your World!


“And so it is to, just as I have suggested, call for a wonderful day of ease and grace, or however you choose to say it, and when something does occur – if it does occur – be gracious!  Be kind and be appreciative of the service that has been rendered and go from there with whatever you need to do, in order to bring it back into balance and harmony for you!


“Now, I also have more for you on the topic of government.  That’s right, GOVERNMENT!  We have undertaken certain steps to support Bernie and the other candidates who bring forth Truth and truthful solutions of a High Dimensional nature – in other words, those candidates who are fully in line with, again, the Principles, the Provisions of NESARA.***


“And this is true around the World.  It is not just for the United States of America!!!  It is from here that the Announcement will go forth. This is still the program, the plan.  But it is for every man, woman and child, and for all of Mother Gaia’s other Kingdoms as well, to enjoy the benefits of NESARA, as they will apply in every community and country Worldwide!!!  This is about opening up; this is about Heartfelt Lifestyles – guided, guided from the Hearts of all of Humanity, every member of Humanity’s Heart, I shall say!!!


“And so NESARA*** is to be known in every place in the World as rapidly as it can be known!  And I am asking you, members of my Ashtar Family – and you know that most of you are indeed Ashtar Commanders in human uniforms or members of my crew in some capacity.  Some of you are – for instance, the doctors, what you would call the doctors – we call you the healers on board our many ships, and so on and so on.  But whatever your designation is, it’s really that we’re all One in the Light of Love and in the Service that we offer.  And so we ask you to fire up, power up and continue spreading the words of NESARA!!! ***


“I will make another observation and that is that there are many, many, many more who are open to hearing about NESARA*** and who would, if they just even read the little bit of information on the flyer – those are the very nuggets – that’s the Heart of NESARA*** on paper – They would welcome it!!!  They would say that this is a great idea – people who, oh, a year or so ago in your time, would have said, ‘You know what? I think you’re crazy! This will never happen!’


“There is so much calling from the Heart of Humanity for the very Provisions of NESARA*** to be enacted!!!  And this is something that, if you have tried in the past, if you have been like these women here, waiting since the 1990’s for it to be activated or announced and activated – we understand there can be some weariness in you and perhaps even a bit of disappointment that it hasn’t happened.  This is the time to recharge, regroup and regenerate NESARA*** Love throughout the entirety of your beings and then go beyond with it!!!


“The momentum has begun and there are many, many things that you can do, starting within your own selves, your meditations, your prayers, your joyful visions of your Golden Age Lifestyles! THAT’S HUGE!!!  Put yourselves in there and be doing whatever it is, perhaps learning to fly an airplane that you never had time or money to have lessons for?  Hmm!  That would be particularly appealing to those of you who have your own shuttles in the Higher Dimensions, would it not?


“Perhaps you have a passion for teaching children, a skill or an art form that you enjoy. But again, you’ve never had the time or the energy or the money, or whatever, to engage in that.  It matters not what it is so long as, of course, it is High Vibrational, because the Freedom to do these things – the Divine Governancethat gives you the Freedom to do these things, is the very Heart of NESARA***!!!

“Now I started to tell you that we have taken steps, to be sure, that no one will end up being elected in this calendar year as we see it now – this is our program, with the sequential order of events and dominoes falling – no one will be elected who does not have the Principles of NESARA*** in his or her own Heart!!!  Now Bernie is the leader for this, as you know, but there are many others.  Get to know the candidates in your own community because there must be a Foundation!!!  You cannot have – has Obama not proven – you cannot have a President who is at the top of the government – not the secret government, but at the top of the government, if he does not have the Foundation underneath!

“And so it is very important that you be aware of what is happening in your communities, in your state legislatures.  Who is your governor?  Is this person someone who carries the principles of NESARA*** in his or her Heart?  Now, of course, you know and we’ve told you before that those who do not will not be around to exercise, or to do, their agendas.  They will not be in office much longer.

“But it is to support energetically, perhaps even volunteering to do something or other so that you will help to be building that Higher Dimensional Foundation!  And that is why I am asking you, my Beloved, Beloved Members of this Ashtar On The Road Family – all who are here in person on this call, and all who come afterward to listen to the recording or read the words.  Find out what’s going on and support those with your Hearts and your meditations and prayers, and more if you are able so to do, to build the Foundation of NESARA*** support, so that whoever is elected President – and you can fill in Bernie if you would like to do so in this moment – will have the support, because it is important for people to be dedicated to these principles!!!


“All right! Let’s take an example. Let us suppose that in the country, in the state rather, there is someone who is running for a high political office, wanting to unseat the incumbent who happens to be, oh, you know, a tea-party member.  But this person is a tea-party member also!  Well, if they do not have NESARA*** Principles in their hearts, then perhaps it is to look for another candidate, to call forth or to require another candidate to come and be in this election year.  You see what I’m saying? I’m giving you some examples so that you can really identify with, and associate with, whatever is going on within your own community, your own state.  And that is my advice.  It is up to you as to how you would choose to follow this advice – whether not at all or 100% or anywhere in between.  I am here to advise.


“We are watching every election.  We are – let us say, if there is some cheating that goes on, it is simply so that it is blatant and exposed!  There is already a very strong feeling and there have already been some news reports of cheating that went on in Nevada.  How much longer people hear about this in connection with any of the candidates is up to Humanity, particularly the citizens of the United States of America.  But this has been going on in every country of the World at some time or other, if not right now!!!


“And so my words are for everyone in the World.  Get involved, know the candidates, know what they want to do if they are elected to represent YOU!!!  Because the time has come for Hearts to come together and to be in the Oneness of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.  We are doing our part. We ask that you step up and join with us if there is something more that you have passion to do!


“And to those of you who are already with us, and that is all of you, Beloved Ones – we see your Hearts and we know that you are with us – we say unto you, thank you, from our Hearts to yours, because we have Gratitude to you for being in this partnership with us!!! And together, together we are bringing in the Golden Age and all of the Joy and the Freedom and Peace – the ‘Peace That Passeth All Understanding’ for everyone on Planet Earth, and that includes those below and those above!!!  We love you all, most Beloved Ones, and we thank you for being with us in this Family of Ashtar On The Road!  And so it is. Salut!”


Clarity! That is the biggest prize you are looking for. To feel clear and sure and stable—that is really what you desire.



Only when you are loving Me and doing all that you do because it flows from your Love, from giving thanks to Me each moment for the great whole of Love I Am, only when your heart is Mine and loving Me is all that matters, only then will your little mind and ego simply fade away – because you will be facing the sun. If you remember, long ago I told you this, using this analogy. If you face the sun, then between you and it there is only light. There cannot be any shadows. For they are eliminated by the light.

So we return to the Real Path and the only one: “Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.” Only when you love Me, truly love Me, when you spend your moments pouring Love to Me, will you receive the truth in response. The glorious truth of all that I Am. It will come to you directly, rising in your heart in a glorious song. And then, dearest ones, you will realize that in knowing Me you know yourself. And thus, at last, will you understand what it means to say “I Am.” And then you will realize in your singing heart that at last you know your brothers and sisters, you know them all. They are just like you! And now you truly know that we are one. You are My heart, feeling the truth of who I Am and giving to Me the truth of Myself every single Now. And the rest of My heart are exactly as you. My heart in exaltation.